Real World (An Idealist's Philosophy)


This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by cappysweetie on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 128 replies.
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Yes, my break is long over (oops smile) I will be back after I finish my project Tongue
What order is that Mistress?
*runs and gets cone for fresh scoop of eye*

I removed the cornea for you...
*smiles sweetly*
'cause I know you hate the cornea...
No shirt, no shoes, no eyes, NO SERVICE
o_O *looks entirel disatisfied*
it-it's looks melted
that was my false enthusiasm...
okay- all this talk of cornea makes me hungry for a retina cake at the local optomatrattori...
And they let you work with children. *shakes head*
all this talk about repeated service is making me-
I should go get dinner...
-_- you are going to make me some pork for dinner 2nite? extra tapeworms??? ON THE SIDE...just the way i like *flutters eyelahses*
I should go get dinner...
Maybe you should. It would calm you down. Make you sensible etc...
So we can conclude that Schoenetanz and Dancing Bread went off to have dinner together. How sweet.
You are bread.
Talking bread scares me.
*sits back and wait for Branhs 'thoughts'*
We need to end the reign of the environmentalist for a bit and dig our own oil...
We need to switch to alternative fuels.
Destroying nature so you can drive five minutes down the street. Think again.
"sweetie won't get personal..."

Hey, I'm back DB ... what was that you said about me Winking
"We haven't touched the oil yet, and yet we are still over there. I really do wish we would get the oil. "
Okay, so if it's not primary about oil ... the why in the hell is the U.S. trying to make Iraq into an miny america -- it's almost like the 13 states ... but there's no need for colonies.
It take MONEY and TIME to get there...
So it does. But you don't mind supporting your party in going to war, or going to the moon. Everything takes time and money Mr. Bread.
"Well I'm not pro-Republican. I didn't agree with the war one bit. I however couldn't turn a blind eye to the fact that Clinton and the democrats made this war possible."
Whoa!!!!!!! Okay, where did you get your sources from ??? The Clinton administration tried to prevent the war from happen .... did you see those "peace talks" they were televised, okay. This is why Clinton was disappointed that W. Bush didn't continue his unfinished work.
Hey, I'm a no party person so I'm not pro-Clinton and I'm definately NOT pro-Bush but this is what I've studied. Clinton didn't make this war possible, he tired to prevent it.
"Cappysweetie it is primarily about protecting Israel and somewhat keeping a bunch of pro-Israeli puppets in Iraq. Their ultimate plan is to completely colonize the entire region. they'll have some trouble with Iran, and now that Russia is back on its feet, they are going secure allies in the middle east."
Okay, that's understandable but separating the groups will only create more chaos ... did you hear about what happen yesterday ... I won't repeat it because it makes me sick to my stomach. Colonization was wrong years ago (nothing good came of it) and it's wrong now.
The Bush adminintration is messing up big time and it's going to take another Congress and another Senate to clean up all the garbage that's being created.
My opinion.
Support the troops.
The Iraq CONFLICT is boring to me.
Their ultimate plan is to completely colonize the entire region."
I hope the Iraqis are smart enough not to fall into this trap.
It was establish under Clinton's order, and you can't even begin to ignore the fact that there are over 42% Democrats who voted FOR the war, this includes Kerry.
Okay, there's two reasons for this ...
One, they actually believed that there were WMD over in Iraq ... Ms. Rice assured everyone that the B.A. was absolutely postive about this
Second, the dems thought they would have the backing of the U.N.
All of the above went to hell and a hand-basket!
And guess what ... after it was all said and done and the smoke was clear ... there were no damn WMD to be found!
If the Dems know this was going to happen, the vote would've went more to the right ...........
HAHAHA!!!! Peace sounds like the great LEO clinton...
Grrrr DB! Tongue I am not Tongue
"Considering the military's influence on my life...the democrats should have picked a different candidate...Kerry was a wrong choice..."
I agree but who he was the best they could come up with .. now the next election is going to be PARTY!!! I know who I'm goint to promote and vote for Winking
That's a joke...the UN needs to be dismantled...
The UN needs reform and its own army, but that is totally out of the question.
Go ahead and put a Democrat in office, they aren't going to do things any differently.
A little more money in schools. I'll be happy. Gay marriage legalized and more protection for animals...
"cappysweetie, Clinton didn't see Saddam as no more of a threat to go to war with Iraq than Bush did. Neither of them based their decisions on good authority. They know what they are doing. It was all a pretext to attack Iraq and get a more USA friendly dictator in place there"
No way, I can't believe Clinton was apart of the foundation for the war in Iraq. There's too much available showing how he tried to keep peace. I'm not saying that you are wrong but as far as Clinton being "part" of this ...???? Well in that case that makes him no better then W.Bush ????????
Those two can't stand on the same ground with each other, no sir ....
"The UN is more corrupt than our government...Food for Oil shows it all..."
I really want to argue that point ... but I can't ... you are right Sad
The UN is more corrupt than our government...Food for Oil shows it all...
Tell me about it. It is almost sick how the countries are so selfish and the security council...Sad
"Virgo101 the school system is definitely a joke. I get pissed when I get taxed to death to support such a decripit and inefficient system. putting more money in the school system won't save it. Washington,DC has the higest pur pupil spending and it is doing horridly."
I agree with virgo101's three points. Brandon, for reasons you have stated this is why we need to a ..... wel someone different in control Winking *** PC, PC ****

