I'm Done*

Well cap isnt a fixed sign so of course we are trying to adapt ourselves to please others Tongue you wont get away from this by leaving the website because you will do this in real life and get the same problem- upset that you cant just be yourself.
Capricorn is about conquering the world and respecting your elders. Both of these can be exceedingly beautiful if done well. Just share what you are with others. Your intellect your knowledge of the old world and your passion about improving the world.
if there are any negative traits then overcome them using capricorn powers..
eg be ambitious to not trample others to be the best
only be self effacing about your tendancy to put yourself down Tongue
compete against your competitiveness

Related Messages

Try a light switch.
what with a tickling stick?
I read your post Aqua09 and cracked up! Of course you are not evil. I would be thinking the same thing and carrying a big smirk on my face all day! And I am not an Aqua but Sag and hell yea ..
Doesn't everyone disappear from time to time? Each to their own and if anyone's going to call you antisocial for taking time out (perfectly natural and healthy) it's their problem, not yours. I've never understood why everything has to be go, go, go for some people, like they have to be seen at every social occasion, nor why they sometimes have to bring other people down for not being 'cool' like them for not always being in the spotlight, nor why anyone would feel guilty by a person presupposing that upon them. Antisocial, bah! We exist in shadows and quiet dignity anyway. Plus, if you're not in the mood to go out isn't it better to rejuvenate at home instead of going out somewhere and sitting in the corner disinterested? Only in this society can being constantly on the go be consideredered the way to be a 'successful' person; I call it stupidity. Some people must be damn tired Winking
1, I regret driving through a big puddle of water and soaking a bunch of people.
2, I regret not sharing my last rolo.
3, I regret that after sex with my ex girlfriend, I went into the bathroom and cleaned my balls with their towel and put it back on the rail.
4, I regret putting my best mates new trainer's in the freezer when I was drunk.
5, I regret bringing a plastic dumb bell to the gym and letting my friend pick it up then fall on is ass in front of some lovely girl.
Watching two Libras having a "fight" can be pretty entertaining, instead of insults they'll be charming to each other lol
Posted by WaterCup
in a way chem i think we do have a scale too or at least i do, not a crazy one though (like that of u know who). For an example, i didnt find a relationship with another aqua fulfilling- too cold emotionally and those who were too hot, overwhelmed me emotionally. I think i have a mirror too, lol. If u dont call, i dont either. I even count text words, dont wanna out do them so to speak, lol.

Hahaha...I mirror as well. After all I am mutable! Tongue lol @ count the text words.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Ahhh 'fight', such a dirty word. Debate seems more fitting Tongue

I do know how to get you from your debating mode (Libra sun) to your mean fighty one (Aries moon)..all I have to say is Burt Reynolds sucks Big Grin
Either that or me saying Bon Jovi is the best musician ever smile
Posted by TasteOfChaosss

It's about some pyscho Big Grin

Ohh that sounds a lot like dxp Big Grin
Im still traumatized about liking his song "Always" when I was 9 years old.