yeah it was really really weird . . . but he honestly had no clue. Im glad though because even though i did like that guy he woulda been a rebound cause i was and still am pretty much emotionally unavailable and he deserves better than that.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
i am having a bit of trouble with this scorpio dude. i'm trying not to be stupid about it but i don't know what to think anymore. my friends don't know i've been talking to him cause we have some kind of not good history together so i haven't told anyone and i don't want to until i know what to make of him. anyone in a problem solving mood???
oh well i guess I'm kinda going through a getting over someone situation like him myself so I'm just trying to be as nice as possible cause i know exactly how hard it is.
but i get your point it's ok everyone has a righ to say what they think is right
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
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Aug 02, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 16
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
well, a couple years ago i met this guy from spain. he lives in the US because he goes to school here but he's going back to spain at the end of this school year, and he now lives in another state. i really liked him, but he's 24 (then 23) and he used to treat me pretty badly. i think it was partly because he saw me as a little girl. it was pretty much the typical scorpio runaround, but i did it for a while because he was so damn hot, and when he wasn't being an asshole we connected really well, and on top of that he taught me some spanish too (which i've unfortunately gotten a lot worse at since i've been at college). anyway i can't really remember exactly when it was that i got tired of him. he neglected me a lot and that is difficult to deal with. it dawned on me that i could be "on the side" while there was someone else he was more concerned with so i just stopped bothering to try and talk to him. so we didn't even talk for, let me must have been about a year. then a couple weeks ago, i decided to sign on to msn (which i don't use regularly and hadn't used for a really long time) and as soon as i sign on, lo and behold the first person to message me is him.
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