Onward to paradise...

I read Susan Miller's Astrology Zone forecasts every month as I've found a lot of what she has to say pretty accurate to whatever is going on in my life. Not all aspects but more than one would think. Since my guy is a Cap I read his too. The part about the fixing up your personal space or just the home related forecast for March fit my Cap to a tee as he just told me how he had rearranged all his furniture, got rid of stuff he no longer needed, etc. The funny part is that he doesn't know about what I read on Astrology Zone.

Related Messages

haha Marra don't worry nothing too imaginative!
Have you ever peed in a pool with lots of people around? (And in the spirit of the thread) Have you participated in 'watersport' or would you ever consider a golden shower HAHA!
No No still in good old Sydney, quite comfortable down here! I use to work for Blizzard Activision and made some contacts and they wanted me to join the Valve Team over in Bellevue. Now that would've been a dream come true! Living like a geek and working like a geek!
I know what you mean by mascara though. Don't ask don't tell let's just say I'm quite proficient with the use of make up.
I can't wait to see it! The aqua and I were at the movies and saw the preview.... After the preview was over, we turned to look at each other, nodded once and the next preview. Lol!
I know this flies in the face of many... Marrakesha I apologize... this just dawned on me and I needed to "scream" it somewhere where my shallow and trivialness could easily be overlooked...
WHY do women fawn over him?! He looks like a damn joke! Big hypothetical, but if that man walked up to me, or ANY man resembling him... I'd either run before he could reach me or I'd vomit. His face repulses me! Might be his dumbass smirk, or his lazy eyes, but I really think it's the fact that every picture he takes it seems like he's trying to look sexy, but in actuality he ends up looking like an ostrich. plain n simple. he cant do sexy, but he can do ostrich. good for him.
Awh, shoo.. No apologies needed. I'm sometimes guilty of stereotyping as well. :].
*watched the next preview.... Ugh! Lol!
For sure Mr D! You can show me all the cool places if I ever do end up there!
And well it's still a bit embarrassing. This was when I went to design school and we did a module on Costuming and Filming. I was put in a group with 4 other gals and they thought it was a good idea to have me cross dress. Which I still think they just wanted to torture me for the sake of it.
It was like a crash course from them in make up, waxing (honestly I don't know how you guys put up with it). Many painful memories of stabbing either the mascara brush or eyeliner pencil into my eyeball and walking around with bloodshoot eyes lol. But that wasn't enough they even taught me the dirty tricks of creating cleave and I was surprised even having NO boobs whatsoever it could be done.
haha those were fun times back then Tongue
yeah permanent make up smile I mean I've seen a few girls with them on and they don't seem to mind it.

I guess some like it but personally I like them all naturale!
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