How do you Cappy men feel about Virgo women?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Peanutbutter on Saturday, November 9, 2013 and has 27 replies.
Im just very curious because my interactions with you guys have neither been here nor there.
#1. I have a cousin who is a Cappy guy and we have always been competitive. Mostly friendly but it's always a tug of war between who is right/wrong and who has the right info and who doesnt. Silly.
#2. I dated a Cappy briefly, we took things way slow which was nice and was what I needed at the moment, but I being the spazzy Virgo I am ruined that. Womp womp.
#3. A quite handsome Cappy man is slightly interested in me and well I am just very curious if he would be okay with being just friends for now?
Anyway, these are just my minor experiences with a tiny portion of the male species from this sign and any POVs would be welcome.
Honestly we had issues since the beginning.. Major ones that I dont want to publicly disclose as of yet since it's still kind of hurtful. But yeah..
Posted by CluelessCancer
So you and the Cancer have broken up? What happened?

And how did you remember that? Lol, I dont think Ive posted here for ages Tongue. Honestly I miss this place and am glad its still around for when my social life is dead
I think thats the best thing out. How is friends failure CluelessCancer?Mmmm.
Not all Capricorns are the same. I know quite a number of Capricorns. In general, male Caps would be comfortable starting as friends and seeing where friendship develops. I could say the same thing about Virgos. I recently had a male Virgo make a direct pass that made me uncomfortable, and I had to tell him "No, I'm not going out with you for a drink. I'm going home now." Then I met another Virgo who I feel quite comfortable hanging out with; there's some compatability between the signs.
Also the Veterinarian I'm assisting today is a Cap male! He's sooooo into astrology, it's all we've been talking about all day!! :-P
Well he has been cheated on in previous relationships, his insecurities get the best of him always. It sucks because I do love him, but he cheated early on (he said nothing happened, I know better) and there just isn't any trust now because he thinks I'm playing tit for tat which I'm not because I'm not a liar nor cheater. I don't think we'd be able to get past it even if we tried.
I can't do that because I'm a nice girl... maybe that is my problem.
Totally segued, back to the topic
In my entourage, I actually know a number of Cap males with Virgo females. From a practical perspective, they seem to get along quite well and be on the same wavelength.
On the other hand, these relationships don't appear very warm and passionate simply because both signs tend to be relatively unemotional. Further, both of these signs are probably more into work than into each other IMO.
My younger Virgo sister is engaged to a Cap man 5 years older than her.
They have been together now for 6 years and I swear they are one of the most affectionate couples I've ever seen. More than anything they're the best of friends and just seem to "get" each other.
I know another Virgo/Cap couple who are the same although she's the Cap and he's the Virgo. Again best of friends and very warm and affectionate towards each other. They have now been together for 10 years. What's interesting to me is that in both cases it seems to be the Cap who is the more "solid" of the two.
My sisters Virgo friend just found out she's pregnant by her Cap boyfriend. They've been together for maybe a little less than a year now, and they have their issues, but they seem to REALLY love eachother a whole lot. He has a rough past with the law but it seems he is willing to really do right because of her. She, on the other hand, has issues with drimking but he seems to be sticking by her.
She told my sister that sometimes she pinches herself just to make sure it's all real.
They look nice together....typical Virgo style , she is a gorgeous girl. I just hope they make it.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Peanutbutter
I can't do that because I'm a nice girl... maybe that is my problem.

nothing wrong with that...well supposedly caps go with virgos like peanutbutter and jelly. so good luck.
we water signs have difficulties it seems when it comes to earthSad
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Why do you say that?
Posted by cowpuncher
lol I am doing just fine madam, how are you? smile
Look back through my posting history for virtually any post I've ever made on the Virgo board and you'll see. I don't pop in there much, but now and then when some fool who doesn't understand Virgal Awesomeness needs to be corrected, I do a drive-by and offer some experiences and thoughts.
The whole trick is have no tricks. Just be a little patient, have some manners, and be a gentleman and they respond great to that, no subterfuge or skullduggery required. Take a bath before the date, clean your car (they get miffed when you take them out in a messy vehicle, but so do MOST gals anyway), and for God's sake chew with your mouth closed.
For those who think they are emotionless or frigid, be strongly advised that a happy, comfortable Virgal in private is a very different creature than you see in public. The same applies to many Caps as well.

You seem to know our sign so well Mr CP smile
Not to bring this topic back up, sorry cappies, but the Cancer and I are back on CluelessCancer... Seems like we both never fully detached. He can be mean when tempted but he doesn't want me to leave.. He's got a tight grip on this Virgal with his pincers.
Believe it or not, I like Virgo women. I've been in a lot of relationships with them but most of them were to sudden (no offense). They asked me out and we weren't friends for that long before they were all over me. I like to occasionally be chased by women, but for once I'd rather be the one to do the chasing. Ha, but you Virgo women are lovely. I have a Virgo sister and I've always looked up to her growing up. I always envied her art skills, but the tables turn now she envies my art skills. If you go into Virgo men, my opinions are mixed. I hate my brother who is also a Virgo. But most of my best friends were Virguys. But either way. I love Virgo women for their good, subtle personalities.
Posted by SpiceNSugar
In my entourage, I actually know a number of Cap males with Virgo females. From a practical perspective, they seem to get along quite well and be on the same wavelength.
On the other hand, these relationships don't appear very warm and passionate simply because both signs tend to be relatively unemotional. Further, both of these signs are probably more into work than into each other IMO.

