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Aug 23, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 125 · Topics: 25
I think it is the other way around. I had stopped calling him or wanting to see him for months. He won?t go away for good. I know I shouldn?t gone over to his house the other night when he asked, but I still care about him and he knows it. How do I tell a Taurus to leave me alone when he isn?t interested in having a relationship?
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Sep 26, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 20
Ever since I was a kid I had fantasies about being a sex slave to older women.
Kim Cattrall,Condoleeza Rice,Oprah,Adrienne Barbeau,the big blonde bimbo model who married the old Texas millionaire and he croaked on her now she's battling his family for his money. I think she's sexy I'd serve her,but I'd probably eventually be turned off because she doesn't seem to have a brain. One of my wishes to meet my soulmate sex freak lover the one for me in the world.
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
"Way to kill some good talk about anal."
"BlueAqua, when I read articles such of this one, I generally consider the source and the target audience. I don't think any of his comments are directed towards me... and if that's how he feels, more power to him."
SeizeTheDay, I dont take it personally but I feel that even though he's targeting a specific audience, he's speaking/downing of Women. I am the type to look at the Whole no matter what audience is being targeted, I see it as defending women in General maybe the Aquarian in me: )
I'm just wondering and I guess this is kind of a stupid thing to wonder about, but my curiosity has me wondering. I read a lot where people say keep a Gemini guessing and it will keep them interested. Ok, here goes my stupid question, what does that mean? Can anyone elaborate on that? I mean, keep them guessing about everything? Like, if you are in a relationship, never tell them where you're going or what you're doing? Or, if you're trying to get in a relationship with one, act like you like them one day then the next day don't? Or, does it mean if you're friends, do strange stuff so they'll wonder about your sanity, lol. I'm joking. I'm just not real good at keeping people guessing about anything. Or they just don't guess, they assume or think they know they have me all figured annoying!
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Aug 23, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 125 · Topics: 25
I think he would like that a lot....
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Feb 23, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2255 · Topics: 55
Hi copperhead,
I'm an aries, virgo Asc. I am currently dating a double virgo (virgo with virgo Asc). I've also dated 2 other virgos in the past and I have had some of the same experiences you have had.
Some virgos are extremely expressive about their feelings- others are not. Some will shout that they love you from mountain tops, others will want you show their love through quiet action and hope that you "notice" them. What has been most consistent through all of my experience has been time and patience.. and virgos are a slow burn.
If he's talking about his exes, just be honest. Tell him you don't wanna hear about it.. it's annoying.
IMHO, most of you read here will not help you as much as your own instincts. You may learn about the "nature" of Virgos but, none of it will tell you what to do.. how to feel.. when to stay.. when to cut your loses.
I'd say, know how you want to be loved, know that this relationship will probably challenge you, and understand a lot about yourself and your needs before venturing out and trying to understand someone else.
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Sep 26, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 20
waiting for the next installment I think this is one of the most interesting characters to come to cinema since Ellen Ripley. Riddick and Neo although the last two matrix pictures watered Neo down Riddick is vicious,cunning and smart. Good role,good actor,interesting science fiction
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Sep 26, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 20
2 sharks swimming in opposite directions; weighing in from experience
NO,NO,NO after the sex there will only be confusion and maybe during the sex.
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Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
APW, you have been through alot, I see, you were really in love with him. Did his moving far away help your resolve to leave him alone? Would you be this strong if he was still in the same location he was when you were dealing with him? I ask b/c when I was through with someone, I'm pretty much indifferent about them. They can't arouse any emotion in me, not hurt, anger, love, nothing. I guess I'm just amazed that you can still talk about him so much, for me, that would keep him on mind and it would be hard to move on. BTW, I believe that true love does conquer all, unfortunately it doesn't compel people to love us back the same way we love them. I think it helps us to accept their choice, don't hate, and let them go.
Thanks for all the feedback, I will that in mind, I know gems arent known for jealousy, so maybe he is curious, or playing with me.