I'm Done*

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by leilaxxlovez on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 and has 40 replies.
I see a lot of cap threads where we're constantly apologising for who we are, we're constantly comparing ourselves to other signs, other people, as if we're not good enough. As caps, we take things to heart a lot of times, EVERYWHERE. Even if one is told don't take it personally, then it really does become personal.
We have huge hearts that have been burnt so much, we've become experts at not only closing off emotionally, not only being negative, but also at RETURNING THAT SAME HARSHNESS THAT WE EXPERIENCE AND JUDGE OURSELVES BY THAT VERY STANDARD.
To me, caps are cancers in a closet, and if it's one thing we love to do, it's brooding over something bad that has happened to us in the past, HOLDING ONTO THINGS THAT BRING US SO MUCH HARM. Everytime we get hurt, as caps, the very first question is 'WHAT DID I DO WRONG?' because we have an inner energy..we channel things on the inside, and think about them for days...but we always END UP BLAMING OURSELVES ANYWAYS.
Everywhere we go, people dislike caps. They dislike something about us. They will put us under a microscope and literally tear us to pieces when it comes to criticism, and we absorb all that, and eventually we begin to think they are right = low self esteem.
I don't know about y'all, but as a cap, I am tired of constantly making provisions when it comes to other people making mistakes, but not when I make a mistake. I don't know anybody who is as hard on me, as I am. And where does it lead me?
A PERSON CAN'T GET TO YOU WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT* I'm done being hard on myself. I'm done bending over for others. I'm done being so concerned with what others think of me. I am done caring more about strangers, then I actually care about myself.
Take a stand and let go of something caps...
What are you done with??
Leila, GET OUT OF MY HEAD! LOL Gurl You Just blurted Out everything that was in MY HEAD, Go Check my thread I just made called Life As A Capricorn! THANK YOU FOR LAYING IT ALL OUT, WHEWWWWWW I FEEL SUCH A RELIEF! AND YES I'M DONE! GOOD THREAD!
I agree and well said, NOBODY Knows WHAT To Do With Capricorns or how to handle US!
Posted by leilaxxlovez

Take a stand and let go of something caps...
What are you done with??

I'm done with trying so hard to please someone only to have it blow up in my face. i'm done with trying to find a lover, because every girl always stabs me in the back. i'm done the fucked up world we live in and all the assholes that inhabit it. but, most of all, i'm done with being so critical of myself and hard on myself cuz i feel like it's literally driving me insane. i'm tired of the negativity, the dark thoughts, hate, anger, everything. i wish i could still have the same mindset that i had when i was a child, cuz then i at least still felt innocent and un-corrupted by the environment that seems to constantly circulate itself around me.
nobody ever takes the time to understand a Capricorn and put in the legwork to get to know us. i'm 29 and there's been maybe 2 people in my life that actually know me through and through. i don't even think my family truly understands me, although i do hold a lot of shit back. there's always shit flying through my head that i don't think is necessary to be shared. but then that may be my Capricorn pride talking.
Posted by ElvisStalinWoods
Posted by UsernameTaken
Posted by leilaxxlovez

Take a stand and let go of something caps...
What are you done with??

i'm done with trying to find a lover, because every girl always stabs me in the back.

So true. Many of my male cap friends have been having the problem of being stabbed in the back/let down by a potential partner or S/O lately, including myself.
Any other caps facing this delightful trend?
click to expand

for real, caps always get shit on in the relationship department with no end in sight. makes me often wonder if it'll ever change. in all honesty, and i don't care how gay this might make me sound, but i want to fall in love like they do in the movies or in fairy tales. it's like a fantasy to me, and would warm my heart that for so long has felt really cold. its rather upsetting. not now, but in general.
Dont agree. After knowing a Cap (2 actually) my imression is Caps cannot let things go and this puts so much pressure on others. Holding grudges, assuming the negative in other peoples` behaviour; expecting so much without (note!) actually being prepared to give back the same... In the end it becomes too tiring.
Dont you guys name your unflexibility "sensitivity and good hearthness"?
There is NOTHING WRONG with wanting the fairy-tale love or the love you see in the movies. Especially with the load of Crap Most caps are dealt with in relationships. I find the different perspectives to be interesting, hmm you guys are on to something.
Powerful post, Leila...
I know a Cap moon who this describes totally, Nice to see it verified here...
Posted by aliennation
Oh!! I just want to hug you all...but I don't think you Cappies would like that. Tongue

