Posted by ariesgirl88I think no matter which one it is your actions should be the same aka stay friendly and receptive but do not chase him.
I know right. But with other guys I think they usually only act like this when they areally starting to lose interest.
And I understand that for cancer male, it can be a little different. It could be cause they simply need time to open up.
Therefore currently I am confused, I am unsure which one is it and how should I go on going forward.
Even the way I text him. Should I still show concern when he does text me? (Cos I have stopped initiating texts). When he said he misses me, should I response accordingly?
Or should I be more nonchalant so he will realised the needs to step forward if he really cares.
Posted by ariesgirl88I would be receptive but i would take longer than usual to reply so he wonders what you are doing ect. Realizes you have other options and a life. Why do you not feel like you can say something? Because its not official and you don't want to scare him off?
Hi. Sorry as I am new to this I am unsure how to reply like the way you do.
You know I hope to let him know that I am not okay with him only talking to me as and when he feels like it. But I am unsure of how to go about doing this. Because I feel that currently I am in no position to be upset. Hence that's the reason why I didn't initiate as well.
But If continue to stay friendly and be receptive towards him.when he text, would he think that it's totally fine for continue such being like that and therfore isn't a need for him to chase me?
Posted by ariesgirl88
I have started to date this cancer man a month ago and he was so enthusiastic and affectionate. He met me almost on a daily basis (cancer likes to cling) and he even already brought me to meet his friends and family just during the first few dates. However everything suddenly started to change.
The 2nd week onward, he was obviously not as enthusiastic, he started to text lesser and his replies were usually 1 liner or of low energy.Example when I asked him about his day, he would merely reply with a - busy. - tired. I am an Aries girl and I tried to be positive and cheerful in my responses but I found it really hard to sustain that enthusiasm when he doesn't seem interested to chat.
I reflected upon myself and I thought perhaps I didn't reciprocate and show enough affection (I was a little taken aback by his enthusiasm the first week ) therefore he started to retreat ( what a cancer man will do when they don't feel reciprocate ) hence I started to take the initiative to text him and I even asked him out for drinks that week. When we met up that week, it was great! However when we don't meet, he just behaved very differently. I would take the initiative to let him know I miss him, in which he will reply "miss you too" that's about it. Even when he did ask me out for in the 3rd week, he asked me along for a drinks with him and his friends. (not a 1-1 date) I really do appreciate that he asked me out with his friends but I would prefer a 1-1 date so i can know him better on a deeper level (considering he doesn't really text me)
All my friends said I have shown too much affection and it seems like I am chasing him now hence he started to lose interest for me (all guys love the chase). And they commented I am too easily available for him cos when he finally asked me out, I simply agreed. ( But that's cause he only asked me out once a week now)
So I have stopped initiating to text him since about 2 weeks ago. He actually sensed that I was unhappy (cancer man is intuitive) and he explained that he has been really busy hence absent. However nothing much has changed! He asked me along for another drinking session with him and his friends (he continued to introduce me to new friend) and I finally mustered the courage to let him know what was bothering me. I asked if he was really that busy and that he couldn't even text me a good day or good night and that I told him i am interested to know him better as a person but the lack of communication is not helping. However after that conversation, he is still pretty much the same.![]()
Now he would text me every other 2 or 3 days late in the night, telling me he had a really hectic day and he misses me. (he doesn't ask me about my days at all.) However as he texted me so late in the night, I was already asleep and I couldn't reply. And when I do reply him the next day, we would either just exchange a few texts and then stop or he wouldn't reply.
He said he misses me, but its all just words. He still doesn't meet me too. I am so sad, but I don't know what esle to do or to say. So much so that, sometimes I don't even know what to reply anymore. But yet I feel that from the fact that he still text me , it also means I am at the back of his mind, right?
I am so confused by him because i thought he should be serious in pursuing this otherwise he wouldn't introduce me to his friends and family. When we do meet up, the chemistry was amazing. Though he says he misses me, but yet his action speaks otherwise.
I know dating a cancerian especially in the beginning is not easy, I have done so much read up. But how do I differentiate if he is simply retreating into his shell, testing me, taking his time to assess if I am the one OR that he has simply loses his interest. Should I wait it out? And what should I do during this time?
I am a sun in Aries, moon in Leo, Venus in Taurus and Ascendant in Cancer. I don't think I am a typical Aries, I craved for stability and security in love and I am more than willing to give up my freedom in exchange for that, this is why I think the cancer male and I will really get along. We will be able to offer the stability and security what one another yearn for. However being a ascendant in cancer is making me really paranoid now too. The fact that the cancer male is giving me a cold shoulder, makes me want to retreat from being further hurt.
I am very much attracted to this cancer man, and I haven't feel this kind of strong attraction for a long time. I really want him to want me but I know attraction cant be forced. What should I do? I would greatly appreciate some advice. Thank you guys so much for helping!!
