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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
Hey... we've started joking about a Vegas trip... how many chicas would really be interested? Would it be weird us all meeting for the first time together in Vegas? Would if we all stood each other up and didn't show?? LOL I've never been there. We could see Cirque de Soleil, a Chippendale show (??) (definitely need some objectification of men on this trip!), spa treatments, etc., etc.
Well, just feeling this out.
I'm in...been there a few times...LOTS of fun, good time to go is around April/May
nice and warm and not TOO hot
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Apr 08, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 918 · Topics: 11
I'm for sure in!!!!No joking here!! LOL I think it would be sooooo Much fun!! O bot im getting excited!!
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Dec 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 10
I am already going in July...can't afford two tickets (I live in the NW). Would love to go though....
shoot..there goes my fantasy about dropping everything and running away from home to vegas and becoming a blackjack dealer..kidding..i know it's just life everywhere else, fun to vacation in but if you live and work there it's just like everywhere else.
still willing to do this if everyone else is.