Posted by JuiCy*No not at all. He just wanted to live the single life and not be monogamous. At least he was truthful with me. I'm still fond of him but he gives me that cappy coldness, oh well. He's the best man I've ever dated. ?
No I don't lol! Thank you! Well I'm sorry he's an ex! I hope he wasn't bad that bad? Lmao
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Posted by Teenai mean scorp woman not pisces?Posted by NenoWow!!! Is it ok to feel sorry? Lol!! You are fine right???Posted by Teenarising,pluto and mercury too?its intensePosted by NenoLol!! You just gotta meet your match. Like you saw here, there would be more...many more.Posted by Teenaactually i think there is not a girl that can endure that much sex,drive?Posted by Neno??Posted by Teenaunfortunately yesPosted by NenoLol! Is your mars Scorpio?Posted by Teenai do think its the mars sign
Right now it's not important at all. Daily? I'm not sure if I even think of it daily.But I do whenever I see @Vageenka 's posts Lol! I don't think it has got anything to do with my Cancer mars.
my mars is killing me?
C'mon that's not unfortunate! You must be very good at it. Find a gf who enjoys it as much if you don't already have one!! Or do you like it with different people each time?
i like girls to much and i am ready anytime
my Scorpio doesnt want to sleep around but my mars in scorpio is a maniac
Lol!! So you're a scorpio with scorpio mars. It must be awesome ?
click to expand
Posted by AjnaPosted by ninaPPosted by AjnaThank you, this was sweet.Posted by ninaPthis helps me
Beautiful song evoxxxscorpio..... Listen to dust to dust by civil war... It's a nice song....
Do you have bouts of loneliness to deal with?
How do other Scorpios deal with it?
Problem is, I've been alone for too long.
My last relationship ended in October 15
2016 was an awful year, I don't even remember where it went and its honestly best forgotten
It's 2017 and I feel like it would be nice and comforting to have someone but I have lost faith in myself. In my ability to keep relationships.
I feel to say is hang on.. please hang on.
these moments now are here for us to heal our heart.
to be okay with our silence. with our own company.
God knows, i crave warmth , the company of another..
truly sometimes i feel I am cursed or that day will never be...
A special friend of mine once said we do not know these things..
We do not know what the future may bring us. the past has nothing
to do with your future. only the now does. Maybe your separation can
can be about learning to have faith in yourself.. even when the past/the mind tells us otherwise.
you are more than these thingsclick to expand
Posted by NenoHaha. But I'm a scorpio.Posted by Teenausually pisces dont pity me?Posted by NenoWow!!! Is it ok to feel sorry? Lol!! You are fine right???Posted by Teenarising,pluto and mercury too?its intensePosted by NenoLol!! You just gotta meet your match. Like you saw here, there would be more...many more.Posted by Teenaactually i think there is not a girl that can endure that much sex,drive?Posted by Neno??Posted by Teenaunfortunately yesPosted by NenoLol! Is your mars Scorpio?Posted by Teenai do think its the mars sign
Right now it's not important at all. Daily? I'm not sure if I even think of it daily.But I do whenever I see @Vageenka 's posts Lol! I don't think it has got anything to do with my Cancer mars.
my mars is killing me?
C'mon that's not unfortunate! You must be very good at it. Find a gf who enjoys it as much if you don't already have one!! Or do you like it with different people each time?
i like girls to much and i am ready anytime
my Scorpio doesnt want to sleep around but my mars in scorpio is a maniac
Lol!! So you're a scorpio with scorpio mars. It must be awesome ?![]()
i am fine but a,complex person?click to expand
Posted by yupvirgooI don't really do the payback thing I just cut someone off if they do something bad to me.Posted by mariannlittlebe"These individuals are fiercely vindictive in nature. They seldom forgive and will remember the misdeeds done to them for considerable length of time and are determined to payback when an opportunity comes up."
Moon Sign Traits
Individuals with the moon in Taurus strive for security and permanence in their lives. They tend to be comfortable in familiar surroundings instead of the unknown. These individuals want permanence in their life, both in the material aspect and in the emotional aspect as well. Hence, they will act fiercely and in a definite manner in order to preserve this sense of security and familiarity and will deal with an iron hand with situations that threaten these important aspects of their life. Such people tend to be most often or not, strong willed and are set in their ways. In other words, they may be conservative in nature and their actions follow a conventional approach that will make the person somewhat rigid. Such individuals want to create a known, comfortable and secure world for themselves and their near and dear ones which makes them feel happy. Due to the steadiness of their nature, individuals with the moon in Taurus make others feel comforted and secure and have a calming influence over people. Such individuals always have a love of the good things in life and tend to surround themselves with aesthetically pleasing and comfortable objects.
