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Apr 25, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1292 · Topics: 149
Hello I am new to this site. I have stumbled on this site while looking for articles on Cancer man lol
I am gemini and the cancer and I met through an online dating site. We live in different countries... ah, excuse my English, it's not my mother tongue. I stumbled on his profile like I did on this site and wow he was so my type so I messaged him first. Looking back, I have initiated things half the time. He messaged me back and we talked. While I thought he was cute I knew involving with him wouldn't be a very practical idea since he was living on the other side of the world. So we talked about just things in general and well, talked about sex or related stuff and I thought that was it - one time thing, having fun chatting and never contact again.
Then a few days later I got a notice that he checked my profile, I dropped him a short note 'how are you?' just asking out of interest. He messaged me back and we resumed the talk and this time we exchanged our phone numbers and IDs for chat app on smart phone at the end. Since then we had spoken daily about just anything, current events, each others' lives, work, study and well some sexy talks, too. It had continued for like five months and we started thinking about meeting in person. He invited me to over his place and well, since he was thousands miles away I had to book tickets but when I was about to buy them he said 'no, not yet. There are too many things going on - moving out and weddings to attend.' He had been in the process of moving out to another city and telling me how costly it was. I saw no point of flying over, if the guy did not want me over there, so that was it.
A week after that he was gone. Like, really disappeared on me. Well, while I was attracted to him, this kind of thing happens all the time, so after leaving him a few messages with no response from him, I moved on with my life.
Then about two months later, he called me out of blue. I was like wtf. He asked about my life as if nothing had happened and I was very confused as of why he contacted me back and acting as if nothing had happened. I asked him why he just went off and he gave his explanations, which weren't very satisfying but well, there was really no way of me finding out what had been going on with this guy since he was on the opposite side of the globe lol
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Apr 25, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1292 · Topics: 149
We started talking again. Then had sort of an argument a week later and he disappeared on me again lol It wasn't even one in my book. But he went off again and I thought this time he was really gone so just left a message 'it is not nice to just go off like that.'
A week later he came back. When I asked why he just vanished into thin air he said I sounded upset and just thought I might need time to cool down. Ugh.
I don't know, by the time he came back the first time I was dating several guys and still I am going dates, nothing is certain here, I might meet someone who lives near me and is also attractive.
But why the sudden disappearances and come backs? Just confused and curious. I have never interacted or gone out with cancers before and when I just read some astrology stuff on cancers, these seem like their typical traits? Very interesting...
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Aug 25, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 40
you know if he has gemini in venus like i do...then he definitely thinks romantically of you. air signs generally geminis can stimulate our mind with conversations. he might have got hurt with the argument. he might like you but fears of rejection. that kinda fear is deeply instilled in us. we dont give our hearts out to just anyone...we do that cautiously. if you are interested show signs of meeting him eagerly...otherwise he might recoil back in his shell and you ll get the hot and cold treatment.
Signed Up:
Apr 25, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1292 · Topics: 149
^not fall for him, but for me* lol
Sorry I don't know to edit, where's the edit button??
Hi there, i am a cancer man. You have to be patient if you are really into this cancer man. If you pushing him too hard , he will over thinking sometihngs like "Have she done that to other guys before?" Remember dont say too many sweet things to cancer men unless you can keep doing this every single day. coz cancer men always remember what you said and will compare what you said. lets say, u used to call him baby, honey or whatever, if one day u didnt say something similar, they will over think like " hm..she changed, she hasn't said blah blah blah to me anymore, she doesnt like me anymore?"
i can tell you, if a cancer man would talk to you more than 1 hour. He is on you already.
"This cancer guy talks lots and then the next day he becomes reserved" ---- This is very common for cancer man, testing the water, making sure everything will happen same as his dream. This is also a sign that he is insecure. In my mind, if i like a girl, i will only feel a bit insecure. If i truly love a girl, i will feel extremely insecure. thats why he talks a lots one day and then disappear one day.
brb, gotta work lol
1. Why does cancer man remember every little things about u ( what u said, what u did, what u promised )?
errr.. someone delete my pervious post please. boss came by LOL
ok. here we go again.
1. Why does cancer man remember every little things about u ( what u said, what u did, what u promised )?
Becoz he love u, he is paying 100% efforts on you, he wont lie to you as long as you dont cheat him ( serious cheat).
Remembering things is also some kind of weapons/ shields for cancer man. If you both fight, if he reveal u lie to him, cancer man most likely recall what u said/did/promised. Lets say u promised him u wont contact with a male friend anymore, after 1 year, somehow he found out u contacted him within this period of time. Cancer man then will have this kind of thought or talk to himself like " WHY! Why did she lie to me?!" after some time, he will call u and say something like " U promised me blah blah blah". The POINT is here: cancer says "u broke ur promises" to you which more likely make u feel guilty, and cancer man believe that if my parnter feel a bit guilty, they wont lie again. Another POINT here: if a cancer man said something like " u broke ur promises, how could u do this to me, blah blah blah." dont be afriad he wont forgive you. As a cancer man, i can tell you this; the moment that a cancer man asked you, he forgives you already, he just want to find an answer to make himself feel better.
2. One day I was talking about a guy I had dated and said he wasn't even my type----- IF i were him, this will come to my mind immediately " You dont like that guy, he is not ur type but u still dated him...Am i having the same situation? How could a girl dated a guy if she obviously knows that guy wasnt her type? Is she loyalty enough? Will she do it again? blah blah blah.... well, girl u have to tell him the details, talk with him whats happened , and what will happen. This is the only way can pull a cancer out of his shell.
if he knew that u cried...if the degree of ur sadness is 5, im sure that his will be 7-8...
Errr sorry about that, my boss came by and forced me to close the window LOL.