Cancer men and negative thinking

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Scorpion sting on Friday, January 11, 2008 and has 6 replies.
Hello all,
My concern regards my good Cancer male friend who is good hearted but he is always whining about something. Like 'Look heres something useless'
He is like Victor Meldrew sometimes..
He always finds something or someone to be negative about.
Is this a common Cancer trait? I know Cancers are moody and these moods are changeable but most of the time he is complaining and whingeing.
NB: I love the way he is.. I just want to understand him better.
Yeah, Cancer men whine alot. LOL! You HAVE to be the stronger of the two because he can get VERY weak with his feelings at times.
I find I can handle his moods and irritable moments.....maybe that is why he likes being in my presence (as close friends).
I keep telling him to stop seeing the hole in the doughnut and to see the doughnut itself. I have noticed that he has tried to be a little positive but always goes back to his complaining self.
As a good friend, I want him to be more positive - for Himself and in a way for me (selfishly?)
How can I through to him? What tactics would work?
I glad they have that protective shell....cuz they need it.
You're right there MsPisces -
I am condradictory. Thanks for picking up on that here. I reckon its in my nature to be..I cant help it.
What I meant was.. I would like him to remain Himself but just a little more positive. I am a very good listener and I understand him a great deal (He knows this), but to be drains me sometimes.
I do have a good listening ear but when I am in a low mood, I hide it (as most Scorpios do), so he doesnt know that I am feeling low, therefore he rants on anyway.
But if I tell him that Im not feeling up to listening to him -I dont im to feel offended or rejected. He will then ask me whats wrong and I cant talk to people about whats bothering me. I can handle my own problems and I hate being a burden on others. I just need time.
All the water signs deal with negativity that comes with the emotions that hit us.
Each sign processes it differently. As for this comment:
"i notice this trait in more women cancers than men's... who knows?"
You need to spend more time here and you'll revisit that statement. Fo shizzle.