Cancers and Money...

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by RedSparowe on Thursday, December 7, 2006 and has 10 replies.
Are Cancers doomed with money?
And what is exactly meant by "doomed with money" - If a cancer has money they will be doomed?? Hmm Im a cancer and I can tell you that I am very good with my money. I work hard and do overtime hours when neccessary and I do not blow it on unneccesary things, or gamble it. Cancers generally have good minds when it comes to dealing with money, because they like to have 'back-up funds' so to speak, to save for a rainy day. Cancers often feel insecure or depressed when they have little money. I know I can be a little uptight if Ive got no money or no job - mainly because I dont have any security. And when Ive got no money, it becomes pretty much my number one priority. I mean by this that when im almost broke i will work my ass off to get my bank balance back up. I think learning to handle money has alot more to do with common sense, intelligence etc and less to do with star signs.
But if you are an immature, cookiemonstering, messed up cancer then yes, you are going to have problems with money. Mainly because your moods are going to dominate how you spend your money, rather than common sense. These cancers will find themselves spending money in order to make themselves happy etc or just getting carried away with their money when in a good mood.
all the cnacers i kno work hard and save their money.
they make ti seem liek they never have any money, but they r lying!!!!! lol
This is verrrry true, of course what Tunes said and what Lil ladie said too- about saying they don't have any but are lying, lol-
.........Doomed with money..............?
Cancer Money Profile
Why do you think Crabs come equipped with a hard, protective shell? It's because security is of the utmost importance to these folks and that means financial security as well. Cancerians like having money and feel especially good when there's a pile of it in the bank. Instinctive as they are and quick to trust their gut, making money comes fairly easily to those born under this Sign, but then it can also be said that that's because they've worked at it, perhaps while no one was looking.
The Crab is an excellent strategist and is quite good at making a pincer movement to close a deal, a natural move for one with some pretty sharp claws. Even so, the Crab won't resist retreating into that shell if there's a better time to do business. Once Cancerians nab the prize, however, they won't let go. Ever! These folks enjoy accumulating money (they need to!) and intend to hang on to most, if not all, of what they get.
Loving money as they do (green must be their favorite color!), Cancerians make excellent bankers and business people, seemingly endowed as they are with a head for money. Crabs also view money as a measure of their value -- it validates them and helps them feel more powerful. It also allows them to take care of those they love and buys peace of mind. No rainy day woes for the cautious Crab!
Any shopping sprees in the Crab's future? Probably not. It's better to hang on to those bucks, you know -- they could come in handy someday.
Here goes one I read a few months ago:
"I'm glad we brought up money. You will be too. If you're the kind of girl who likes to pay the rent on time, you're in love with exactly the right man. He's almost as fond of security as he is of you. You may have a slight edge, but you can safely consider money your worst rival. He's going to pursue it with dedication and a sort of quiet, religious fervor for most of his days. (The nights may bring other things to pursue.) It's not the worst fate you could ex_perience. Finances have fascinated him since childhood, and saving will be substantially more attractive to him than spending. He's not exactly stingy, but let's say it's not likely you'll ever see him lighting his pipe with a dollar bill for a parlor trick. The Cancerian sense of humor seldom takes in the topic of cold, hard cash. Money is not a laughing matter to the crab. He could probably add a column of figures in his head before he learned the alphabet, and had a paper route when he was eleven. Don't be surprised if you find he still has his first piggy bank, unopened. The tinkle of silver and the rustle of fold_ing green paper soothe his nerves, but he won't brag about his Dun and Bradstreet rating. Cancerians seldom collect cash for status. They collect it for its own sweet sake. In fact, he will probably belittle his financial wizardry. He's "just a poor boy, trying to earn a living, and getting along the best he can." You may even feel so sorry for him, you'll offer to get him a loan at the bank. Don't. He proba_bly owns part of it."
lol Moon you must have a lot of free time. My Cancer is always talking about he needs more money and he's in the hole...keep in mind this is when he's putting 2000 down cash for a new car. I pay no attention to his "I'm broke" dialouges. He has his hand in too many things for me to believe he's broke. I think I've heard him talk about money probably as much as he talks about his Mom (too many times), sometimes in the same convo
it makes sense. He doesnt seem to be real flashy but every once in a while he gets to showin off. He's really into fashion and dressing nice so he buys expensive shoes and clothes but only when he can get a good deal on them.