Ha, well behind closed doors they probably are pretty passionate. It's all for the image.
I don't have a lot of experience with virgo men, but the limited experience I do have was very nice and a little overwhelming.
I've noticed that when I'm at a social event and I start talking to people I don't know, it's usually either virgos, sags, caps or aquas. I was at one event once and was talking to this man much, much older than me and it was like instant friends. I even felt comfortable enough with this stranger to share some of the concerns I had about my son post-divorce and the issues he has with his dad, etc. Don't know why I was so comfortable sharing such personal thoughts. Finally asked this older gentleman when his birthday was, and SURPRISE! He was a virgo. Never saw him again, but the short term friendship was amazing. It was like we had known each other for ever.
I've had lots of virgal friends though and it just seems to click. My two high school best friends were both virgos. One was fiesty and fun and laid back. The other was very competitive with me.
I wasn't much help here, but I wanted to chime in.
My boyfriend is predominantly virgo and has a virgo moon. Fits nicely with my cap moon and other cap traits. Very electric!!!
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by SpiceNSugar
In my entourage, I actually know a number of Cap males with Virgo females. From a practical perspective, they seem to get along quite well and be on the same wavelength.
On the other hand, these relationships don't appear very warm and passionate simply because both signs tend to be relatively unemotional. Further, both of these signs are probably more into work than into each other IMO.

Ha, well behind closed doors they probably are pretty passionate. It's all for the image.
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This ^^^.
Both are very private and don't want other people knowing their business. The connection is just there. Like they know what each other is thinking with just a look or through body language. They can communicate without communicating.
I may be a little late to the party but from one Virgo to another this relationship can stay with you a long time. You might even judge other relationships by this one if things should happen to go south on the two of you.
Caps and Virgos leave very deep marks (in a good way) on each other. Its the type of relationship that makes you want to change things about yourself.
Good luck and enjoy. One Cap girl I know confided in me that she dated a Virgo in college and he contacted her after 2 decades and they both admitted to lingering feelings that they both had and all was good between them. So be prepared for a possible life long connection.
Posted by M
Posted by Peanutbutter

Why do you say that?

Isn't this question emblazoned on the Virgo family crest? Winking

Bahaha it might as well be..
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Posted by miamivirgo
I may be a little late to the party but from one Virgo to another this relationship can stay with you a long time. You might even judge other relationships by this one if things should happen to go south on the two of you.
Caps and Virgos leave very deep marks (in a good way) on each other. Its the type of relationship that makes you want to change things about yourself.
Good luck and enjoy. One Cap girl I know confided in me that she dated a Virgo in college and he contacted her after 2 decades and they both admitted to lingering feelings that they both had and all was good between them. So be prepared for a possible life long connection.

Everytime I see pics of this couple I wonder why they couldn't work it out. These are pictures from the other day. He is a Virgo and she is a Capricorn. They had a MESSY divorce about 5yrs ago, and he is now married to Alicia keys.
I just think despite the messiness of everything, they still look good together and still have a bit of chemistry imo. Of course I think she misses him, but I wonder if he ever miss her.

They still look like a family to me. I never dated a Virgo, and I've only been attracted to one, but just with him...I definitely see how the two could work.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I'll tell you why, Virgo men are complete Aholes who will leave a woman and her children, for something they think is shinier and brighter.

Yeah, when he talked about Alicia after their divorce he said it's nice to now have someone on his "level." According to him, Mashonda was sitting at home going through his phone all day. I think it's clear that in his mind he felt he upgraded.
Really, if I'm being honest...I think many earth sign men are into upgrading or getting what they feel is "the best of the best." I see that trait in my Capricorn friend and all the Cap men I know, I see it in my Taurus friend and my sisters Taurus ex, and Virgos too soo...
Too bad none of these men realize what they feel is "the best of the best" is not the path to happniness. Lmao...they are all miserable with their "quality" women.
Posted by capinc
I spent a lot of time recently with a Virgo and after a week i was done. The time spent was for business but the things I experienced during this time was enough to put a bad taste in my mouth. I was so incredibly turned off.

hah that's funny. i have this "you're stupid but i love you and i accept your flaws" relationship with my really close Cap guy friend too. he thinks i'm too neurotic while i think he's too rigid with a stick up his arse Winking BUT we somehow talk to each other every day. weird.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I'll tell you why, Virgo men are complete Aholes who will leave a woman and her children, for something they think is shinier and brighter.

It's not just virgos. Its a character flaw a lot of men have.
Le sigh

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