Hello, I don't know where else I can seek advice or some relief. I just need to tell you what I have been through and I need your input. I met this cancer guy online who is 2 years older than me. He kept sending me messages everyday all day long for a...
Posted by hollyhock I'm going through the same thing with the Cancer guy I have been seeing. I'm sure that he isn't interested in me anymore, though. Our circumstance is very different, he started out gung-ho but then sort of backed off into wanting only it to be a physical relationship even before it became physical. He said he shows how he feels though actions and since he has backed off, I can only surmise that he isn't interested.
Posted by Cg2016 Damn homie. Be patient and see what he does. I rushed with a cancer too. They love their punkass shell lol. He'll come back out of his shell. Yall need to see each other in person and maybe talk out what happened. I think disappearing acts are so rude. I always feel disrespected lmao. Like no you didn't just abandon me like that. But I'm some emotional scorpio so lol
Ahaha Cg I love you! You speak my language, I feel the same damn way about ghosting, like what?? Damn Sagg did me like that but he is a fire sign so it is doubtful he will return haha but hopefully the Cancer does OP. He is a water sign so one would think he would be down for all that emotion. Eitherway, this is why men need to stop moving so fast and doing so much with women, I have already begun adopting a policy to shut any man down that tries all that romancing too early on. Too many burns.
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Yess shut that sh*t down asap! Because when you start to feed into it they get scared. Males are punks! Learned that the hard way. If you're really trying to have feelings for someone and make some sh*t last my advice would be take it exxttraaaaaaaa slow. Like friend zone him first. Like surprise b*tch we bout to be friends until I can figure out if there's a snake in you lol. Stankin ass men lmao
This is the cancer man m.o. The disappearing acts are disrespectful. Don't do to people what u wouldn't want done to you. It goes lil deeper than zodiac. You have to look at the person.
I am not sure if he is doing this because he realized that my feelings are intense and I need to calm down. .
I am feeling upset and heartbroken. I dont know what to do, I cant figure out what he is planning. I need your opinion.
This is exactly what happened. And it's not a cancer thing it's a man thing. Men don't like when you get ahead of them feelings wise. He obviously likes you, but when women start falling head over heals and do so faster/harder than them it scares them. (Most)
It really pays to play it cool in the beginning months, even if you are head over heals. Do not contact him, AT ALL. Let him have some space to see that you're not a clingy paychotic chick that needs him to "complete" her and he will come back around eventually. Just play it cool this time.
Posted by Leonessa May I sound like a leo? Hey guys, it is my post. Dear Jkats, they stopped talking about me and started talking about you. Move your relationship to another post please.
Lmao you tell em leo
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LOL...Leos, so cute. Has he called or reached out ? @Leonessa
Signed Up: Jun 05, 2016 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4 · Topics: 0
I think you should totally withdraw yourself now to give both him and yourself some space and peace. Let him come to you. If he does, you can re-connect with him again slowly and gradually.
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