Several beers.....

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Lucriu on Thursday, September 26, 2013 and has 33 replies.
Just had a "couple of beers" if post anything about your wife, sister or grandma im sorry ^.^ i do it just to get a few laughsLaughing
Inmaturity and playfullness with a fair warning is not the same, now can i get a kiss and a hug capinc? Come on, tell me you love me ^.^
not sure about anyone else, but i LOVE how much you two love each other. it tickles me.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by CreepyPants
not sure about anyone else, but i LOVE how much you two love each other. it tickles me.

it makes me think they have a crush on one another.
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lol hey... i'm supportive
what iiiiiiffff.......

......he really is wearing a shirt in that pic ? Tongue
I love Capinc, hes like the butt buddy i always wanted, and if you want pics CC you gotta earn them Winking. And my name... its my wiccan name I took , its a representation of my life path number, 3. ^.^ CC stop flirting with me, what if i fall in love and all of a sudden you have another stalker on your list? Winking
Seriously? V.v True cap... I respect your posts, always bringing insight to those in search of understanding caps. You are compassionate and deep but dude.... you're a kill joy =\
Sorry no pics for those that lazily stroke.... =\ its a shame too Winking I think you wouldve liked them ^.^
Posted by capinc
I just wish the guy would put a shirt on.

the amount of flirting cap men do sometimes makes me want to vomit
and the sickening part is that i've done it
omg...capricorns are such flirts
I mean... come on now.. all this talk.....There needs to be a means to a REAl end if you know what I mean.Winking
Just reading this is getting this pretty little goat all hot and bothered
Posted by chocolatecapichino
Just reading this is getting this pretty little goat all hot and bothered

LMFAO!!!!!! *sits next to you and smiles innocently, then runs his hand slowly from your shoulder, back, lower back and rests it at your hip and pulls you closer*
Nice weather were having isnt it? Winking
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
Posted by chocolatecapichino
Just reading this is getting this pretty little goat all hot and bothered

LMFAO!!!!!! *sits next to you and smiles innocently, then runs his hand slowly from your shoulder, back, lower back and rests it at your hip and pulls you closer*
Nice weather were having isnt it? Winking

Sad you're such a s*l*u*t
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Aries Moon and Scorpio Mars. I like the exitement of flirting but once you have me, im yours and youre mine body and soul. = )
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
Posted by chocolatecapichino
Just reading this is getting this pretty little goat all hot and bothered

LMFAO!!!!!! *sits next to you and smiles innocently, then runs his hand slowly from your shoulder, back, lower back and rests it at your hip and pulls you closer*
Nice weather were having isnt it? Winking

Sad you're such a s*l*u*t

Aries Moon and Scorpio Mars. I like the exitement of flirting but once you have me, im yours and youre mine body and soul. = )

i think i want you, how much?
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*Grins* Your commitment, trust, unconditional love and unwavering loyalty. But I only ask for what I can give.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
Posted by chocolatecapichino
Just reading this is getting this pretty little goat all hot and bothered

LMFAO!!!!!! *sits next to you and smiles innocently, then runs his hand slowly from your shoulder, back, lower back and rests it at your hip and pulls you closer*
Nice weather were having isnt it? Winking

Sad you're such a s*l*u*t

Aries Moon and Scorpio Mars. I like the exitement of flirting but once you have me, im yours and youre mine body and soul. = )

did you get that out of a romance Novel, Don Juan?
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I only read comics Winking
lmao!!! *gets the popcorn out* You two play your run and chase game all you want.
Don't drink and DXP
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Don't drink and DXP

Yeah....Laughing still trying to find out how to erase posts ^.^
Hell raiser, starborne, soldier zero, captain america, uncanny avengers, secret avengers,superior spider man, superior carnage, the traveler, incorruptable, pretty much thats it.
Posted by Lucriu
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Don't drink and DXP

Yeah....Laughing still trying to find out how to erase posts ^.^
click to expand

There is a HIDE feature on each of your posts, top right near QUOTE smile
Yeah but if youve been quoted it still shows the quote
Posted by Lucriu
Yeah but if youve been quoted it still shows the quote

I don't think so..
I just tested it, nvm you are right.
Ofcourse im right ^.^ , and CC my personality is actually more outgoing in person Winking i get into alot of trouble at work over sexual harrasment issues >.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
lmao!!! *gets the popcorn out* You two play your run and chase game all you want.

Once a Cancer gets rejected we move on, fyi.
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Really? When?
Lucriu, I bet you're fun to hang around with. I shouldn't have given you such a hard time last week. Anyways, just felt the need to say that.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by truecap
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
lmao!!! *gets the popcorn out* You two play your run and chase game all you want.

Once a Cancer gets rejected we move on, fyi.

Really? When?

So it might take a decade or two, but we do move on, we're like cats, we like to be rubbed on our our fur and bellies, but we have an independent nature.
we do. we really really do. lol
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Posted by truecap
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by truecap
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Lucriu
lmao!!! *gets the popcorn out* You two play your run and chase game all you want.

Once a Cancer gets rejected we move on, fyi.

Really? When?

So it might take a decade or two, but we do move on, we're like cats, we like to be rubbed on our our fur and bellies, but we have an independent nature.
we do. we really really do. lol

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Fur on girls...... *Drools* i have to admit i have a hairy armpit fetish....
Lol, nah its a guy thing, 0.0 atleast i hope it is . Come theres something about never shaved legs and hairy armpits that just screams sexy... Right?! * smiles and laughs nervously*
Screams something! lol! Confidence, that's for sure. smile

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