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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
Capricorn Horoscope for April 2013
By Susan Miller
You are starting to see the plan of the universe, specifically that change is necessary, and often, with change comes a need for adjustment. You are one of the four cardinal signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn - and as such, cardinals are quick to take a leadership role in any process of change. Cardinal signs define direction, for the cardinal signs align with north, south, east, and west points on the compass and on the globe.
Due to certain planets on the move, specifically Uranus in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn, and in the past, Saturn in Libra (recently no longer there), and Jupiter (soon to enter Cancer in June), the cardinal signs have been going through a vast shift on many levels. This will keep up for a while, as the universe helps you to sweep the cobwebs from your life, delete the people who are not supportive, and shape a new life more to your liking.
Last month's full moon of March 27, the #MonsterMoon as I called it on Twitter, may have proved to be very challenging, especially if you are a December-born Capricorn. This full moon lit your house of career reputation, so that part of your life is where many of the new revelations and shifts were surfacing. As you begin April, you may still be dealing with what you learned within four days of March 27. All full moons have an area of influence of four days before and after the date of the full moon to deliver its news. That brings you to the start of April, and the Monster Moon, which caused tears for so many people, of all signs, has fully waned by April 2.
Now, in early-to-mid April, you will turn your attention to your living arrangements, including your physical space; other property you may be involved with buying, selling or renovating; the look, feel, and organization of your present home; and all family matters, including a matter that may relate to one of your parents. If you've been frustrated with a lack of options on any of these fronts, this month should open up opportunity quite suddenly - be ready!
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
As you begin April, an unusually large number of planets are heading to your fourth house of home and family. Those include Venus (beauty), Mars (energy), Uranus (disruption, sudden change), and the Sun (authority and focus). These heavenly bodies will all be in place and awaiting the arrival of the important new moon in the same sign of Aries, 21 degrees, due April 10. Once you get to April 10 and the days beyond, many opportunities will show up, and things will begin to click quickly into place.
However, before you get to the new moon April 10, circle a fantastic set of days that will occur over April 5-7, with the rare and very special meeting of Venus and Mars.
We know that Venus, planet of love, fun, and beauty, adores her lover, Mars. Whenever these two planets are found together in conjunction, love can't be far behind, for one of the main jobs of these two is to spark love and fun. A conjunction of these two is hard to find, for Venus and Mars only meet every two years in any one of the 12 signs. This time Venus and Mars will meet in Aries, a place they have not met since 1985.
You may want to entertain others at home over the weekend of April 6-7 (it must be at your home, for this aspect to help you, not at a restaurant) or you may want to shop or new things that add to the charm and attractiveness of your space. Saturday, April 6, should be your best day of the three. If you hope to sell things you don't need, say, on an auction site, or in a garage or yard sale, do it over this weekend.
As said, your big day for home-related efforts will be April 10, the date of the new moon plus ten days. Indeed, this will be your very finest month of the year for acting on home related matters. Mars will be conjunct the new moon, so you'll be ready to swing into action. Venus is conjunct this new moon too, adding to the possibilities that you can find beautiful new pieces for your home. Mercury, which was retrograde from February 23 to March 17, may have held up your moving ahead, especially in buying electronics and expensive furniture. (It was good if you waited, as it will never be a good idea to buy expensive items during Mercury retrograde.) Happily, Mercury will be in fine shape now, especially from April 6 on, so there's no reason to wait to act on plans, but the new moon will be best for launching truly big efforts.
Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
If you want to list your apartment or house with a broker for sale, you will want to do it on the new moon April 10 - it should sell fairly quickly as Aries is a very rapid moving fire sign. You can gather estimates from your list of contractors, designers, and architects at the start of April, but make your final announcement of your choice of professional on or just after April 10.
By April 15, Venus will move to Taurus, followed by the Sun, April 19, and Mars, April 20. As you see, by this time, you'll be losing some of the support you had earlier for home and family matters, another reason to be organized and act early in April, on or just after that new moon April 10. (For smaller projects and touches, such as to select paint colors, or new accessories for your home, shop over April 5-7.)
Saturday, April 20, may bring very surprising news about these matters, as Mercury, still in Aries, will align precisely with Uranus, planet of complete surprise. I am not sure of the kind of surprise that will come up - it may represent a setback or a big breakthrough. With Uranus, you never know. These two planets will meet at 10 degrees Aries, so if you are born at 10 degrees Capricorn - that's December 31 or January 1 - you may not like the surprise that surfaces on April 20 (transiting Mercury and Uranus will "square" your birthday Sun), so keep your guard up. For example, a buyer may say he wants to buy your house, but don't count your chickens until they hatch. This person may not get a mortgage from the bank.