you'd be surprised.....
Posted by ElvisStalinWoods
Posted by UsernameTaken
Posted by ElvisStalinWoods
Posted by UsernameTaken
Posted by leilaxxlovez

Take a stand and let go of something caps...
What are you done with??

i'm done with trying to find a lover, because every girl always stabs me in the back.

So true. Many of my male cap friends have been having the problem of being stabbed in the back/let down by a potential partner or S/O lately, including myself.
Any other caps facing this delightful trend?

for real, caps always get shit on in the relationship department with no end in sight. makes me often wonder if it'll ever change. in all honesty, and i don't care how gay this might make me sound, but i want to fall in love like they do in the movies or in fairy tales. it's like a fantasy to me, and would warm my heart that for so long has felt really cold. its rather upsetting. not now, but in general.

I don't believe it's "gay" at all. Despite how much we might love sex in general(not sure if Im speaking for everyone..), we need someone we can trust and who fully understands us, just like anyone. Thing is, no mean to sound self-centered about our sign, but anyone who could fully understand us would probably be someone who's gone through as much shit as us, thought-wise and life-wise in general. So realizing how much that person is precious to us and vice-versa it pretty much turns into the movie romance thing. I think that is something lots of us caps keep locked in our basements and shackled with a 100lbs chain. Maybe that's why it's a magnificent outcome when we have a good relationship with a cancer.

Or maybe it's just my pisces moon speaking Tongue
click to expand

excellent response! kudos smile
Posted by noirecapricornprincess
There is NOTHING WRONG with wanting the fairy-tale love or the love you see in the movies. Especially with the load of Crap Most caps are dealt with in relationships. I find the different perspectives to be interesting, hmm you guys are on to something.

thanks, i like that supportive response. i was unsure of what type of reaction that might bring if i expressed it, because that's a feeling that i have deep down that i'd probably never share with anyone for fear of feeling stupid about it. it's NOT stupid, but i just feel that anyone who i personally know would not take that statement for what its worth.
Posted by leilaxxlovez
Everywhere we go, people dislike caps. They dislike something about us.

I don't dislike Capricorns.
You all can come to my house ... all of you, you won't be disliked here.
I may shake my head if you do something stupid .. but, then again, I shake my head at myself when I do something stupid.

You will never be able to change the core of your being and stop caring ... you aren't made to be callous people.
Posted by M
Yeah! For all the cynics, just insert your name in when it says "Cave Johnson"
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

awesome vid. i love that game!
Posted by noirecapricornprincess
Leila, GET OUT OF MY HEAD! LOL Gurl You Just blurted Out everything that was in MY HEAD, Go Check my thread I just made called Life As A Capricorn! THANK YOU FOR LAYING IT ALL OUT, WHEWWWWWW I FEEL SUCH A RELIEF! AND YES I'M DONE! GOOD THREAD!

"...You forget, you've got to please your star player, the motherf***** that's looking at you in the mirror every goddamn day." - Kat Williams
Exactly smile.
Posted by BlazingGoat

Leila, I liked your description of Caps as Cancers in the closet. smile
What I'm done with? I don't owe anyone an explanation for why I am the way I am, do the things I do or make the decisions I do. It's not necessarily wrong, just because it isn't right for someone else. I'm done with apologizing for things I didn't do to keep the peace so that OTHER PEOPLE don't get hurt. I'm done protecting everyone else quietly withhout any recognition and being an invisible shield for everyone else plus their black sheep they can blame everything on in the end.
If people can't see that they're projecting themselves onto me, then I'm not silently going to accept it to protect themselves from hurting themselves. I'm done with being the only responsible adult and I'll accept that the change will probably make me appear hysterical to some people because they haven't seen this side of me before.
This may sound hypocritical in the light of what I wrote earlier but other sun signs get away with things I never get away with without someone pointing it out and seeing it as a fault in me but not in someone else and certainly not in themselves.

