Hi Cappies! :)

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by JuiCy* on Friday, January 20, 2017 and has 11 replies.
First time around with a Capricorn interest and wondering if you could give me tips on his chart? Asc. Aries/ Sun cap/ moon Pisces/ merc cap/ Venus scorp/ mars Pisces/ Jupiter Pisces. That's all I got lol. Thank you in advance! smile
What are your placements?
Venus Scorp & moon Pisces , that's a lot of emotion there , mostly hidden until u get to know them , especially with him being a Cap
Thank you all! I am Leo rising:Taurus/Gemini cusp. Pisces moon/Gemini merc/Taurus Venus/cancer mars.
Both Pluto in Scorpio. Born same year.
May 21st 1987
Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Beautiful chart.

He most likely have lots of luck in love, and prefers the type of person who talks and understand things in an ethereal level as I like to call it. With all those sextiles between his Cap placements and Pisces/Scorp placements, he typically don't have problems in carrying things through and won't struggle in human relationships. Beware of people taking advantage of him though, that Pisces moon/mars might be the downfall of him if he constantly help others unconditionally, causing others to take him for granted. Remind him if it happens.

Regardless, a beautiful soul. Definitely one of those keeper guys for most women, provided they pass his series of "tests", ranging from success in jobs to being able to understand you from deep within. Once committed he is very unlikely to leave a relationship, although he may drift off into another relationship if he thinks too much about that sexy girl with a beach body he recently saw. Tell him to stay faithful even if there are attractions! His Cap and Scorp influences should hopefully neutralize that, but a reminder is always nice.
Wow you gave so much info from that. I'm knew to all this too and first time dating a Capricorn. I asked a similar question a while back but I didn't get much feedback could you help? Unfortunately I don't know his rising sign but he is sun cap/ moon Sagittarius/ Venus scorpio,/ mars Gemini/ Jupiter aries.

Sorry for jumping.
Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Posted by WonderWoman14
Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Beautiful chart.

He most likely have lots of luck in love, and prefers the type of person who talks and understand things in an ethereal level as I like to call it. With all those sextiles between his Cap placements and Pisces/Scorp placements, he typically don't have problems in carrying things through and won't struggle in human relationships. Beware of people taking advantage of him though, that Pisces moon/mars might be the downfall of him if he constantly help others unconditionally, causing others to take him for granted. Remind him if it happens.

Regardless, a beautiful soul. Definitely one of those keeper guys for most women, provided they pass his series of "tests", ranging from success in jobs to being able to understand you from deep within. Once committed he is very unlikely to leave a relationship, although he may drift off into another relationship if he thinks too much about that sexy girl with a beach body he recently saw. Tell him to stay faithful even if there are attractions! His Cap and Scorp influences should hopefully neutralize that, but a reminder is always nice.
Wow you gave so much info from that. I'm knew to all this too and first time dating a Capricorn. I asked a similar question a while back but I didn't get much feedback could you help? Unfortunately I don't know his rising sign but he is sun cap/ moon Sagittarius/ Venus scorpio,/ mars Gemini/ Jupiter aries.

Sorry for jumping.
Beware of potential unfaithfulness of this Cap. He might be much more arrogant and full of himself than other Caps, and has the macho to back it up because Sag moon and Jupiter aries.

Unlike the Cap OP mentioned, this Cap might struggle in relationships because Moon opposite Mars. Cheating is not uncommon due to Sag moons being unfaithful and is more prone to jump between relationships. Gemini Mars mean that if the relationship doesn't excite his quick mind, you can say bye-bye.
click to expand
Thanks for the reply. I'd say he's the least arrogant person I know?! I wish I knew his rising sign.

Regards to cheating he was with a Girl on and off for years, down to trust issues (he found texts on her phone) yet she always managed to manipulate her way back in. I found this a bit bizarre with him being a Capricorn. At least you warned me. However he has been very open and honest with me about everything and told me things he's never told anyone. Do they get better with age by any chance?
Posted by JuiCy*
Thank you all! I am Leo rising:Taurus/Gemini cusp. Pisces moon/Gemini merc/Taurus Venus/cancer mars.
Do you happen to live in Alaska? Lmao! My ex has these exact placements. ?

I wish you well your Cap! ?
No I don't lol! Thank you! Well I'm sorry he's an ex! I hope he wasn't bad that bad? Lmao
Posted by JuiCy*
No I don't lol! Thank you! Well I'm sorry he's an ex! I hope he wasn't bad that bad? Lmao
No not at all. He just wanted to live the single life and not be monogamous. At least he was truthful with me. I'm still fond of him but he gives me that cappy coldness, oh well. He's the best man I've ever dated. ?

I truly hope things are good with your cappy and they work out for you. ??