My Chart. Please tell me aint set to stone!

This topic was created in the Chart Interpretation forum by OverAnalyticBullhead on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Sun Taurus 1.56
Moon Leo 15.22
Mercury Aries 19.22 R
Venus Gemini 11.11
Mars Cancer 10.37
Jupiter Leo 4.22
Saturn Aquarius 6.21
Uranus Capricorn 13.48 R
Neptune Capricorn 16.46 R
Pluto Scorpio 19.29 R
Lilith Sagittarius 29.33
Asc node Capricorn 22.52
Ascendant Sagittarius 28.10
II Capricorn 27.40
III Aquarius 29.12
IV Aries 2.05
V Taurus 3.30
VI Gemini 1.52
VII Gemini 28.10
VIII Cancer 27.40
IX Leo 29.12
Midheaven Libra 2.05
XI Scorpio 3.30
XII Sagittarius 1.52

And worst of all, this are the parts that made me tear-up a bit:
Neptune in I = Not a fighter and is indecisive.
-210 Opposition Jupiter - Saturn = He is indifferent to what goes on around him, is mistrustful and always unsatisfied. He is easily irritated.
-89 Square Sun - Jupiter = He is negligent, spendthrift.He goes to excesses of all sorts. He is proud and arrogant, and considers himself much superior to others.
-57 Square Mercury - Neptune = He makes errors of judgement, and lacks sincerity. He lets things happen, and is happy in his dreamworld. Confronted by reality, he is hesitant, incapable of being tested and falls back into his imaginary world. He might become a drug-taker.
-56 Square Sun - Saturn = This implies slow intellectual development. 53 Trine Sun - Ascendant
-47 Square Moon - Pluto = He has problems in love. He is jealous, his self-esteem is often quickly held up to ridicule.
I just feel like killing myself now. I have been keeping this a secret the entire time to myself and kept on denying the facts. But its all showing right now where I should be best at most, when I'm finding a job! The silence has been shaken and my foundations are crumbling beneath my feet. The good ones doesn't cover up the bad and I feel sick to my stomach that I have signs like this. There is a part of me that I wish I havent known about this and a part of me wishes to find improvement to cover-up my flaws. Is this set on stone? I wish not. I REALLY REALLY WISH NOT.
... i really wish nott...

The point of astrology, a point that many seem to forget, is that astrology isn't meant to just be learned and that's it, it is to be learned from as well. If you don't like your chart/behavior, then change it - don't run from it, you will only create a cycle for yourself that will continue in other lives (if you believe in reincarnation). I am a Pisces with a Gemini ascendant. My Mercury is opposite my Mars, and my Sun is conjunct my Saturn. We all have placements that we dislike, or even degrees (My Mars is at exactly 15 degrees Leo a placement common amongst some of the most known criminals and it's in retrograde). First you have to acknowledge your faults, figure how best you can change them/learn about them, and get to work.
It is said that planets in retrograde represent bad karma brought in from a past life. On average, most people have two or three retrograde planets, signifying past lessons that have not been learned or resolved. Some people, however, can have as many as five or six(heavy karma), and others none at all(clean slate). Below are your planets that are in retrograde and what they signify.
Mercury retrograde: in past lives you have spoken or written carelessly or in a negative manner(especially if Mercury is badly placed or aspected) and in this life you are paying for it by being shy, quiet, or fearful of speaking up for yourself. Others may talk down on you or criticize you for no apparent reason.
Uranus retrograde: in past lives you were a rebel, revolutionary, or scientist who caused a lot of mayhem(especially if Uranus is badly placed or aspected). In this lifetime, you may be tempted to repeat your rabble rousing but it will backfire and make you the victim instead. Whatever you do, you must be totally honest and humane, otherwise you will invite trouble.
Neptune retrograde: in past lives you were very deceptive and immoral attracting scandal and persecution(especially if Neptune is badly placed or aspected). You lied and cheated and refused to face reality, and may have even committed suicide, and in this lifetime it is very easy for you to fall into the same traps unless you exercise discipline and faith.
Pluto retrograde: in past lives you resorted to criminal acts and lascivious behaviour(especially if Pluto is badly placed or aspected), and in this life you may be subject to same.
Daydreamer - can you check my chart in my profile (which is very similar to his), and tell me what's up with my past life karma?
thx -
Posted by Daydreamer35
It is said that planets in retrograde represent bad karma brought in from a past life. On average, most people have two or three retrograde planets, signifying past lessons that have not been learned or resolved. Some people, however, can have as many as five or six(heavy karma), and others none at all(clean slate). Below are your planets that are in retrograde and what they signify.

I really really wish I can understand how did you come up with that calculation so i can further study and develop the and reverse the effect to make myself a bit more happier! Like I said:
Posted by OverAnalyticBullhead
There is a part of me that wishes to find improvement to cover-up my flaws.

I dont want to live in a life that I know I'm consciously denying something true and hope at my deathbed that I would've just started when I knew it as soon as I've heard about it. I just want to satisfy myself to become happy. I wish that I can read more about the things that I need to become happy.
I really wanna know where do you get your sources from, DayDreamer. Did if come from a book or years of experience?
Posted by NovemberSun
Your chart is not bad! Quite the contrary. Be careful of reading into your chart too much and where you get your information from. Look at aspects in the spirit of spiritual growth potential versus damnation.
Seek resources or people to help you understand with the spirit of growth and empowerment. You are beautiful. Remember that.
click to expand

I will. But how did you know what I need to develop spirituality and not just it? is there something else that I need to develop? ;_;
What I feel right now is I'm a Search. Searching for a solution to a question that I dont even know what the question is to begin with!?
Either way can anyone of you lovely ladies know any good books about charts and stuff? would really appreciate it. Not that I dont appreciate both your current help. Its just that I need to learn more about it...
Posted by Daydreamer35
Mercury retrograde: in past lives you have spoken or written carelessly or in a negative manner(especially if Mercury is badly placed or aspected) and in this life you are paying for it by being shy, quiet, or fearful of speaking up for yourself. Others may talk down on you or criticize you for no apparent reason.
Uranus retrograde: in past lives you were a rebel, revolutionary, or scientist who caused a lot of mayhem(especially if Uranus is badly placed or aspected). In this lifetime, you may be tempted to repeat your rabble rousing but it will backfire and make you the victim instead. Whatever you do, you must be totally honest and humane, otherwise you will invite trouble.
Neptune retrograde: in past lives you were very deceptive and immoral attracting scandal and persecution(especially if Neptune is badly placed or aspected). You lied and cheated and refused to face reality, and may have even committed suicide, and in this lifetime it is very easy for you to fall into the same traps unless you exercise discipline and faith.
Pluto retrograde: in past lives you resorted to criminal acts and lascivious behaviour(especially if Pluto is badly placed or aspected), and in this life you may be subject to same.

Reading this all over again makes my Past Life sound like a Drug Lord with a Personal Army! O_o