Posted by ariesgirl88I think you have a good mindset and your right if someone doesn't want to be with you are realize how great you are it really is their loss. Try not to let it get to you. Plenty more men out there.
@ bebeirishh
Hi thank you for your message. Is it weird for me to say that I am comforted to know there are others who actually understand my current plight because they have been through similar cm encounter before?
His change in behavior is quite hurtful to be honest. Me being an Aries have always been very affectionate, direct and consistent with my emotions. And I would never do this push pull and hot cold treatment to someone I truly care about.
It really just seems like I am / we are at their (cancer male) disposal when all we have done was to be at our best. And this feeling really really sucks.
I was so bothered the past few weeks and after talking to so many people I guess I finally really understand the whole situation. (I was too stubbon/blinded to listen earlier on)
I have stopped initiating and only responded to his msg when he text me which is what @missM has advised me to. I have taken longer to reply him and have stopped displaying as much enthusiasm in my replies because I want him to know that I am not all that head over heels over him (though my friends say my msg is still friendly and nice).
I thought by doing all that he might noticed a change in my behaviour (which I believe he should because isn't cancer supposed to be intuitive and sensitive?) and he might start chasing. But no. He still didn't.
I know we are dating but I dont know if we are exclusive. I don't need him to commit to me right away because honestly I don't know him well enough as an individual to commit to him too. But to me, if I am really serious in dating him I wouldn't date others at the same time. ( it simply doesn't work for me, I can't share my affection).
And judging from the current situation, I wouldn't be surprised if he really is dating other peopLe as well during all these time when he told me he was busy with work. He might just be hanging out with other girls. Maybe he wants to keep me around before he comes to a conclusion.
Whatever reason it is, I think this is not leading to anywhere. I hate such competition. And if he has to doubt if I am the one then perhaps I am really not enough for him by his standard. I just don't want to do this 1 sided thing anymore. Its very hurtful and I don't wish to doubt my self worth over someone like that. I think I deserve more than this.
So going forward, if he decides to chase, it will be good for me ( cause deep down I am still interested in him), but if he doesn't, it's okay too. To each his own. And everything happens for a reason. At least I have put my best foot forward, so no regret.
Stay strong too! ♡
Posted by ariesgirl88Don't worry I am the same way. In every day life I am so independent and self assured its just when dating these men who play with our feelings doing the hot and cold and it makes us doubt our self worth but we shouldn't we are worth more
Thank you for your advices and encouragement.
I will try not to let it CONTINUE get to me because it already did.
I didn't think I am usually a sensitive/ paranoid/ insecure person and I really hate this side of me. And this usually only surface in love, when I am dating someone new. ( maybe my cancer ascendant is affecting me)
I am usually independent, optimistic and rarely get moody when I am on my own. And all this leads me to think why do I put/allow myself into such situation.
Oh well.
Posted by CanerJasonI am a sun in Aries. Moon in Leo. Venus in Taurus. Mars in capricorn. Mercury in Pisces and ascendant in cancer. I don't think I am a typical Aries, definitely not as domineering and risk taking. I am homely too. Value stability and I also need to feel love.
Your'e an Aries? How would fire, impatient and moody be possibly able to take the time to understand a deep water sign like Cancer? Cancer men are emotionally deep, need to feel loved, want to be at home. How did you even meet a Cancer man? Was the ocean on fire?
Posted by CanerJasonSince ur a cancer too, what do you suggest?
Your'e an Aries? How would fire, impatient and moody be possibly able to take the time to understand a deep water sign like Cancer? Cancer men are emotionally deep, need to feel loved, want to be at home. How did you even meet a Cancer man? Was the ocean on fire?
Posted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lolclick to expand
You're still a fire sign though, dear. Fire will never understand water - the combination is always steam (anger, frustration, ect). You're a fire sign - looking for that next advancement is your thing. Cancer is a water sign, deep water, like the ocean. We like to be still and just flow - until we get riled, then you will see a sea storm like no other. The differences may just be too much for you two to ever understand one another.Posted by ariesgirl88Posted by CanerJasonI am a sun in Aries. Moon in Leo. Venus in Taurus. Mars in capricorn. Mercury in Pisces and ascendant in cancer. I don't think I am a typical Aries, definitely not as domineering and risk taking. I am homely too. Value stability and I also need to feel love.
Your'e an Aries? How would fire, impatient and moody be possibly able to take the time to understand a deep water sign like Cancer? Cancer men are emotionally deep, need to feel loved, want to be at home. How did you even meet a Cancer man? Was the ocean on fire?
It's been 2 months dating my cancer man. But I feel that I am losing it.I dont know how else to advance anymore. I am trying my best to get to know him but I don't know how. Every time when I intiate and be nice, he becomes cold which makes me feel sad and I feel that perhaps I shouldnt have done that. My ego feels bruised (maybe my moon Leo is affecting). Sigh.
Yet. My conflict avoidance nature is preventing me from trashing things with him. I just don't know how to start the topic. It's like. I feel I don't have a right to. I don't know if I am being too clingy or paranoid or am I expectating too much.
