Although I still really like this Capricorn guy, I have this gut feeling that he doesn't feel the same at the moment. I want to move on and stop dwelling on this guy because it hurts and I've already done what I could.
Any tips, suggestions or stories on moving on from a Capricorn guy (or guys in general)?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Ways to move on:
You no longer have to worry about how he tries to control you.
You no longer have to be accountable to him.
You can do your own thing without someone doubting what you're doing.
You can do your own thing without worrying what someone thinks about it.
You no longer have to deal with someone hogging the remote control
You no longer have to deal with crumbs on the counter after he makes a sandwhich.
You no longer have to deal with his hot and cold behavior.
You no longer have to deal with aloofness.
You are free to talk to whom you want.
You are free to flirt with whom you want.
You are free to date other people.
You no longer have to deal with his judgmental behavior.
You no longer have to dress for success.
Get my drift?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
It's all in perception, baby!
You can find many ways to cope with your feelings, but there is no one easy way to get over someone you love. Unfortunately, you are going to have to ride these emotions out.
I totally understand where you coming from. I am trying to distance myself from a Cap guy too and believe me it's hard. Especially when they keep trying to keep you hooked. All I can say is keep yourself busy. If you have the urge to text or call him, call/text a friend. Surround yourself with people so you won't think about him. I view it like this...if I can go 1 day with talking to him, I can go 2 and so forth. Good Luck!
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
We just aren't comfortable with emotional situations.
I didn't mean that to come across coldly.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I may have misunderstood your situation.
I know its hard to move on after someone gets under your skin. The fake it til you make it is a good strategy and that one takes time. Perhaps, trying to get interested in someone else? Or think about all the negatives associated with that cap that you don't have to deal with anymore? Like now you don't have to just keep wondering or dealing with the sarcasm or dealing with the control factors or the harsh tongue, or experiencing the hot/cold aspect etc. (that's the kind of stuff I focus on). It's all about perception and focus.
Good luck, sweet girl! You'll get through this!