Can Capricorn man breakup for sex?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by 123Helena on Sunday, May 14, 2017 and has 30 replies.
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.

I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?
And oh yes we had long gaps between dates because he is so busy with his work typical cap behavior which I can deal with but what's with this I want sex attitude

He wants sex. You want something more. I would move on, he sounds like bad news!!!!
No one should pressure you into doing something you don't want. He should've respected you about it since the first time you said no. You did nothing wrong. He sounds like a scumbag and you don't need him.
Tell him, if he wants sex to go feck himself
You forget about this guy. He just wants sex.
How old is he?
You can do better.

It's hard for virgins out there these days though.

I personally know.
Also, question ...even though you are waiting for marriage would you have other forms of sex other than penis and vagina...instead.......

like let him go down on you eventually if you had felt comfortable?
Any Jerk can break up for lack of sex. Forget about him, he doesn't respect you.

Posted by 123Helena
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.

I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?
Posted by 123Helena
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.

I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?
move on
Posted by 123Helena
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.

I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?
I think is like this. U need love first then to have sex. he needs sex first to love. Just different needs. U can't say he is a jerk yet, not when he didn't cheat on ur virginity or not loyal to u.

Love is love. Sex is sex. Why mix it. He is bad mood because capri hated the feeling of rejection. You rejected as if same like treating him like a stranger.

Thankyou So much everyone for ur replies ! ??

Will we both are 28


Actually he's a veg by religion like a REAL STRICT veg and I'm a non veg I even gave him an example to relate to like u could never eat meat even though u wanted to coz ur belief won't let u and I cannot have sex because my belief doesn't let me... if I do it I would feel very guilty and hate myself about it.. I calmly tried making him understand that I do care about him and with time there would be other things but just not the Actual thing.... anyways so he tells me he never wants to talk to me again so I said okay and it's been 3 days we haven't talked but yesterday at midnight be texts me HELLO and today morning I text him back a HELLO he saw it but hasn't replied... I'm okay if he doesn't really respect me and care for my feelings then he's not the guy i want to spend my life with....

My whole point of liking him was coz I thought he was a Decent serious guy but now it's like he's totally flipped the switch and all he talks about is sex... before I was not serious with him at that time he used to say should I talk to our parents and after i started reciprocating his feelings when I asked do we have a future? He says I don't know.... how do I know about the future... it's weird how he's changed... I guess it's over
Posted by 123Helena
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.

I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?
Sex is super important to us lol.

But honestly as a female Cap, you dodged a bullet with this guy. He probably would've cheated if y'all ever got together
Posted by 123Helena
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.

I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?

What are you confused about? I think what you mean to say is that you're hurt because there is nothing to be confused about he just wanted sex and if you weren't giving it to him he felt he had no use for you so that's very painful. But congratulations for not giving into a jerk like that.

You won girl, what's the problem? That's great! You have your dignity you have your self-respect and I know it hurts because women are emotional but trust me it's great that he's gone it may take a few weeks it may even take a month or two but in about four to six months you're going to be glad that you didn't succumb to him.

Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things he said we can do that there and he's only comfortable in a room uhhhh it's annoying... so anyways today's plan I cancelled I think I need a Lil time to think so what do u all think should I give him another chance and clear things out or just let it be?? I'm so confused I had totally let him out of my mind thinking it's just not gonna work but he's suddenly back! what should I tell him? Any ideas? ?

Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things he said we can do that there and he's only comfortable in a room uhhhh it's annoying... so anyways today's plan I cancelled I think I need a Lil time to think so what do u all think should I give him another chance and clear things out or just let it be?? I'm so confused I had totally let him out of my mind thinking it's just not gonna work but he's suddenly back! what should I tell him? Any ideas? ?

Will u do other things besides sex?

Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things he said we can do that there and he's only comfortable in a room uhhhh it's annoying... so anyways today's plan I cancelled I think I need a Lil time to think so what do u all think should I give him another chance and clear things out or just let it be?? I'm so confused I had totally let him out of my mind thinking it's just not gonna work but he's suddenly back! what should I tell him? Any ideas? ?

Will u do other things besides sex?

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I don't know if I should even meet him now coz I'm still strong in my decision if he's willing to commit then we can carry on with it normally but he needs to give me more time and clearer communication.

Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things
Clear what things? This man has tried to take you to a hotel room how many times now? And after a month of no contact, he wants to meet "at least for an hour in a room AGAIN." When two people meet in a hotel room for an hour or two, what do you think they're up to? Think *really* hard.

And he's done it after all of your protestations. Why? Because you keep taking his calls and meeting him.

"What should I tell him?" Nothing. Cut him loose.

Yeah, Capricorns are good at pretending in order to get sex.
Sounds like a bad situation. Don't see him again.
Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things he said we can do that there and he's only comfortable in a room uhhhh it's annoying... so anyways today's plan I cancelled I think I need a Lil time to think so what do u all think should I give him another chance and clear things out or just let it be?? I'm so confused I had totally let him out of my mind thinking it's just not gonna work but he's suddenly back! what should I tell him? Any ideas? ?

What kind of room is this that makes him feel so "comfortable"?

Just saying, when my Cap and I hashed things out it was over the phone, in a park and at a pub (only had 1 drink each). This was over a period of 2 weeks with texting here and there as well.

The phone is a great invention, he should use it!
Seriously don't be in a room alone with him again...
What's up with him and this "room??" Hotel rooms only lead to one thing and that's intimacy.. if you are not comfortable with that, I suggest you NOT go. Or find somewhere public to talk. If he doesn't accept that, move on.
Posted by halalbae
what is ur sun sign?
I'm a Pisces so I guess I trust people more and see good in people? I don't know....
Posted by PVJamz
Posted by youngali
Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things he said we can do that there and he's only comfortable in a room uhhhh it's annoying... so anyways today's plan I cancelled I think I need a Lil time to think so what do u all think should I give him another chance and clear things out or just let it be?? I'm so confused I had totally let him out of my mind thinking it's just not gonna work but he's suddenly back! what should I tell him? Any ideas? ?

this sounds like a rape scene about to happen. ?

i definitely wouldn't go.
My thoughts exactly. Complete with acid thrown in the face.
click to expand

Oh man that's scary

Posted by SunMoonStars
Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things he said we can do that there and he's only comfortable in a room uhhhh it's annoying... so anyways today's plan I cancelled I think I need a Lil time to think so what do u all think should I give him another chance and clear things out or just let it be?? I'm so confused I had totally let him out of my mind thinking it's just not gonna work but he's suddenly back! what should I tell him? Any ideas? ?

What kind of room is this that makes him feel so "comfortable"?

Just saying, when my Cap and I hashed things out it was over the phone, in a park and at a pub (only had 1 drink each). This was over a period of 2 weeks with texting here and there as well.

The phone is a great invention, he should use it!
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Yes exactly I told him I just want to clear things out first just talk over a coffee or text is fine too but he kept insisting for a room now I guess I'm going to be stronger and reject his proposal all together and tell him I'm not interested maybe tell him I'm seeing someone else. Would be Easier to slip away ?

Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by 123Helena
Uh owww he's back...?

I'm dumbstruck

He messaged me yesterday saying that he thought about it a lot and we should leave the sex part and continue as before and he wanted to meet me today atleast just for an hour in room AGAIN.... I said we need to clear things
Clear what things? This man has tried to take you to a hotel room how many times now? And after a month of no contact, he wants to meet "at least for an hour in a room AGAIN." When two people meet in a hotel room for an hour or two, what do you think they're up to? Think *really* hard.

And he's done it after all of your protestations. Why? Because you keep taking his calls and meeting him.

"What should I tell him?" Nothing. Cut him loose.

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Umm I agree but before I saw potential in him I thought he was being true that's the only reason I was giving him a second chance but he totally flipped the last time that we met so I guess he was just pretending and saying the right things to hook me up... I'll say no to the meeting now and tell him we should just be friends or strangers it's better that way
Posted by Astrology101
LOL @ that room making him comfortable LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

@123Helena... My bf waited a long time for me to get intimate... Infact he never asked me for a kiss/sex.. It was me who kissed him first (on the cheek) ... after which he kissed me. He infact insisted that we would do things only if I WAS COMFORTABLE.

Please don't hang out with this guy. He does not sound nice. And he's forcing you to have sex.. plus forcing you to meet in a room alone.. I'd personally be scared.

I Agree

I'll avoid him now

He's weird never seen this type of behavior in anyone or even heard before