Im 43 a taurus with aries ascendant dating a cancer 55 for 4 months now--I think he is capricorn ascendant--we both have venus in gemini. Both of us divorced and living alone.I love him and he has told me he loves me. We see eachother and are intimate 5-6 days/nights a week around work and his custody arrangment for his son. We have been on a stretch of seeing eachother nearly every day for about 5 weeks now. He calls me every morning and afternoon--just to confirm plans, check in with me, etc. We have the same likes for hobbies, and we are both accomplished in our careers. I felt like I won the lottery when we met, and I instantly just felt serene around him--content, sexy, loved. Understandably I want to wake upwith him--I just adore him! He got mad at me TH night since he had to leave around midnight to go home and work and even though we see eachother all this time the only thing we've argued about is he doesn't want to stay over on "schoolnights" but he wants sex alright. I wasn't happy he was leaving. He called me the next day and was mad that I wasn unhappy with him the night before--I was in the middle of something at work and said I couldn't talk--but I emailed him how I felt. So he is so pissed--Fri didn't return my phone calls or respond to email, etc except to say eh ws passing on our plans that night--the plans HE made. Totally out of character for no contact. I finally texted him Sat midday--that his silence spoke for him and I wished he had broken it off with me before I told him I loved him. He texts back" I think we need a break to think we can chat next week." So I am leaving him alone--but it is killing me emotionally. I want to get back with him--we fought over my wanting intimacy! I mean really--I think he was feeling too attached and wanted to fight to see what I would do. I am a really sensitive person, and I can't stand separation and silent treatment. How do I win him back--what mustn't I do? Is leaving him alone and waiting for his call really the best course of action? Or will he feel I don't care?
You acted stupidly. He's divorced, probably seeing shades of his stupid ex wife right now.
Signed Up:
Jul 16, 2011Comments: 746 · Posts: 5608 · Topics: 190
how long have both of you been divorced? a while? the exes are not issues? if so good, less to worry about.
he said he'll call you this week, let him call you. he knows you care. do something else in the meantime.
Leave him be and find someone who isn't going to throw a temper tantrum every five minutes.
Good luck my dear!
Thanks for the comments. I do know it's a stupid argument and I probably overreacted, and I need to be patient. I wanted advice more on what NOT to say that will set him off again or make it worse. I have a tendency to be very straightforward and sometimes abrupt with my opinion. I don't know if I can handle someone so sensitive to my being upset--really I wasn't upset the next day but I did tell him why the scenario does upset me--and that was the mistake. I get upset--and it passes in 10 mintues if I am left alone to work through it and calm down. But, if someone is angry with me I am upset for hours--days--until I can fix it. Not communicating with me is the worst. Men need to be left alone--right? Torture for me.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Love wineaux observant mind and I'm 100% certain all her advice is valid and works yet I'm with beccy don't kiss ass, be "you" whatever that is. Too much hoop jumping and adjusting to keep a man around. I can see why Lisa felt upset but Lisa you are the boundary setter in the relationship so getting angry at him for something you are allowing really doesn't make all that much sense. I'm not encouraging withholding sex but clearly you have to readjust your boundaries around him spending the night and having sex. Lisa you were not wrong for telling him how you feel, men naturally will distance themselves when the hard stuff comes up, RELAX, don't start hoop jumping and wondering how you can tap dance around his ego because you don't like the distance, if you relax and give him time to take your feelings into consideration then you can see what he's made of and get to see if you're just as important to him as he is to you.
I'm sure it's something you both can work out that's fair for the both of you once you start communicating again.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
I guess were I get confused and I'm learning a lot from other posters on the cancer board is I see a lack of balance, at something for 17 months with no pay off is like putting ones life on hold unless of course you're dating other men whilst going through this process. What's the pay off? I also feel it's extreme in catin situation to continue kicking someone to the curb constantly and yet wanting them to come back, come back to what exactly I dunno...I'll mull this over but I wonder were is the balance? When will it be enough for these guys to be consistently present and available or is this all there is? I'm sure if I observe and listen more I'll find the answer to my confusion.
Signed Up:
Jul 16, 2011Comments: 746 · Posts: 5608 · Topics: 190
when you guys say "payoff" do you mean marriage?
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
I don't think it's a test catin. This has been going on for years right? I'm wondering why you aren't involved with someone new, dating, flirting, having fun or even in a new long term relationship...This guy should be history, he's done nothing that says he wants anything with you. I've been stuck before, I think most of us can say at some point in our lives we've been stuck on a non-relevant relationship type situation.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
"Tiki33... it is not easy for me to get together with someone else... Too many loser's out there.... I have my guard up as much as this Cancer Guy... We were equals financially and mentally... which is something I cannot say for the men I meet... "
Oh I see...You need a huge attitude adjustment, not only are there good men out there, he's looking for a great woman, you have to date them in order to see the potential of a new relationship and the more you date the odds are greater that you'll meet a better more qualified willing man. If you're only available to an unavailable man well that renders you unavailable as well...So see you have 2 unavailable people that won't ever be available...They cycle is exhausting.
If you feel the need to play the game then by all means do it...