Help with Cancer ex please!!

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Ariessoul3 on Saturday, October 20, 2012 and has 8 replies.
Hello! I really need some help with my cancer ex boyfriend... We broke up about two yrs ago & he decides that we should remind friends(or best he puts it) I on the other hand was against it... So to make a long story short I've been going back and fourth ignoring his text(he shows up at my house), ignore his calls (he calls my mother) and so on but of course I gave in... So I ask if he wanted to get back together because I still had feelings for him (was together 5yrs) he says he's too busy for a relationship ( he's trying to be a cop) I told him I understood and since I still had strong feelings for him we shouldn't be friends at all... He begged for us to continue to be friends & he couldn't stand the thought of not having me in his life?? I'm just really confused because he calls me everyday wanting to spend time with me but doesn't want to be together?? My mother keeps telling me to be patient( she's a cancer also) but me being an Aries I'm very impatient & straightforward I don't want to be stringed along.... So any ideas on what to do with my ex because I'm soo confused Sad!!! Aries/Cancer love story....I have been waiting to hear one of these. Apologies, clearly you're in a bad situation this is not the time to fulfill my intellectual curiosity.
As far as your situation is concerned, what do YOU really want? this is the question to answer. What do your own thoughts and feelings tell you?
incandescentcancer10; How about a Cancer/Aries hate story lol... It's been a roller coaster ride.... We're so alike but different, it's soo weird...
As far as your situation is concerned, what do YOU really want? this is the question to answer. What do your own thoughts and feelings tell you? Well its complicated we've known each other for over ten yrs... Met in 5th grade hated each other, became a couple in 8th grade... Went to different high schools but got back together in 11th grade & then dated for 5 yrs so I have a lot of history for this guy... I have mixed feelings... I want to be friends but I still have feelings for him & I feel that ex's shouldn't be friends if there's still feelings... I guess my question should have been " Why is he trying so hard to remain friends & does he still loves me?"
BikerCh1ck10; My mom LOVES him.... He's like a son to her plus he says things like " he wants to marry me " & if I just wait until he graduates we'll be together type of bs... I don't believe him but for some strange reason she does...
Okay with the familiarity I don't get... How I see it we broke up & that should be it right?? Why remain friends it's stupid... I tried to stop it he calls my mom or shows up at my house so I have know other chose to talk to him... But I don't get is why try soo hard if you don't want to be with a person??
No help Sad??
Look, you say you still have feelings for him. Why not give it another go? If that won't work just explain your point of view to him kindly and say that being friends doesn't work for you. It's a straight forward thing, why complicate it? smile
It's been awhile but my cancer ex wore me down we're finally friends now... We hang out a once or twice a week but only at each others house? I always suggest to go places like movies etc. he decides against it but when he suggest I go along without a problem... He'll say we're not dating but get upset if I hang out with other guys what's up with that? Me being an aries I HATE mind games & I don't to jump to conclusions but I feel like he wants to keep me around until he's ready to settle down?? Advice please because I really love this guy & it's so hard to let him go when he's been there for half of my life plus every time I try to let go something's always comes up...