My cancer man always have a mood swing and sometimes out of the blue ask for space and he stop calling.
And when i gave him his space and respect his boundries he get's angry bcz i didn't call.
We were together for almost 11 years and soon we will get married.
Im used of his mood changes but lately it become too much .. im not feeling happy and im scared.
And now i have doubts that he might be cheating sometimes when he ask for space.
During those years i never had doubts .. and i knew he never cheated..but now i m confused that he might be?
Do cancer men cheat in their love ones?
I know he loves me.
But i feel something off behind his demands of space most of the times?
You think he might be cheating?
Yes but hiding something..
I suppose it's not something good.
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
11 years?!?! 😲😲😲 And you're still feeling insecure about the relationship? 🤔😬
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
11 years?!?! 😲😲😲 And you're still feeling insecure about the relationship? 🤔😬
Never felt insecure.
During all these years.
But recently im feeling he is hiding things from me
Emotional cheating probably! Trust your gut. Check out his phone, you will find out quick🙃
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
You’ve been with him 11 years. Don’t go seeking information on infidelity if you are not ready to walk away, if indeed he is cheating. Do it if you plan on walking away. Otherwise leave it alone.
We'r engaged and he baught me a very beautiful expensive ring ..and we will wedd in june .. he spend most of his time with me im not saying he is not but sometimes he dispear four hours and ask me for space.. he never dispear for days..i don't know since we set the date for our wedding and we started preparing for our new home..he showed another face that i never saw during whole those years.
He's more possessive more controling.
His moods is worse then ever
He fights for small stupid things.
He criticize me ..and yes it happened to call me names..
And when i get angry .and decide to ignore him he ask forgivness telling me how much he loves me N how only death will do us apart.
I'm sure he really loves me ..also im 100% Sure he's hiding something.
Im confused.
Wish to find answers.
Signed Up:
Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
11 years? So what.
If you ain't happy, leave him.
You cant marry a man who calls you names.
No it's not arranged marriage we met in the airport 11 years ago and we dated 3 years before having relationship and got engaged last year in july.
Yes sure he needs a nap and needs space to watch football or whatever.
Im talking about the times when he is free and we can spend time together
But he doesn't call at all.
I never act clingy or insist to call him
I gave him space and i respect when he ask for boundries.
But when i gave him space he fights and accuse me that i don't care about him
That im selfish and i don't try to call to check if he's ok.
He ask for space = i gave space
I don't call him = he calls fighting
And for those who told me to leave him
I tried to do it 4 times
During 11 years
He starts crying asking forgivness
Begging me not to leave him.
I always forgive
1 - because i love him.
2- he never cheated
3- because he tries always to make me happy ..buys me expensive gifts.
And loves to surprise me.
Why am confused bcz
He changed
He's more moody
More distant
Acting wired.
Fights more then usual.
I just want to know is it bcz of the wedding and he's scared of commitment.
Or is he cheating?
Signed Up:
Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36261 · Posts: 40761 · Topics: 321
I've known couples who have been dating for years, get married and then it falls apart
I'd think very carefully before committing
You probably need to bite the bullet and ask him what he really wants...