A far better day will be Tuesday, April 23, when Mercury will receive a shimmering beam from Jupiter. Mercury will be in your house of home, making this a great day to sign papers, or to buy furniture (Mercury rules commerce and is also Gemini's ruler.) You may also hear news from family that is very positive.
As Venus and Mars move into Taurus by the last third of the month, you will be more "in your element" as Taurus is an earth sign like yours. This will be good news for your social life.
By the last days of April, the picture will become more complicated, because a full moon lunar eclipse will occur on April 25 in Taurus, 6 degrees, opposite the house where these planet are heading, your house of friendship. Clearly, with a full moon lunar eclipse, something is reaching culmination.
Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
Saturn will be eyeing this migration of these planets to your house of true love from across the skies, precisely 180 degrees away, and will conjoin the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio, giving a heavy, serious overtone to all that goes on at month's end. Saturn is your ruling planet, so this gives Saturn more prominence at the full moon eclipse.
Something important seems to be shaping up in regard to a friend who is important to you. You may be concerned because your friend is experiencing a crisis, or in a different manifestation, because your friend has acted badly, or even may have betrayed you. Whatever is going on seems to make you want to think deeply and move in a careful way. Be cautious what you write in social media - you may regret sharing too much information. The matter that comes up may involve one friend or a whole group of friends.
Eclipses are the most important aspect that the universe can send to you to create change and progress. How this eclipse will affect you depends in large part on how things have been going up until now. If your relationship is sound, the eclipse will show you the truth of that, and ask you to make more of the friendship. If your relationship has not been going well, the eclipse will ask you to decide what you want to do about that, to talk things over, or if the transgression was unacceptable, to leave. If your friend needs help, this will be the time to show what his or her friendship means to you, and to be there for your friend. Eclipses will often "eclipse out" someone from your life, say, if your friend moves away, and you have far less contact with him or her.
Here is another clue. Think back to last November 13 when we had a solar eclipse in Scorpio. What comes up now may hark back to that eclipse, as all eclipses are related to one another like pearls on a necklace. (I should add eclipses are related to each other ONLY within a certain family of signs, this being the Taurus-Scorpio series of eclipses that started November 2012 that will continue to occur until October 2014, arriving in pairs every six months at the new moon and full moon points. The second part of this eclipse event will arrive in Taurus next month, May 9 in your house of true love.
Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
Eclipse series repeat in a sign every nine years, but will repeat to exact date and mathematical degree every 19 years. Think back to April 27, 1994 and May 9, 1994 for a very similar eclipse, keeping in mind that the other planets surrounding that eclipse have since moved. Saturn, for example, was not conjunct the April 27, 1994 eclipse as it will be April 27, 2013. Eclipses are important because they bring landmark moments that you long remember. A full moon eclipse is like three full moons rolled into one, so it packs quite a bit of emotion. Still, this eclipse gets a supportive beam from Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio, and both planets will help you find stabilizing answers to whatever comes up.
If your birthday falls on December 27, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this eclipse the most. If you have a natal planet that falls in Scorpio or Taurus at 6 degrees, the eclipse will sensitize that planet.
The month ends on another tough aspect, the Sun opposed to Saturn, April 30, a once-a-year aspect that will cut across your love and friendship sectors again. This time your money may be impacted, as the Sun rules your eighth house of shared income, credit cards, tax refunds, child support, and other such funds outside of salary. You seem to be coming up short on funds at month's end, adding to the tension.
Saturn is, as you know, your ruling planet, and Saturn makes you realistic and practical, so no matter what comes up, you'll find a way to deal with it. If you move this month, you may be coming up short on money that appears to be running out of your account like water at this point. You may want to get a line of credit lined up at the bank in early April to cover any contingency.
Keep smiling, as things are about to get better in May, a month destined to be all about love and romance, no matter what your status, dear Capricorn. You've got a lot on your plate in April, but May will be a big improvement and give you time to take a deep breath in the fresh air, and feel very proud of all you accomplished in April.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Funny. I have my house up for sale and that subject is mentioned.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
Now, in early-to-mid April, you will turn your attention to your living arrangements, including your physical space; other property you may be involved with buying, selling or renovating; the look, feel, and organization of your present home; and all family matters, including a matter that may relate to one of your parents. If you've been frustrated with a lack of options on any of these fronts, this month should open up opportunity quite suddenly - be ready!