Hillary is definitely going to try to secure a presidential election in 2008
No. I think she is a lesiban or something.
"Clinton is a total slimebag. Don't get to bedazzled by those smoke and mirrors. Clinton is a talker, an opprotunist, and a con-artist nothing more. He just happen to be a more convincing con-artist than Bush. Him and Bush are the best of friends. You never seen him on teleivions with George H.W Bush? That man will play the fence as long as it keeps his wife in high standing with both Dem and Republican voters."
*****GASPS!!!!! ***** ****I can't breath, I can't breath ****
"Hillary is definitely going to try to secure a presidential election in 2008, and Clinto is basically lining it up. How can he talk agains the war when his very wife voted in favour of the war? The man is inconsistent, a total liar, and he insults everyone intelligence."
Okay, Brandon ... listen my dear ... Ms Hillary voted for the war in Iraq for for the same reason to other Dems voted for it -- I gave you two reasons in a previous response. Clinton being a "slimebage" is your opinion and your opinion alone but he doesn't hold that title by his damn self! There's others that are just as slimey as he ... if you want to get literal .....
"I get pissed when I get taxed to death to support such a decripit and inefficient system."
you would be surprised branh, how little of it they really see...however, throwing money at education will do next to nothing unless people apply it aptly-
Bush is a horrible talker...his only saving grace is his cancer FEEL him...He seems more homely...and we like that...makes him appear more human and likeable...

aint e cute?
schoentanz is back YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is a very afraid...She wants POWER.
And women.
Parents can't discipline their child without being afraid of people telling them what to can milk the welfare system, a great system to be lazy...
amen to that
"She is a very afraid...She wants POWER."
Yeah Baby Winking
I like McCain.
hey cappy- thanks for the warm reception- although I don't feel like I know enough about politics to really debate these issues with smart people like you and db and branh and sb...
well, we are doomed as a nation if hillary gets to be prez...I'll tell ya that
She won't are a strong supporter sweetie, I'll give you that...I guess Dems can be worry free of faults..."
But DB, I only support what I think and feel is appropriate ... I do not support the dems strongly and I don't support the reps strongly ... There somethngs that I'm libral about and there's somethings I'm conversative about ....
branh- not everybody can afford a private education- how do you expect the disadvantaged to better themselves if we make education unatainable?
SHIT! I agree with you brandon...that like's throwing me off my game.
private school teachers get paid like shit- in most cases, they get less than public school teachers
public schools have the standards- you need to be certified to teach in th public school system- you don't need any formal credentials to teach at a private school- private ed. is really not all that it is cracked up to be...
We need an honest economy again, Hitlery isn't reliable for that
talk about SHIT lol...yes- I agree with that ^ branh 100%

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