Posted by 123Helena
Okay so this Capricorn guy approached me on Feb and we went for a movie date and it was great and after the movie we chatted a little hell he even gave me a rose in the end. I don't know maybe he knew how to charm a lady. And we were texting back and forth that day but for the next month no date just a good morning or hi from him in 4/5 days gap. Then he proposed for a second date and it was a movie again by now we had started chatting more and he said he wanted a kiss this time and I kind of liked him so I thought no harm and I kissed him. And we kissed a few more times on our 2nd date. Comes 3rd date 2 weeks later he wants to go in a room! Now I am not comfortable with that because I've never been in a too close physical relationship but we went he made out I was uncomfortable.. 4th date same thing... before the 5th I clearly told him no room. But when I did meet him he already had booked 1 so it got me so mad I just left mid way and he later told me I really hurt him . But we discussed and I thought I had established no sex before getting married coz I'm waiting for it. Then on the 6th date he wanted to be in a room I tried to be more accepting this time. But then in the middle of making out he just says he wants sex again ! I'm dumbfounded ! I thought we already discussed it ! Then he says either we have sex or we leave then I say okay we leave and he said think about it again I said yes let's leave. And then he wouldn't talk and he said he was in a bad mood and would call later then he messages at night saying he never wants to see me again.
I'm soooooo confused ain't I the one who is supposed to get hurt and mad and not him! What do I do? ?