Do caps chase when you don't respond to them much or avoid them, I've noticed that. That if you don't spend enough time with them & you're out doing your own thing that's when they want to give you attention. But when you want to give them attention, they run. I live with him btw.
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
I read this as 'do cops chase when you don't?' which would have been a much more interesting and relevant thread.
Some people don't like to feel tied down or smothered so they only show interest when they have enough space. Don't think that's a sign-related thing and it's also probably not a good thing for relationships.
But I barely smother him. He's usually at work most of the day. I try to give him space but the minute I want to spend time with him he thinks I'm too demanding or clingy.
Help me give him space! I live with him.
That doesn't sound like a Cap thing, to be honest. Does he have a venus/mars sign in an air sign or fire sign?
His Venus is a Scorpio and his Mars is a Pisces
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Mar 07, 2015Comments: 22 · Posts: 5190 · Topics: 88
I'm a cap with mars in pisces and venus in sag square pluto. It's possible that he may chase you if you just cut you some slack, but you asking this question makes me wonder if you don't have a nagging feeling that you are smothering him anyway, in some way. And also, you say I barely smother him, not I don't smother him, so maybe leave him alone more day-to-day, but if you feel insecure...then talk to him.
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Mar 07, 2015Comments: 22 · Posts: 5190 · Topics: 88
And how do you ignore a person while being their boss at the same time?
He's doesn't like the boss idea. He needs to be that apparently. He has power struggle issues. So I guess ignore him, not be there when he's there since he thinks I'm up his ass, & going out to do my own thing with out him right?
But what if he gets used to it
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
My 18 year old son, a freshman in college, is an aries and always up my butt. He gets jealous of my griends. He wants to know where I am all the time. He won't let me watch a movie because he talks all through it. If I don't answer my phone, he calls every 5 minutes until I do.
His moon is s Capricorn.
Thank you all for your posts. I don't feel alone. I just left everything behind to start my life with him too in a mother state. I don't know anybody, I don't have any friends here. I'm I like the boondocks. Nothing around here. I'm isolated. Gave up my apartment, and school for him. I'm just a mess because of all this.
Thanks for calling my clingy truecap
If I give him space to go out with his friends without texting or calling him & when he comes home I don't sit around with him how is that clingy?
& I have stood up for myself but it's considered "bitching@ to him
No I mean I don't text or call him when he goes out I give enough space but you're right french. But I don't he care enough to notice.
Lol you're funny French 😄
Don't people 30 & up go to those meet ups?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
That's ^^ what I was trying tosay.
I'm 23, I need to find people my age though!
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Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Do you know his Moon sign? With Sun in Aries and Moon in Scorpio, you're a very Mars dominated person.
He has Sun in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn. Mars - Saturn don't make a great combination in general.
Mars is young, virile and represents all things masculine and impulsive. OTOH, Saturn is ancient, cautious, cruel and cunning - Saturn dominated people are simply not impulsive. Saturn is also represented as sexless. So when Mars and Saturn come together it can be very unpleasant.
The only real saving grace is if he has a Moon sign that is somehow compatible with you.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
you gave up school and left everything behind to start your life with him?
now if you are already financially and emotionally independent, that's romantic. but it sounds like you are not. you are now completely depending on him and you are insolated. BAD MOVE
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Dec 19, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 618 · Topics: 44
They are attractive to women who has things going on so when your are busy then they will start to pursue you!
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Jun 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 2068 · Topics: 16
Short answer...yes. Ignore a Cap man and eventually it will bug the hell out of him. He thinks he's top quality and whether or not he really wants you, once you show interest...he will think that you should ALWAYS want him.
Don't be surprised if you ignore him and he waits until he's made a major purchase or gotten a sizeable increase in income before he contacts you again.