Any suggestions on moving on from a Capricorn guy?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by vir22 on Saturday, June 15, 2013 and has 14 replies.
Although I still really like this Capricorn guy, I have this gut feeling that he doesn't feel the same at the moment. I want to move on and stop dwelling on this guy because it hurts and I've already done what I could.
Any tips, suggestions or stories on moving on from a Capricorn guy (or guys in general)?
The best way to move on is to delete him from your life.. Literally. As sad as it sounds and as hard as it can be, that's is the best thing. Texts, emails and pictures you can store in someplace you don't have access to (an email address a friend manages) and then delete them from your phone and clear the number from your call history.. Facebook, too if applicable. Keeping him on a friend's list gives hope you he will see you enjoying your life and somehow become more interested in seeking a relationship. But as long as you have him there if you do, it'll stay there in the back of your mind the thought of the possibility of him looking at your Facebook and seeing you happy. Even if it happens you're still thinking about him, which doesn't help moving on.
Put away things that remind you of him, unless you want to throw them away. My friend told me that I needed to tell myself "your heart can feel what it wants, but you need to keep moving, or you'll be Hirt for longer. Don't let temporary emotions make permanent decisions." Its helped a lot for me in the past, so hopefully it can help you as well should you decide to let go.
And another important thing is to embrace your emotions instead of running from them. Let yourself feel sad when you really miss the other person. I was going through a breakup with a cap girl, and when I decided to remove her from my life, Doing so with every piece of media I removed her from (text, email, Skype, Facebook, whatsapp, etc.) made me cry the rest of the day. Mainly because I cared a lot about her and didn't want to hurt her, but also because I knew I had to and didn't want to let go. I didn't cut all the ties in one day.. I spread it out over the span of three weeks. It was hard to do and I missed her like CRAZY, but it made me think of her less and less and eventually I didnt think too often about her anymore.
I can't say how to move on from a guy, but the best I can so is give advice to generally move on, and let you know what's helped me, as it might help you too. Best wishes smile
Ways to move on:
You no longer have to worry about how he tries to control you.
You no longer have to be accountable to him.
You can do your own thing without someone doubting what you're doing.
You can do your own thing without worrying what someone thinks about it.
You no longer have to deal with someone hogging the remote control
You no longer have to deal with crumbs on the counter after he makes a sandwhich.
You no longer have to deal with his hot and cold behavior.
You no longer have to deal with aloofness.
You are free to talk to whom you want.
You are free to flirt with whom you want.
You are free to date other people.
You no longer have to deal with his judgmental behavior.
You no longer have to dress for success.
Get my drift?
It's all in perception, baby!
I agree with basically all the advice here, but why not try telling him how u feel to see if he feels the same way or what his problem is? If u get some kind of closure it would be easier to move on if u decide to do so smile
Posted by capinc
If you still like the guy don't get rid of him. Take a break, do your thing, live your life. Naturally you'll grow apart or come together. Don't try and control the situation for the fear of rejection.

Posted by Metoo
Cap men don't usually give closure and to keep seeking it is not good.
Create your own closure by moving forward.
He has gone cold. Every moment you give him is one you cant get back.
Happiness is achievable with you just going on alone.

That's so true, they really don't. I gave him a letter telling him how I feel just to straighten things out and he basically just disregarded it. I guess I have to use the fact that he disregarded it as a closure and that he just doesn't care. At this point I want a yes or no answer as to whether it's mutual but I know he's never going to answer that.
I have been forcing my self to move on and I find my self thinking about him constantly, missing him...
It's so hard, I don't even know what to do.
You can find many ways to cope with your feelings, but there is no one easy way to get over someone you love. Unfortunately, you are going to have to ride these emotions out.
I totally understand where you coming from. I am trying to distance myself from a Cap guy too and believe me it's hard. Especially when they keep trying to keep you hooked. All I can say is keep yourself busy. If you have the urge to text or call him, call/text a friend. Surround yourself with people so you won't think about him. I view it like this...if I can go 1 day with talking to him, I can go 2 and so forth. Good Luck!
Posted by WoundedLeo
Posted by Metoo
Cap men don't usually give closure and to keep seeking it is not good.

Sad but true.
click to expand

Constantly asking for closure, or refusing to accept and move on comes across as needy. We don't understand why you don't just chin up and get on with your life. We know we are responsible for you feelings and we regret hurting you, but we don't like having to feel like we were responsible for pain when we were being honest when we said "this isn't going to work". We do have a conscious, we just don't understand why you can't be stoic like we are.
We just aren't comfortable with emotional situations.
I didn't mean that to come across coldly.
Posted by Metoo
Cap men don't usually give closure and to keep seeking it is not good.

Posted by truecap
Posted by WoundedLeo
Posted by Metoo
Cap men don't usually give closure and to keep seeking it is not good.

Sad but true.

Constantly asking for closure, or refusing to accept and move on comes across as needy. We don't understand why you don't just chin up and get on with your life. We know we are responsible for you feelings and we regret hurting you, but we don't like having to feel like we were responsible for pain when we were being honest when we said "this isn't going to work". We do have a conscious, we just don't understand why you can't be stoic like we are.

click to expand

I never intended to ask for closure. I wrote that letter to straighten things out and I haven't contacted him once since I gave him that letter (its been a month.. but he did contact me). He never said "this isn't going to work" as a matter of a fact he never spoke about his feelings about me to me, but he would to other people. I know that he trusted me because he told me a lot of things, and treated me with respect and sincerity.
A lot of people think he's a douche because he acts like one to most people but he never did to me.
Ever since I pushed him away after telling him that I like him, he consistently became distant but would observe me from a distance. I would notice him watching me even while sitting at a table full of "pretty blonde socialites". I think that was the reason we stopped talking and he started talking to other girls (I'm assuming). I avoided all eye contact with him whenever I saw him and this went on for 3-4 weeks. I feel that it is my fault that things didnt work out.
I know he really did like me once, but now we don't even talk or cross paths.
Honestly I still hope that things work out even months after. I have been pretending to move on ("fake it till you make it") and so far it hasn't worked.
I may have misunderstood your situation.
I know its hard to move on after someone gets under your skin. The fake it til you make it is a good strategy and that one takes time. Perhaps, trying to get interested in someone else? Or think about all the negatives associated with that cap that you don't have to deal with anymore? Like now you don't have to just keep wondering or dealing with the sarcasm or dealing with the control factors or the harsh tongue, or experiencing the hot/cold aspect etc. (that's the kind of stuff I focus on). It's all about perception and focus.
Good luck, sweet girl! You'll get through this!