Signed Up: Aug 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
O don't fuss, shouldn't be for too long, lol, about to mess with gentoo, and if i f' up something i'll probably be gone for a day or two, maybe more depending on how much time i get to repair everything. if i hose my system it just takes time to get windows, partitions, and blah blah blah everything else back together. o that and Toro is being mean to me. Darn her! (jk, she's reasonably nice. )
Signed Up: Aug 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
might be you . depends on if i trash my system . just takes a while to get everythign back up in running, and many times i'm busy doing other crap. much of my school work is done on the pc, so if i fook it up, i'll have to do my work at school . but i should be alright. just dont want anyone jonesing if i don't answer their pm's or something super fast.
Signed Up: Aug 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
blah, didnt say permenantly sheesh! said, i might f**k up something on my computer by accident, and be missing for a while, depending on what i screw up and how busy i am. its not complicated to fix, just time consuming. gentoo takes hours to install >.>. well the version im using does. might try the live cd so i don't have to do all the fanciful commands. i have time to occasionally respond to posts, but when gentoo is compiling, or i'm reformatting i can't do jack squat on the pc except wait. so if school picks up and i am not able to give linux the tlc it needs, then it might be a while. but, that's IF i mess up. which is easy to do in gentoo . I am not that adept at linux, but i think ill be fine. trying to back up my data, and its taking forever. thing about gentoo text installer is that it requires actual interaction. but anyway just giving a heads up, so people dont think i was arrested for watching naughty pictures of Learus and Cappysweetie. how can something so sexy be so illegal! she's the cheesecake of women >.>. so yummy, but i know i'll just feel guilty.
Signed Up: Aug 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
No, you are mean to me normally, but when you try to make up then you are extra nice to me. so for the benefit of the doubt i balanced it to reasonably nice .
Signed Up: Aug 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
aww, that was sweet krobe . made me feel better . I hosed my system >.>. I'm in one of those Linux Live Cd's repairing the damage >.> Couldn't get xserver to load on one disk, and the freaking installer sucked. now i'm using an older version who's installer is much better. i just freaking hope i don't have to do cli install. o gowd that is time consuming. wellllll anyhow. luckily i think my windows partition is alright. how the bloody hell am i supposed to do math homework, f**king errands, read some chapters and study for a freaking testand a command line install. ooo the hell if i know. o well take care .
Signed Up: Aug 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
ty, ty, gentoo was pissing me off, so i reinstalled ubuntu. ffs, the command line had less mess ups. i might still try it one of these days. i need to get me a test rig. hopefully i'll be back to normal soon .