Thank you hun. And it is exactly what I'm talking about. The reason we cannot, as caps, get away with what most signs would is because we are so quick to please others, they tell us to jump, we smile and ask how high. A person pointing out how wrong we were to do something immediately MAKES US FEEL GUILTY, and for what?? When they turn around and do the exact same thing, we're quick to let it slide. LETS STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. i MEAN WE CARE MORE ABOUT WHAT THAT PERSON THINKS, MORE THAN OUR OWN HAPPINESS, OUR WELL-BEING...where does it get us???

Rejected, trampled on and alone.
Virgos I repeat DO NOT Know How To Handle us, if Anything they know how to Envy us ans run around talking about us as if they are obsessed over us.
I'm just waiting for the sign who REALLY connects with us and GETS US!
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by leilaxxlovez
Everywhere we go, people dislike caps. They dislike something about us.

You will never be able to change the core of your being and stop caring ... you aren't made to be callous people.
click to expand

Of course we can't stop caring. That's who we are. And that's why we're going to start CARING about our happiness for once.
Posted by crabcakesandmayo
I am blessed with a Cancer sun and Cap moon which makes me a very confused person. And since I'm confused, people around me are more confused and some even go to great lengths trying to analyze me. In the end it's just all a big pool of frustration and I am always left standing, alone, scratching my head. I don't understand why I cannot just be left alone and appreciated as opposed to being treated like a darn puzzle! It even made me upset typing this lol

You have a warm vibe... smile
That's the key though. We need to accept that people will never stop analysing, they will never stop judging, but you must stop moving with them in trying to accommodate all their opinions. I was at a course where we had to tell each other what our first impressions of them where. And this one girl stood up and said 'omg ur such a b****'...without even having a reason to think that, I took it to heart, and began analysing everything from that point, I would even have sleepless nights over it...trying to think about what I did to give off such an impression.
But all it takes is for me to look inside me, to take a stand and know that I don't owe her anything, and I don't have to be nice to her @ all!I don't have to make such a good impression because frankly it does not affect my blood circulation in any way. She can think that all she wants. Because frankly I never mattered to her, why should I be so concerned about what she thinks?? Got me stressed up all day, and she doesn't even care two cents about me.
YOUR REASON FOR LIVING IS NOT TO PLEASE OTHERS. as much as we want to be accepted by all, as much as we want to matter, as much as we want to keep the peace, WE END UP BEING THE OPPOSITE because we try TOO HARD. WE PUT OUR DIGNITY ON THE LINE, JUST TO PLEASE OTHERS.
It's gotta stop.

You've gotta be done...
Too deep...@ CapMusic
i think caps are sweet. haven't met a single cappy i didn't like.
I agree. Remember...we are the mothers and fathers of the zodiac..so what u described it why it can be so hard..
Its bout time we be alot more self aware. this is my first step so whats yours?
Posted by LoversInLove3
To all the cap guys getting stabbed, try another cap girl on for size. We don't intermingle enough! Haha

This is actually very true. I say fuck it, all caps should date only caps. who'd understand us better than one who has a more similar personality? I've never dated another cap before. i bet the sex is mind blowing haha!
Posted by noirecapricornprincess
I'm just waiting for the sign who REALLY connects with us and GETS US!

