Cancer man mood swings ?

My cancer man always have a mood swing and sometimes out of the blue ask for space and he stop calling.

And when i gave him his space and respect his boundries he get's angry bcz i didn't call.

We were together for almost 11 years and soon we will get married.

Im used of his mood changes but lately it become too much .. im not feeling happy and im scared.

And now i have doubts that he might be cheating sometimes when he ask for space.

During those years i never had doubts .. and i knew he never cheated..but now i m confused that he might be?

Do cancer men cheat in their love ones?

I know he loves me.

But i feel something off behind his demands of space most of the times?

Change History

My cancer man always have a mood swing and sometimes out of the blue ask for space and he doesn't wanna talk to me.

And when i gave him his space and respect his boundries he get's angry bcz i didn't call.

We were together since 11 years and soon we will get married.

Im used of his mood changes but lately it become too much .. im not feeling happy and im scared.

And now i have doubts that he might be cheating sometimes when he ask for space.

During those years i never had doubts .. and i knew he never cheated..but now i m confused that he might be?

Do cancer men cheat in their love ones?

I know he loves me.

But i feel something off behind his demands of space most of the times?