And our conversation always goes back and forth between who should message more. He said he is busy and so he didnt text and claimed I can. I don't know. Most of my friends who have seen our texts are abled to tell that I am showing more care and enthusiasm while texting. But I just can't do this alone. It has to be reciprocated.
With that said it's so sad to say that currently at this stage, I know I feel more deeply for him. I want him to want me, but I have no idea how esle I can do that. I don't want him to think that I am.desperate and definitely doesn't want him to take me for granted. So I can only act like I am totally cool with him not to expand
Posted by CanerJasonOh please. Nothing about what he’s done is deep. Anyone can be deep or shallow, it has morning to do with his sun sign. This guy is a jerk.
Your'e an Aries? How would fire, impatient and moody be possibly able to take the time to understand a deep water sign like Cancer? Cancer men are emotionally deep, need to feel loved, want to be at home. How did you even meet a Cancer man? Was the ocean on fire?
Posted by nikkistarWhat’s funny about this? You’re such a wack bitch always has been.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Posted by nikkistarLmaoooPosted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Let me be more blunt here, cause I can laugh even more. You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does. Every assumption she has stated about men, and Cancer traits sounds immature and juvenile. It's this goofy ass shit, that girls don't understand, and I'm not gonna sit here and say "aww poor girl".click to expand
Posted by bkbella86Oh look the angry womanPosted by nikkistarWhat’s funny about this? You’re such a wack bitch always has been.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lolclick to expand
Posted by bkbella86Says the woman that cant sustain any long term relationship cause of her goofiness.Posted by nikkistarLmaoooPosted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Let me be more blunt here, cause I can laugh even more. You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does. Every assumption she has stated about men, and Cancer traits sounds immature and juvenile. It's this goofy ass shit, that girls don't understand, and I'm not gonna sit here and say "aww poor girl".
You’re a nobody!click to expand
Posted by nikkistarPosted by bkbella86Says the woman that cant sustain any long term relationship cause of her goofiness.Posted by nikkistarLmaoooPosted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Let me be more blunt here, cause I can laugh even more. You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does. Every assumption she has stated about men, and Cancer traits sounds immature and juvenile. It's this goofy ass shit, that girls don't understand, and I'm not gonna sit here and say "aww poor girl".
You’re a nobody!click to expand
Posted by SodapopI like the connection we have in person, we have similar values and all too.
What does an Aries see in a Cancer? 🤔
Posted by nikkistarPosted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Let me be more blunt here, cause I can laugh even more. You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does. Every assumption she has stated about men, and Cancer traits sounds immature and juvenile. It's this goofy ass shit, that girls don't understand, and I'm not gonna sit here and say "aww poor girl".click to expand
Posted by bkbella86LOL, I just saw this.Posted by nikkistarPosted by bkbella86Says the woman that cant sustain any long term relationship cause of her goofiness.Posted by nikkistarLmaoooPosted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Let me be more blunt here, cause I can laugh even more. You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does. Every assumption she has stated about men, and Cancer traits sounds immature and juvenile. It's this goofy ass shit, that girls don't understand, and I'm not gonna sit here and say "aww poor girl".
You’re a nobody!
Judging by the background of your pic and how Unkept your man looks, you’re part of a struggle love. Poverty. Worry about that to expand
Posted by ariesgirl88Ok, one, don't say this is the first guy you have dated, and then list out 2 other boyfriends -_-Posted by nikkistarPosted by onedayDo you even know who the fuck I am? Not being an asshole, is not in my vocabulary.Posted by nikkistarDon't be such an asshole, she's trying to figure this out and she clearly cares for the guy.
The very first post from a month ago, made me die laughing, and then the subsequent posts after as well. You literally post and then quote things about Cancer men as if you know them, and you really don't. lol
Let me be more blunt here, cause I can laugh even more. You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does. Every assumption she has stated about men, and Cancer traits sounds immature and juvenile. It's this goofy ass shit, that girls don't understand, and I'm not gonna sit here and say "aww poor girl".
Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appteciate it. You seem to really understand cancer man. I am sorry if I have come across as assuming, and whatever assumptions I have made about cancer men and all which were untrue were actually bits and pieces of informations which I have read and picked up from all over the internet.
Please believe me that I am really trying to know more about my cancer man and that's the sole reason why I am seeking help from this forum.
I understand what you mean by "You don't do nice things for people, and expect anything in return, she does" I guess I just couldn't help it but to feel disappointed when I was feeling ill and vulnerabe last week.
I am really new to this dating thing. This is actually the 1st guy I have dated other than my 2 ex bfs (both of them were pretty straightforward) That's why I am not responding well to this whole ambiguity. I am having this dilemna in wanting to move things forward and yet I am afraid of getting myself hurt therfore I may seem to be really calculative over who do what, who initiate what and etc.
Thank you once again! Any insights are rrally appreciatedclick to expand
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