you and me both. i'd really like to have a connection with a cancer. as ridiculous as they act sometimes, maybe its what i need to jump start my scorned heart. i wanna move to La La Land.
I think caps are awesome, the contrast between the unapproachable exterior and the very delicate interior is fascinating..
I love Caps.
I have a long time best friend who is a Cap.
Went out with a Cap for a while and now date SagiCap - you guys rock.
At least a person always knows where they stand with you. What's more to ask for?
Well cap isnt a fixed sign so of course we are trying to adapt ourselves to please others Tongue you wont get away from this by leaving the website because you will do this in real life and get the same problem- upset that you cant just be yourself.
Capricorn is about conquering the world and respecting your elders. Both of these can be exceedingly beautiful if done well. Just share what you are with others. Your intellect your knowledge of the old world and your passion about improving the world.
if there are any negative traits then overcome them using capricorn powers..
eg be ambitious to not trample others to be the best
only be self effacing about your tendancy to put yourself down Tongue
compete against your competitiveness
This is an excellent thread. Considering im an aquarius and I just met about a month ago a capp man. Unfortunantly, we hit it off strong and although I didnt believe him and thought he was BS'n me he said that he fell in love instantly. We kicked it hard and strong for a good lil while UNTIL my sons father popped back up in the picture he is am aquarius as well. And my sons father wont let me go.
I miss my capp friend. He said that I am hurting him cuz I have pushed him back due to my sons father. I would much rather be with capp. OMG I have never smiled so much he even nick named me smiley. lol. I dont want to lose him but I can feel him fading into the abyss. I dont know what to do and I dont want any drama between capp and my sons father. This thread has helped me understand a lil bit more.
I would put up more of a "Let me go-its over" fight with my sons father if I knew capp would still be there. We talk everyday but its not how it used to be.I dont know what 2 do or how to get my sons father to let me go.
Let you go...?? What...did he tie a rope to you and wrap it around his left leg? For crap's sake, aren't you an adult who can choose what man she wants?
Stop blaming baby daddy.
Can ya'll be done with the idea that you're forever the Underdog? That is by far the most annoying thing I've experienced when talking to capricorns. And I'm not fully convinced that you FEEL that depressed or if you just think to FEEL that way is the RIGHT, HUMBLE thing to do. Like if you let yourself be confident, it'd be akin to boasting or (when it comes to relationships) you let yourself actually love someone that loves you, that'd be selfish somehow.
Is that the mountain? The crux of your psyche? Is that the hurdle you're trying to get past, because if I can see it all the way from here that it's self-inflicted, I don't understand how you can't ethier.
There is no mountain, there is no obstacle. You are your own limitation, once you guys get over that..you guys are literally, unstoppable.
I don't recall anyone that despises capricorns, maybe annoyed or frustrated at capricorns..but despise? Nah. Even the little underdog stint is endearing in a way. Except when it becomes a habit, than it can be boderline draining.
I'm done sharing honest thoughts. Burned for the last time! Shield is up and will remain up. I let it down for one person who didn't appreciate. I don't think people realize the impact of being a chosen one to learn our true thoughts.
Posted by oldskoolflavor
OP = a struggle most people w/ good intentions will experience
ever been told that you have high expectations of people,
that you set the bar too high ? I bet you have
just lower your expectations & life won't be that bad etc
since it's the norm to have low standards,
never let your guard down, f-ck people before you get f-cked etc
you can only wonder what this place will look like in a few decades

And other signs wonder why Caps have a shield and are hard to get know.
Posted by oldskoolflavor
OP = a struggle most people w/ good intentions will experience
ever been told that you have high expectations of people,
that you set the bar too high ? I bet you have
just lower your expectations & life won't be that bad etc
since it's the norm to have low standards,
never let your guard down, f-ck people before you get f-cked etc
you can only wonder what this place will look like in a few decades

i completely disagree with this statement..don't listen to him!!! He's a Libra.
what the hell do Libras know about Capricorns anyway? The nerve of them!
lol@ this entire Thread..They are lots off ppl from each sign to feel this way...We are all given weakness and strengths and one is to help balance out the other..Stop being cry babies..lol