Before you guys start cringing, this isn't a "how to get my cancer ex back" post. Just story time so gather around, kids! :-p
my ex asked me to lunch yesterday so I went out on a limb and said why not. This is the guy that I broke up with in November and his response was "ok!!" I still crack up at that 'til this day. Anyway, things were kept strictly friendly, no flirting or anything. The odd thing is he seemed a bit different to me, it's like he was displaying different traits. Traits I definitely did not see while we were dating. He's always been a confident guy but the confidence he was exuding was lacking a huge slice of humble pie. He seemed very materialistic and..I don't know, just different and not himself. I don't expect him to be the same with me, obviously, since we're not dating. I guess it just bothered me that his cancer personality was no where to be seen. Does that make sense? I started thinking that maybe he was acting different to avoid any attraction or something? I don't know. All I know is the shit was bizarre!
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
He is insecure.
Men act weird around a woman we want when they are insecure.
A man who is confident in himself makes jokes about stupid and bad shit.
For example, when you broke up with him on the text message, a grown-up thing would have been to first joke and then act dignified like this:
Girl: "I'm breaking up with you, I am sorry."
Guy: "Nooooo!!! My heart is crushed forever nowww!!!"
Guy (quickly): "JK. You are a sweet girl, and it was fun. All the best."
His "ok" response could have been sulky or down.
Making a joke out of it and being a grown up tends to be more attractive, does it not?
Oh I know there's no interest there. The reason I broke up with him was due to his lack of interest and his response of an excited ok made it all clear. I'm pretty sure he invited me to lunch as friends and to catch up. So I agree with you lovesickcancer.
Scoopfish it's possible he's insecure but I'm definitely not the reason for it. I don't know why he was acting so unlike himself but it was strange. It could be this is his true self and he was just hiding it well while we were dating? You know when you date someone you try to put your best foot forward and perhaps I never got around to seeing his true colors. Who knows!
Thanks for the response, guys!!
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Mar 11, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 256 · Topics: 35
Funny enough. My Cancer guy that has seemed un-interested in me. Aske me to dinner last night. We had a nice time. He was playing footsie with me and grabbed my hand a few times. Was very gentleman-ly. Opened doors for me. Just when I sorta lost hope that it was going to go a normal route. I was pleasantly surpised.
We will see what happens.
I am not jumping for joy as of yet.