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May 30, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 741 · Topics: 54
I see a lot of cap threads where we're constantly apologising for who we are, we're constantly comparing ourselves to other signs, other people, as if we're not good enough. As caps, we take things to heart a lot of times, EVERYWHERE. Even if one is told don't take it personally, then it really does become personal.
We have huge hearts that have been burnt so much, we've become experts at not only closing off emotionally, not only being negative, but also at RETURNING THAT SAME HARSHNESS THAT WE EXPERIENCE AND JUDGE OURSELVES BY THAT VERY STANDARD.
To me, caps are cancers in a closet, and if it's one thing we love to do, it's brooding over something bad that has happened to us in the past, HOLDING ONTO THINGS THAT BRING US SO MUCH HARM. Everytime we get hurt, as caps, the very first question is 'WHAT DID I DO WRONG?' because we have an inner energy..we channel things on the inside, and think about them for days...but we always END UP BLAMING OURSELVES ANYWAYS.
Everywhere we go, people dislike caps. They dislike something about us. They will put us under a microscope and literally tear us to pieces when it comes to criticism, and we absorb all that, and eventually we begin to think they are right = low self esteem.
I don't know about y'all, but as a cap, I am tired of constantly making provisions when it comes to other people making mistakes, but not when I make a mistake. I don't know anybody who is as hard on me, as I am. And where does it lead me?
A PERSON CAN'T GET TO YOU WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT* I'm done being hard on myself. I'm done bending over for others. I'm done being so concerned with what others think of me. I am done caring more about strangers, then I actually care about myself.
Take a stand and let go of something caps...
What are you done with??
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
Leila, GET OUT OF MY HEAD! LOL Gurl You Just blurted Out everything that was in MY HEAD, Go Check my thread I just made called Life As A Capricorn! THANK YOU FOR LAYING IT ALL OUT, WHEWWWWWW I FEEL SUCH A RELIEF! AND YES I'M DONE! GOOD THREAD!
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
I agree and well said, NOBODY Knows WHAT To Do With Capricorns or how to handle US!
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Oct 12, 2011Comments: 15 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 17
nobody ever takes the time to understand a Capricorn and put in the legwork to get to know us. i'm 29 and there's been maybe 2 people in my life that actually know me through and through. i don't even think my family truly understands me, although i do hold a lot of shit back. there's always shit flying through my head that i don't think is necessary to be shared. but then that may be my Capricorn pride talking.
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Nov 01, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 261 · Topics: 17
Dont agree. After knowing a Cap (2 actually) my imression is Caps cannot let things go and this puts so much pressure on others. Holding grudges, assuming the negative in other peoples` behaviour; expecting so much without (note!) actually being prepared to give back the same... In the end it becomes too tiring.
Dont you guys name your unflexibility "sensitivity and good hearthness"?
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
There is NOTHING WRONG with wanting the fairy-tale love or the love you see in the movies. Especially with the load of Crap Most caps are dealt with in relationships. I find the different perspectives to be interesting, hmm you guys are on to something.
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
Powerful post, Leila...
I know a Cap moon who this describes totally, Nice to see it verified here...
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
Virgos I repeat DO NOT Know How To Handle us, if Anything they know how to Envy us ans run around talking about us as if they are obsessed over us.
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Feb 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 448 · Topics: 31
I'm just waiting for the sign who REALLY connects with us and GETS US!
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Oct 30, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 165 · Topics: 16
i think caps are sweet. haven't met a single cappy i didn't like.
I agree. Remember...we are the mothers and fathers of the what u described it why it can be so hard..
I think caps are awesome, the contrast between the unapproachable exterior and the very delicate interior is fascinating..
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Feb 24, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 1394 · Topics: 61
I love Caps.
I have a long time best friend who is a Cap.
Went out with a Cap for a while and now date SagiCap - you guys rock.
At least a person always knows where they stand with you. What's more to ask for?
This is an excellent thread. Considering im an aquarius and I just met about a month ago a capp man. Unfortunantly, we hit it off strong and although I didnt believe him and thought he was BS'n me he said that he fell in love instantly. We kicked it hard and strong for a good lil while UNTIL my sons father popped back up in the picture he is am aquarius as well. And my sons father wont let me go.
I miss my capp friend. He said that I am hurting him cuz I have pushed him back due to my sons father. I would much rather be with capp. OMG I have never smiled so much he even nick named me smiley. lol. I dont want to lose him but I can feel him fading into the abyss. I dont know what to do and I dont want any drama between capp and my sons father. This thread has helped me understand a lil bit more.
I would put up more of a "Let me go-its over" fight with my sons father if I knew capp would still be there. We talk everyday but its not how it used to be.I dont know what 2 do or how to get my sons father to let me go.
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
Let you go...?? What...did he tie a rope to you and wrap it around his left leg? For crap's sake, aren't you an adult who can choose what man she wants?
Stop blaming baby daddy.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
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Apr 11, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 892 · Topics: 25
Can ya'll be done with the idea that you're forever the Underdog? That is by far the most annoying thing I've experienced when talking to capricorns. And I'm not fully convinced that you FEEL that depressed or if you just think to FEEL that way is the RIGHT, HUMBLE thing to do. Like if you let yourself be confident, it'd be akin to boasting or (when it comes to relationships) you let yourself actually love someone that loves you, that'd be selfish somehow.
Is that the mountain? The crux of your psyche? Is that the hurdle you're trying to get past, because if I can see it all the way from here that it's self-inflicted, I don't understand how you can't ethier.
There is no mountain, there is no obstacle. You are your own limitation, once you guys get over guys are literally, unstoppable.
I don't recall anyone that despises capricorns, maybe annoyed or frustrated at capricorns..but despise? Nah. Even the little underdog stint is endearing in a way. Except when it becomes a habit, than it can be boderline draining.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I'm done sharing honest thoughts. Burned for the last time! Shield is up and will remain up. I let it down for one person who didn't appreciate. I don't think people realize the impact of being a chosen one to learn our true thoughts.
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Apr 11, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 892 · Topics: 25
what the hell do Libras know about Capricorns anyway? The nerve of them!
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Feb 08, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 276 · Topics: 17
lol@ this entire Thread..They are lots off ppl from each sign to feel this way...We are all given weakness and strengths and one is to help balance out the other..Stop being cry