Capricorn sense of humor just venting

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by cappiegirl on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 and has 10 replies.
Guys just general question to all, do you think we have odd sense of humor? I guess it is hard to self-reflect but I know that I can sometimes say strange things which in my head sounded normal, only from people reaction I figured it wasn't.

Tonight I got spoonful of my own medicine from a cappie guy, when we organized date (we know each other for some time and had few coffees already) however this shy sweet guy made comment which bothers me.

We are going together for Aston Martin test drive which I won and we will do the whole James Bond theme but when I mentioned i want to wear leather skirt he replied "someone is planning to get lucky." I am not sure it is supposed to be a joke, flirt or insult because this is first time he ever said something like this. I replied is that's why he wants to drink so he has something to blame it on as to try to make it all joke but he replied no i just want the alcohol. It is not a drama just it wasn't my cup of humor for sure if that's what it was not sure yet how to take it.
@Gob_shite nice one!

Being cap one wrong stop from the other side and the magic is gone so not sure if the date will still go ahead at this point.

All i was venting is my bewilderment of the shy guy weird outburst
Caps are super awkward in love...they're efficient little mountain goats, they will work as much as humanly possible to satisfy their needs, but won't work more than that, they're humble, serious, and just plain efficient. So when it comes to love it can be just plain cringe ?

A friend told me of one who'd play with the remote, and put it on her lap, and take it back hopes to initiate sex...they're very awkward, but it's cute. It shows sincerity, they're very real people, no faking here. Apart from the smile in public that's meant to deflect any unnecessary hate small talk right?
I've been FWB with a Cap guy for about 6 years, and while he is hilarious (one of the funniest people I ever met), his sense of humour does definitely have an element of this. Jokes are often tinged with insults and he seems to like to put people down, and as he is very quick witted and smart it's very quick and cleverly done. In his defence (well...) he does the same to himself.

Idk if it's a Cap thing, but what your date said is definitely something that 'my' cap could have said in a heartbeat. I think it could be a power thing - my cap hates to be seen as vulnerable (or with any emotions for that matter), so it's easier for him to joke in an insulting way and keep the power balance in his favour. It's often confusing (especially to a naive aries like me) and it's taken me many years to understand. I would think that your cap is drawn to you but for whatever reason it makes him feel vulnerable, so to regain control he made a 'joke' which made you feel insecure.

Sometimes I think it's not meant as harsh as it comes out, for sure, but I know how you feel - been there many times!

From the caps I know...a quirky sense of humor, but it's cute‹3

And sometimes, just plain genius.
No we're just good at roasting people with witty comebacks not using our lethal tongues to spit sugar syrup all over you because we suck.

And yes I'm the strangest person ever + saying idiotic things at wrong times and don't know what I'm talking about.
I consider cap sense of humor as "dry" but considering im a Taurus... I love dry serious humor. So ??‍♀️
Thanks all for your honest input, I felt the same he just caught me off guard, we chatted and cleared that up. Yeah he is very shy and so am I the hard part for cappies the initial dance around before we decide to go for it (if or once we do)
Yes to dry humor. You just have to dish it back. But if I didn't like someone's joke I just ignore it. Either they won't joke like that again or they'll bring it up and can be clarified. Either way works out. But if it keeps happening a straight face sends the message too.

But for me I really enjoy dry humor and roasting each other. It's fun.

"I also find myself often going to this type of humour or biting jokey "put down" in response to someone trying to repeatedly reassure themselves about something I already gave them a clear and honest answer about."

Absolutely spot on word for word i totally dig & can relate with you on this 100%