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Jun 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 33
hi lionesses *meooww*
as for size, i'll disagree there. i believe the sexiest head is the one between the ears, not the one between the thighs.
now whoole awn whooole awn, PLEASE make no mistake, the biggest lower head with the smallest upper head will not last 10 minutes....UNLESS one day I get to live out my favorite fantasy from my favorite Zane books (like Sisters of APF) lol. and even then he has to keep his mouth closed and just work the lower head. But GIRLLLLL I LOVE an intelligent man...please I cannot be in a relationship with a knucklehead, but I thought we were talking sexually or passionate only and in that arena, anyone from the itty bitty dickey committee can't get up in here, I mean that is disrespecting my STUFF (if you will). come thats just me tho....and I agree I do not dress trashy either....I silhouette the figure, not broadcast it....:=), let the girls PEEP out, not overflow you
smooches Chocolate...:=)
OMG where do I begin. We absolutely love romance. We love aggressiveness, anything sexy, lingerie, kinky things, longevity in love making, excitement, spontaneous roughness, domination ( giving or receiving), anything oral is alright I assure you. I'll just leave it there since I don't have a few hours to finish. This should get you started.
Short version: Be sexy, get in bed......we're turned on.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
archer likes it when i pick on you. the encouragement has already been accomplished, although i had enough motivation beforehand.
"They r pretty indecisive and incapable of coming to decisions."
People kill me with this one.
"I don't anymore understand the people who promote tolerance and compromise than finding a permanent, positive, workable solution."
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1600 · Topics: 80
maybe it hasn't been invented yet!
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
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