Positive Qualities
Individuals with the moon in Taurus are sociable in nature and they love to be in the company of others. Emotionally stable and balanced, a Taurus native takes up one task at a time, and after completing a particular task, proceeds for the next task. Thus, they remain extremely careful in how they approach everything in their lives. In addition to this, their actions are based on careful judgement of the situation and would never act impulsively and on the spur of the moment. Thus, all their actions will be based on a through analysis. But once they take up some task, they always leave no stone unturned to complete that particular task favourably. Another implication for individuals with Moon in Taurus is that they usually are dependable in nature and persevere relentlessly in order to get things done. Another strong quality about such individuals is that one can trust their instincts. They are extremely methodical and systematic in their approach and can find the safest course of action to take in every situation. Individuals with the moon in Taurus tend to be very romantic and loyal towards their partner.
Negative Qualities
Individuals with the moon in Taurus tend to become predictable and thus are slaves to routine. Another negative quality in such individuals is that they are extremely possessive. These individuals are fiercely vindictive in nature. They seldom forgive and will remember the misdeeds done to them for considerable length of time and are determined to payback when an opportunity comes up. Such individuals remain static in nature, somewhat rigid, and when the familiarity and comfort of their known surroundings are disturbed, they become cranky and may not adjust to the situation. They are thus stubborn in nature and lack spontaneity in their behaviour. They are overly concerned about material comforts and tend to give undue importance to their social status. They are so contained in themselves that it tends to make them proud and unapproachable. Individuals with moon in Taurus are very demanding in nature and compromise is not a concept they are familiar with.
For me:
-conservative in nature
-love of the good things in life
-very romantic and loyal towards their partner.
-slaves to routine
-will remember the misdeeds done
-very demanding in nature
Very to expand
Posted by mariannlittlebeLooks delicious ?Posted by MadMarchRamYeah, I made that cake. I love bakingPosted by yupvirgooHmm I dunno I can be a bit moody at times but then I have a lot of water in my chart ?.Posted by mariannlittlebeI like the stability, the strength and endurance of our moon.
Yeah, it helps me stand stable on my feet and enjoy earthly things.
I also like the fact that it keeps us grounded instead of being cray and moody like some others lol.
Did someone say cake??? ? Lol
click to expand
Posted by NenoPosted by Teenai mean scorp woman not pisces?Posted by NenoWow!!! Is it ok to feel sorry? Lol!! You are fine right???Posted by Teenarising,pluto and mercury too?its intensePosted by NenoLol!! You just gotta meet your match. Like you saw here, there would be more...many more.Posted by Teenaactually i think there is not a girl that can endure that much sex,drive?Posted by Neno??Posted by Teenaunfortunately yesPosted by NenoLol! Is your mars Scorpio?Posted by Teenai do think its the mars sign
Right now it's not important at all. Daily? I'm not sure if I even think of it daily.But I do whenever I see @Vageenka 's posts Lol! I don't think it has got anything to do with my Cancer mars.
my mars is killing me?
C'mon that's not unfortunate! You must be very good at it. Find a gf who enjoys it as much if you don't already have one!! Or do you like it with different people each time?
i like girls to much and i am ready anytime
my Scorpio doesnt want to sleep around but my mars in scorpio is a maniac
Lol!! So you're a scorpio with scorpio mars. It must be awesome ?![]()
i intimidate scorp woman too?click to expand
Posted by PootyButtPosted by ninaPPosted by PootyButtHaha, that's good to hear.Posted by ninaPI'm over caffeinated currently, but pretty good! LOL
Hi @pootybutt how are you?
Would you like to share how you deal with loneliness?2C300&ssl=1
To be quite honest, I can't remember the last time I got enough alone time to feel lonely. It can swing the other way too. *hug*click to expand
Posted by justawhatwhatOr air?
that's like asking how important hunger is if you think about it? Who the hell doesn't LOVE EATING? Sex is just as basic a human need. We all crave it, search for it...devour it.
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