Weird. The scorp suddenly decided he wanted to be in my house by may 1st. Spooky.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
Keep smiling, as things are about to get better in May, a month destined to be all about love and romance, no matter what your status, dear Capricorn. You've got a lot on your plate in April, but May will be a big improvement and give you time to take a deep breath in the fresh air, and feel very proud of all you accomplished in April.
Ooh! Exciting! 
Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
march 27th i quit my job. lol i hope there are no more repercussions from THAT! o.o
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Big day for home related efforts on April 10??? Hmmm.... maybe that's the day my daughter will have the baby 
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
"If your birthday falls on December 27, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this eclipse the most. If you have a natal planet that falls in Scorpio or Taurus at 6 degrees, the eclipse will sensitize that planet."
23rder... OH NOS!
Saturn in Scorp 2 degrees. i wonder if that's "within" 6 degrees, or if she really means right smack "at"
i suspect i'll really need a friend around then. that's right at the anniversary of a traumatic experience that's left me with ptsd and anxiety attacks.
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
Moon in Scorpio 2.08- right there with you sister!
Maybe we should exchange numbers. Lol
Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
Posted by capgirl69
Moon in Scorpio 2.08- right there with you sister!
Maybe we should exchange numbers. Lol
eeesh... sensitize your moon?
oh dear, we should swap numbers 
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
My venus is in scorpio. Hope it doesn't mean anything negative for my relationship.
*calms nerves*
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Mar 04, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 29
Where did you get this, I wanna see Geminis
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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
I'm tooo young 
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
lol... you aren't too anything. you're perfect 
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
I posted on the other thread, but posting here too! Congratulations! Post pictures!
I read Susan Miller's Astrology Zone forecasts every month as I've found a lot of what she has to say pretty accurate to whatever is going on in my life. Not all aspects but more than one would think. Since my guy is a Cap I read his too. The part about the fixing up your personal space or just the home related forecast for March fit my Cap to a tee as he just told me how he had rearranged all his furniture, got rid of stuff he no longer needed, etc. The funny part is that he doesn't know about what I read on Astrology Zone.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Cheeky, you should have been up all night reading my status updates on the main page 
(I know, I should really get a life LOL) Signed Up:
Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
Me too! I'll have some fun trips coming up by that time so who knows what, or who, I will run into. 
Signed Up:
Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
i unno about anyone else... but today was great.
however, i have to admit i feel like karma will be getting back at me for having such a good day today.
i saw ex-scorpio at work today. he didnt even say hi to me and he looked right at me. of course... i certainly didn't say hi to him. so i'm just as guilty, but i at least smiled at him. he looked away and his eyes were kinda red like he'd been really angry, was emotional again (which i actually doubt) or something else.
this is where i count my lucky stars that i'm capricorn and i don't try ad nauseum to guess or psychoanalyze what i saw. unless my gut gives me a clear read, i wont worry and it didnt. i think something is going on with his day that's not so good. i hope it's alright. the end.
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
This is kind of on point. April 6th I was surprised by a visit from my mom. Hadnt seen her since Sept, and she came down for a week, so that was nice.
Yesterday my Cap friend pissed me off. Had a get together at his house and invited me. I said no because he called me basically 5 minutes before and also because sitting in a house other than my own is not my thing. He said we are not friends anymore(he always says this), but what upset me was his wife getting on the phone saying he was hurt and saying he tries to reach out to me, and he wonders about our friendship etc. Ive only met her once, and although we all were somewhat joking I think he paints me in a bad light to her and she probably doesn't realize he paints her in a bad light to me. I just didnt really like her getting on the phone telling me anything honestly. He knows me and I explained that to her. Im not changing. Knowing him he probably thought this was perfect for manipulating the situation.. Even if it was all in fun I was irritated by it.
Taurus is still acting up. Sent me a text, I replied and he never responded back. He gets sooo weird when something upsets him. Very indirect hits for days., and just when you think its over he jabs again. I absolutely refuse to let this one stress me out again.
Today was a gorgeous day though. I made sure to get out and enjoy what I could of it.
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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
25th and 26th were pretty good days for me but I can't wait for May to begin, I want to read it. 
I've been dealing with a Scorpio friend for the last month. I will probably see her again in 2 weeks and I am not sure what will happen. Planning for the possibilities doesn't help in this case. And she doesn't understand when I try to explain. Guess we will have to do this in person.