Real World (An Idealist's Philosophy)


This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by cappysweetie on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 128 replies.
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LMAO at sb...
"Hiltery will definitely destroy the country. She will turn us into a socialist paradise where everyone is poor, and waiting for the government to take care of her. Clinton was more business oriented, at least we did benefit from him, even if half of his implementations were short sighted. Some smarter people became millionaires under Clinton, many suffered. We need an honest economy again, Hitlery isn't reliable for that."
***Okay anyone please forgive me for what I am about to say ... ***
Okay Brandon, I indeed respect your views and I tend to agree with most of them ... but I'm sorry I can't agree with you this time my dear ...
Hilary ... will destroy the country ... that's bull-shit! (I wll back this up in a momment ....)
**** forgive the profanity smilesmilesmile ****
ou think children are learning in the ghetto?
NO! they are NOT learning- but I think YOU don't understand what the problems are
I guess you need to take an economic course Schoentanz. If you did, competition in a free market drives prices down. However quality of service go up, because they must have the customer dollar to survive. People will waste less money under the private school system than they do the public school system.
*rolls eyes*
I DO agree that the money is not applied aptly branh- but you are talking out of yer ass- waste less money? you are HIGH man- how much of yer taxes do you really think go to education? you money whore-
so little of it goes to ed. that you prolly LOOSE that much change on yer way to work...pick up on of those pennies and cut it in half- one half goes to education- a quarter of that half of a penny gets used the math- half an apt penny would be better than a quarter- suck it up and let some slide into the admin. so the school can afford an assistant for the teacher who can't handle her overcrowded classroom!

Okay, I've simmered down now .... smile That comment about Hilary game me a headache ... but I'm cool now. Alright, I don't agree with all of her political views (I believe her husband is more open-minded then she) However, I don't think she can do anymore damage to the U.S. then Bush has. As a people, we are more divided now then we have been in a long time.
How can we make improvements if we don't at least stand by each other.
"United we stand, divided we will surely fall" ....
"Cappysweetie Hiltery wants universal healthcare. Do you know how broke you will be after they get soemthing like the passed? "
WHAT??? Okay wait, she does ???? I didn't hear her speak on universal healthcare in her speech to the Florida Dems ??? She in favor of universal healthcare .... that's can't be .....
A smaller one has parents giving money pay more attention...smaller systems are much easier to control and work more efficiently....

parents who don't MAKE MONEY don't give money
further more...where the schools suck- the parents work two jobs and don't even have time to stop and sign the report card- small free charter schools would be a great start- the results have been a good and they prove an effective edition to education reform in disadvantaged districts- but there needs to be SUPPORT for this kinda thing-
"parents who don't MAKE MONEY don't give money
further more...where the schools suck- the parents work two jobs and don't even have time to stop and sign the report card- small free charter schools would be a great start- the results have been a good and they prove an effective edition to education reform in disadvantaged districts- but there needs to be SUPPORT for this kinda thing-"
OMG, Ditto!!!
oh sb, where did DB go ... did I scare him away with my profanity ... I didn't mean to Sad
btw- thanks -_-
the CRAZY lights are on VERY BRIGHT...but the politics bulb is only flickering...
OMG, so Hilary (I looked up her views) does in fact support universal health care ... oh my ... well my entire opinion has changed. Oh my, that's just not .... practical ...
You could put your entire paycheck in that school system, and you'd just get adminstration officals in the school systems with better looking BMWs. THe system is broken Schoentanz, face it. There is no way to fix it, besides scrapping the system completely.
you are WRONG
the system is by no means perfect...BUT it seems to me that you think the distribution of wealth is way off in the public school system- you are wrong! how many public school systems have you worked in branh? the principals are not getting fat on money that should go to students- if that is what you think than you have yer head wrapped around a huge misconception! This is the least of why public schools are not doing well- the least of it
Well, I owe Branh an apology on the "BS" word ... he was right Sad
So was DB ... maybe he has a right to fear Hilary ... if she wants promoting something THAT wayward ....
'..Seems like both the guys have left ...'
typical of them... never say goodnite befo leavin'.... antibling is sooo sweet... he makes sure he wishes everyone a gr8 nite smile
no- db you usually say bye- I'm eaating corn
it is kind of a two handed deal- but by all means- go on talking...
Well, I need to finish my project before midnight sooo I will chat with you all later ... G'Night Winking
Hey DB, I thought my profane word scared you away ... I'm trying to work on my stats but I can't seem to concentrate Tongue
Finish your bill Mr. DB ... while I finish my project. I enjoyed your "none-cut throat" debating style ... much like mine Winkingsmile
Ad if my dear Branh is someone out there hidding ... G'Night Mr. B smile
night special
are you going to bed bread?
I know I SHOULD go to bed...
shopping for antique furniture online...I can't afford anything nice Sad
o_ $ =ultimately depressed and hopelessly materialistic
get that damn dollar sign out of my eyeball!!!!!
*reaches for the for- no SPOON*
AHH that's better...
o_O + spoon = U_U
o_O + spork = E_E
o_O + alone = (@_@)
o_O - +_+ & -_- = FINE zzz_zzz
ummm...will somebody leave the hall light on???
o_ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ _-

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