girlssssss..... need some help.

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by krebbsmann on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 and has 8 replies.
i am fond of reading books a lot..well actually anything that can be read. but lately i have been ordering some self help books...and i was thinking how can you absorb the real contents of the book and keep them in memory or refresh them once in a while .. where you can note down something from you people ever keep notes of some books you read so that you can go back to them and read them again but not the book... what are your methods????
i was thinking about writing down daily whatever i read...the gist of it. on my laptop or someplace else..but i am too impatient to do it or maybe downright bored sometimes so i miss out. any ideas?
Creating a file for that on your laptop is a good idea. I do that a lot even for random thoughts because I tend to forget ideas when I get carried away. I think you should be choosy over what you want to write down because you might not even like re-reading them after if it's too long.
If you like to keep diaries and are tidy it's cool aswell.
Just by curiosity , what are you reading?
"They" say a key part of retaining knowledge you take in is to teach it. Maybe having a thread on here dedicated to dissemination of what you've read.. and to discuss it with those who turn up interested... But if you make the writing down of your understanding of it an active process instead of just regurgitation maybe you will have more patience for it?
some eckhart tolle-the power of now , anthony robbins, maxwell maltz 's psycho- cybernetics...and so on.
thanks for your suggestions. maybe i could create a thread yes. its very interesting subjects - the workingof our emotions and how we can control them to bring more happiness in our lives. its a radical change of perspective for me but i will try my best to change. will you people be ok with the thread? i ll post if i get some more yeses ! smile
I'd be interested in seeing that thread for sure!
Eckhart Tolle definitely has really great thoughts. I'm reading the same book. I have also found Brian Weiss's experiences an eye-opening.
I find that when I listen to audible books this helps me to remember too. I HAD to listen to the Power of Now on Audible. I picked up the book a few years back, but just wasn't ready for what it had for me. I meditate when I listen to some of my metaphysical books and find that I remember a lot that way. Also there is something I do where I write messages, notes on my mirrors and subconsciously every time I look at that mirror, my higher self is working on the problem, or whatever it is that I'm needing to remember, and it works for me. And lastly, STICKY NOTES! I love these. I have one by my bed that say I am the master of my thoughts, picked that up from a Dr. Wayne Dyer book. Let me know if you do start the forum, I'm interested to follow it too!
i will post a new thread surely... something i m reading now , but wont suit this forum :p i have also ordered a game of thrones first book in the series. i m a big fan of the show so will be great fun to read that one too just for entertainment. i love mythology. smile