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Mar 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 16
Lets start off this thread with the Topic "Can you really start a relationship without first having Physical Attraction?"
Now ME personally I believe there honestly can't be a relationship without there being a mutual physical attraction between the two people, for example:
1. Your not going to approach someone whom you don't really see in the likes of a potential hookup or the real thing
2. Your not really going to think "Oh hey He/She isn't really that good of a looker but maybe I'll give him/her a
chance to prove his/her worth
3. Even If you do end up getting with a person whom you don't really feel is attractive to your standards,
eventually the relationship will collapse because of the physical attraction spark!
-cont'd- Eventually you will want the person to get into better shape, eat more healthier things, overall to
start taking care of themselves and not wanting them to let themselves fall into that more unattractive path.
Now that's my piece, feel free to criticize or agree with my piece. I might of sounded very shallow here but in some sort of way MANY people or shallow in their own unique way, wether you be attracted to a guy/girl who pulls off a pair of jeans very nicely or be a complete sucker for a girl in glasses(that'd be me); your going to be physically attracted to somebody first before you even think about giving them the time of day!
Thanks for reading this and I hope to see some very OPINIONATED thoughts!
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Mar 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 16
"My thing is height, 6'3 and over with a athlete build and no pierced ears."
And that's what catches your attention right from the get go. And as long as it floats your boat your fine!
So C.O.M. I completely agree with you; your special someone or the person you intend to seek out will have to be physcially attractive to you in some sort of way. Because if the physical attraction or lack there of tends to fade. The excitement or feelings with it will tend to fall.
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Mar 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 16
haha sexy personality as in how?
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Mar 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 16
Ha. Well that's always a good trait. Not necessarily the trait of the forum but as long as you get what you want out of it, it's pretty cool.
Any recent encounters with the opposite sex as to where you never found them attractive but found them to be very nice and vice versa?
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
in response to the original post, i guess the main question i'd have to ask when thinking about the answer to this question is, "how long are you expecting this relationship to last?" cause right now, you're young, so it should be pretty easy to find someone you think is physically attractive. but if you plan to be with that person for a long time and have kids and such, their physical attractiveness - in terms of what society considers attractive: basically youth and slimness - is going to fade. just throwing that out there.
secondly, for me personally, how the other person looks is only one part of overall attraction. if you do give someone a chance who doesn't immediately strike you as physically attractive, but there are other qualities or just a certain something they have that you do find very attractive, in my experience they can become more attractive overall, including physically. i see them in a different light than i did at first.
for the long term, physical attraction just isn't going to hold it together. it's one component among countless others that should be considered. in my opinion, yes there does have to be something there. but in general, too much importance is placed on it. if, as you suggest in the OP, one goes solely on face value, you could really be missing out on a great partner.
now, if there is no attraction there whatsoever, that's a different thing altogether. but if you're thinking to yourself "hm, i kind of like them" but the physical part is the one thing holding you back, i would say at least give it a try. if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out but you never know.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
i never said that physical attraction is unimportant. my point was that it's just one component of overall attraction. i've met people i've considered physically attractive but i wouldn't date them because of other attributes. get it?
for some reason, a lot of people seem to think that it's the most important thing. i disagree with that.
"wheels, it's said that couples who have been married for a long time, still find their partners physically attractive, even at 70."
ok, and if we dissect physical attractiveness, what is that comprised of? purely physical. youth - wrinkle-free, taut skin. slimness - flat belly, visible muscle mass. you're telling me that someone who is active is going to adhere to those standards at 70? i don't think so. if their partners find them physically attractive at that age, it's because they appreciate other aspects of them that affect their image of them as a whole.
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Mar 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 678 · Topics: 16
I like what I'm reading. Many good points have been made but too put it bluntly; I still would not even consider dating a girl in the least bit if i never found her attractive at all towards my standards, and majority of the time that's how it would normally work with a girl talking to me.
Feelings of physical and sexual attractions must be at a mutual state otherwise the person your approaching or the person approaching you would hopefully be attractive in your or their eyes to even give you or them a shot of sparking up a conversation!
I will always stand by my statement; although I do understand the idea of an attraction developing over a period of time after getting to know that person but, majority of the time you start out as friends and that doesn't really follow the topic here. Because it's an attraction from the get go not in the long run (if that makes any sense at all).