Cap: Not very compromising, moody, & controlling

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Wheretomylady on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 and has 11 replies.
I came across this subject on a thread written by shaiessence (I need to vent). and I also need to vent!

Moody- I tell him is being a grouch, and that he is wrecking my good mood, or tell him I am leaving.
Question? Is it possible to put up with this s/hit for my entire life???
Controlling-I call him on it, right to his face, tell him to stop telling me what to do, or ask him if he would like it if I talked to him like that
Question? Is this harmless?
Not very compromising--this is the hardest one for me to work around, I feel like he will be deeply wounded or offended by anything I ask of him that requires sacrifice(sp?)...for example last night I wanted to sleep, it was 11:30PM and he wanted to watch TV and drink a beer, he turned it off but seemed like he really had to go out of his way for me, then when he woke up this morning he just got up, no hugs, a very pathetic kiss, when he left my place he didnt hug me or anything.....
question? can i put up with this s/hitty behavior? it happens about once a month...
hmm..once a month, sounds like he's getting his period
hahahaa, that is exactly what i thought, i have heard that men goes through hormonal changes but its every 2 weeks!
bloody cappy men!..line em all up and shoot the lot of em
missmorals...great idea, i'll send my list
Lol @ pisceswoman..list?..don't u mean scroll!..
Soooo because I am the big talker..."Communication is the key to a healthy relationship and such.." I straight out told the cappy he was acting like a "little bitch" and asked him if he was which he said "No I wasn't" and "yes I believe I am." To which i replied, "No, you were being grouchy and annoying" and "Good, I like a man who knows how to comprise." Ahhh ladies its all about just getting it out there, taking it right off your chest and laying it on them!

instead of a list or scroll I think i'll send post-it's that's all a lot of them are worth.
by the way, if you check the pisces board you'll see that Branh has let go of a love, I know many of us have had our run-ins with him, perhaps he was so difficult because of his love situation, seems as if it made him quite unpleasant.
Leow/Cap~ You had posted in another thread about your IM'ing with him, then graduating to phone call, etc. It reminded me of my situation. Did you and he "downgrade" to IM'ing bc. of a fall-out or getting angry at him? That's what happened for me, and I can't get the sucker to call me and stop IM'ing! I've known him over a year, so it's crazy to me that we're now pen pals. I have very little patience for the snail pace and want to shout, 'come out of cyber space and see or call me, or get loooost!!'
sorry i just think it's very ironic, the latest cap i had(very short term 3 months) had this thing about im-ing, and i told him right away how i hated im-ing that i was on a computer all day and would much rather speak on the phone. however, if he saw me online, he'd im, and i find that to be such a sneaky inpersonal way to communicate...I would notice in particular how long it would take him to reply to one of my replies, because...(you don't have to be a genius here) he would have a few others online he was replying to at the same time. also, he slipped up a couple of times and answered a question with a totally unrelated answer to what i had just said. He was a player. I hate im-ing as I said, i do a block all on my screen, if i want to email someone i will, if not, they have no idea i'm online
They seem to think we have all the time in the world..honestly!..