Virgo & Cancer?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by di3kid on Monday, January 20, 2014 and has 28 replies.
Hi, I'm a Virgo (Sun) and want to know is Cancer+Virgo a good match? I did go on astrology websites and tried to find out our compatibility, but some of the results were vague and others were like there is a good chance that it could work. Anyways here's a brief description about us: He doesn't live in my state (5 hours away) which kinda sucks, we met off the internet 4 months ago, and he's currently in the military. Whenever he is available and free to use his phone we text, but our text conversations can be dull and I'm usually the one to put effort in the conversations and keep them live. I'm getting to know him bit by bit, but I did saw somewhere that it takes time to know Cancer men, since they're not that open. Don't know if it's true, but whatever. Anyways, just don't know what to do and how to approach him the next time I get to talk to him. My inner virgo is so shy and nervous when I talk to him lol. But yeah, thank you all for taking the time out and read this. I just joined this site like 35 minutes ago and I am new to astrology, so please bare with me. I'm also a Gemini rising, so I think my eccentricism is appearing this post lol. Bare with me please!
Posted by CluelessCancer
You are a teenager who is attempting to get a man who is in the military. what do your parents think about that?

he's older a year older than me
Posted by di3kid
Posted by CluelessCancer
You are a teenager who is attempting to get a man who is in the military. what do your parents think about that?

he's older a year older than me
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but thanks for your concern.
Yes it can work.
Virgo female and Cancer Male maybe. But regardless it depends on how long he has to serve. Are you willing to have a long distance contact/relationship with this guy? It's not that easy.
Posted by kissmygrits
Virgo female and Cancer Male maybe. But regardless it depends on how long he has to serve. Are you willing to have a long distance contact/relationship with this guy? It's not that easy.

not long. he isn't deployed or anything, hes just doing bct and ait. and yeah i am willing. im persistent and take risks, thats the virgo in me lol
Yes it can work. And if it doesn't, they will stalk us until it does Tongue
Posted by CluelessCancer
It seems that Virgo Women/Cancer women also work extremely well!
If you're into that.

~slappity slapppity slap~ Hands OFF! I saw Damnata first!
~gasp~ You take that back! She might be condescending but she cleans the dishes and brings appetizers!
Ahhh yes, I've trained her well. It's all part of my master plan.
hehehe, me too! I'm in a fine and zany mood tonight. lol
CC and I both have fire moons...the banter and condescending doesn't stop Big Grin
Posted by CluelessCancer
Probably taste like charred Steak. No thanks.

You take that back! That hurt my feelings Crying
I love juicy steak...bloody even. I think you guys called it rare.
Posted by CluelessCancer
She's too busy criticizing DXP users.

A Virgo's work is never done...
I really like Cancer folks though. There was this Cancer guy who liked me but I was engaged so that was a no go.
Whenever I find the Aries I'm with too insensitive he gets back at me with:
"Go find yourself a Cancer"
"Maybe I will"
Posted by MoonArtist
hehehe, me too! I'm in a fine and zany mood tonight. lol

I'm still waiting for those bath bombs so you better stop being zany and get a move on.
Productivity waits for no one.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by CluelessCancer
Probably taste like charred Steak. No thanks.

You take that back! That hurt my feelings Crying
I love juicy steak...bloody even. I think you guys called it rare.
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That's the perfect steak, IMO. I'm about to make filet minon for dinner. Big Grin
Posted by Damnata
Posted by MoonArtist
hehehe, me too! I'm in a fine and zany mood tonight. lol

I'm still waiting for those bath bombs so you better stop being zany and get a move on.
Productivity waits for no one.
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Yes, Ma'am.
CC's home (who says only Cancers can stalk?)
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Damnata
Posted by CluelessCancer
Probably taste like charred Steak. No thanks.

You take that back! That hurt my feelings Crying
I love juicy steak...bloody even. I think you guys called it rare.

lol witty. So tell us about this ARIES, is it an LDR relationship, how often do you see him? I would have thunk you were single, seeing how you love hanging around DXP.
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No, we live in the same city. He's really busy with school and for the next month he's having one exam after the other. We usually see each other every 2 days I think? It depends on our schedule.
He knows about DXP, he's always ranting "here you go again on that devilish site, gossipying about me"
Muffdiver alert alert. I tried to date a Virgo girl but she was insane and was not over her Cappy ex. She had issues and the damn Virgo in Venus wants to always fix and perfect the girls I meet. Most of them have issues. Hopeless Romantic. Maybe I should just go be a true wierdo and go marry a car. But I do love Virgo girls. Super sweet, sensitive, and have this cute femininity to them. They are super smart also. Classy Gal. But best of luck.
I was actually trying to recruit him for the Aries Board..they don't have many aries men replying. He's too damn lazy for that.
Posted by Ruh
I tried to date a Virgo girl but she was insane and was not over her Cappy ex.

That's exactly what the Cancer guy said. But I was in a relationship with the Cap at that point.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Ruh
I tried to date a Virgo girl but she was insane and was not over her Cappy ex.

That's exactly what the Cancer guy said. But I was in a relationship with the Cap at that point.
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You guys are a mess when you are not over your exes. Seriously need treatment. But otherwise you are fun. But no worries she had major issues so you must be way more normal then her. I think she had Libra as her asc. Kill me now.
Useless thread #380,458.
Posted by di3kid
Posted by kissmygrits
Virgo female and Cancer Male maybe. But regardless it depends on how long he has to serve. Are you willing to have a long distance contact/relationship with this guy? It's not that easy.

not long. he isn't deployed or anything, hes just doing bct and ait. and yeah i am willing. im persistent and take risks, thats the virgo in me lol
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Oh good well I say go for it!
Posted by LunarMaiden
Useless thread #380,458.

Posted by Ruh
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Ruh
I tried to date a Virgo girl but she was insane and was not over her Cappy ex.

That's exactly what the Cancer guy said. But I was in a relationship with the Cap at that point.

You guys are a mess when you are not over your exes. Seriously need treatment. But otherwise you are fun. But no worries she had major issues so you must be way more normal then her. I think she had Libra as her asc. Kill me now.
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lol so fecking true. i was hung up on my libra ex for 3 friggin years. during that time, i seriously considered seeking a psychologist. i'm still crazy, but less now. Big Grin