3rd person dreaming

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by schoenetanz on Monday, March 20, 2006 and has 8 replies.
hey- didn't realize that this was not normal until having convos about it with other people but
I dream like I'm watching a movie- camera angles and everything- I almost never dream with a perspective from my own eyes. I remember almost all of my dreams- never forget 'em when I wake either...so I can remember "me" in my dreams- seeing the back of my head (fab hair and evrything!)...seeing me from far away...my facial expressions as I converse with others. Is this really that unusual???
Perhaps I have multiple personalities???
YAY for schizokitties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But really - what's with the 3rd person dreaming? Anybody else dream like that ALL the time?
feedback appreciated,
i banged myself once in a dream
^^^^^^hmmm- just curious: were you banging yerself as a man or a woman...
were there camera angles involved???
was jenna jameson there?
it was me fucking myself
and i was the chick
wtf i raped meself
anyway there were camera angles involvedit was eye to eye then i saw the full thing

...smethings wrong with me
in my defense it was a drug induced fantasy
wow-you get that with tylenol too???!!!
and here...I thought I was the only one
"wow-you get that with tylenol too???!!!
and here...I thought I was the only one"
yeah......green tylenol *whistles*
Hahaha, nice.
But to... stay on topic..
I'm normally in first person. But sometimes it switches to third person.
I dreamt in The Simpsons before. Everyone was yellow and cartoony.
Too bad I don't remember what the dream was about....