Losing teeth dream

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by cancer12 on Monday, July 17, 2006 and has 47 replies.
When ever I dream of losing teeth, or missing teeth - someone i know dies - weird eh?
ya that sure is weird ......
that's weird you should mention that.. this is a dream that has been in my family for generation. Ususally there is one person in my family that has the dream, the next day someone dies. It's realyl weird. The top teeth the person that is going to die tends to be a male, bottom teeth the person tends to be female. The closer your teeth are to the center of your mouth, the closer that person is too you.
the only people i've ever known to have dreams about their teeth... rotting, losing... we're always cancers. i find that really interesting.
I'm cancer, just a few days ago i dream about my own teeth, that i loose it because of decay....I wish everything fine with my family or relatives close to me...
I had a dream about losing my tooth...I'm all peranoid now! Yikes.
OH MY GOD . i have dreams about losin' my teeth 2 as well.
the reason you r dearmin about it is ..your obsessed w/ improving you smile, guilty 4 not takin' care of your smile and constantly think about it, or is ashamed w/ your smile.
lol...I love that idea
purplehaze986 i feel you wit that loosing teeth dream - it happened like 3 times and either a few days later or a wk later i hear that someone from my past died - it's so weird
hehe - i don't think that eveytime u dream u lose ur teeth means someone will die but as far as i kno - in my family that's what happens usually - i'm sure if u've been obsessing bout ur teeth and how healthy they are ur subconscious may conjure up a dream bout ur teeth fallin out
for me personally anything wit teeth losing is a bad sign - cus last time i had my wisdon teeth pulled then 2 days later i heard an old childhood friend died - it's weird but this one was prob jus a coinsidence
ok you guys are scaring me becasue two days ago I dreamt that I was chewing some insignificant food and my teeth all just broke into pieces and I was spitting out what i could and trying to salvage what was left to take to the dentist to fix and i had some parts still in my mouth .....and by the way creepy pants I'm a capricorn ...I woke up and ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth 3:00 in the morning...and my heart was racing ..During the dreamt I actually felt my teeth breaking. No one I know has died, my business dealings are right , my classes are right? what was this terrible dream for?
Well, here is what happened to me the other day. I was dreaming I was eating something and all my teeth just broke into pieces. Both up and down. It was very disturbing and I woke up from it. I just lost all my teeth, they broke as if I was chewing a stone. Two days later my grandmother passed away. She was old, almost 96, so I guess it was her time. It was such a strong dream that I started searching the net for what this meant. And I guess I found the answer here. Can you believe it. Very strange. I hope its a long time until next time I have this drea.
Hello All,
I am so glad that this topic has come up. I am conscious of my teeth because I tend to grind them at night, but I dreamt that the teeth on my lower lofet jaw, two or three away from the middle broke in pieces just to the middle of the teeth. All in all, about 3 to 4 of them. However, in my dream I freaked out at first and then I sais to myself that 'it's ok, I will fix them'.
Anyone? The fact that I didn't freak out completely makes me feel better. I have heard, just like all of you here, that if you lose a tooth someone dies in the family from my b/f's grandma. The closest to the front - the closes the person to you.
'lofet' - lol - i mean 'left' smile
OMG I've had this dream before too! Its sooo scary. I always wake up and moving my tongue around in my mouth to feel if my teeth are still there LOL.
I also had a dream that i was pushing them out with my tongue somehow..that was odd too.
ive had a few dreams like this . . . it's so weird they are very realistic . . . I've heard it's caused from being really self-conscience of you appearance. I dunno . . .but i always wake up believing my teeth are really gone and i freak and start touching my teeth lol
Dreams about losing, breaking or rotting teeth are much more common than you might think. Many patients comment to me that they also have these dreams. Research has shown that women have these dreams more frequently than men and it often starts in the mid-twenties. There are many theories as to why people have these dreams (uncertainties about one's appearance, fears of sexual impotence, dating related anxieties, perceived loss of power or influence, feelings of inferiority, fears of getting older.....the list goes on).
They can be frightening and I've had several as well. I beleive they are manifestations of some anxiety that we have. Since each person is different one should examine what is going on in their life to better understand what the source of the aniexty is.
I've only just recently dreamt my teeth were falling out and I'm a typical Cancerian(22nd June), what does thay say?
It's making me paranoid, I hope things are okay.
I've been having dreams of loosing my teeth on regular basis. Usually in the dream I just can't help grinding them against eachother and eventually they crush. It doesen't hurt but it's not a nice sensation. Anyway, I read a lot about this being an omen of death, but nobody that I know of has ever died. I do have secrets, though. Deep, dark secrets ... Tongue
> Many patients comment to me that they also have these dreams.
vrlo malo.....zasto mislis da sam zubarica? haha! pogodijo si. ja ne nosim tu sastitnu masku na poslu. netrebas se crveniti Winking
haha tako dakle ... pa odakle si? smile
"the true north, strong and free" mr. dalmatinac
Ah, Canada smile
"Tamara, Tamara
koga si nocas varala, varala
dok si njega sanjala svu noc
kazi nam, Tamara"
if tell, must kill! haha!
lol and what if the dream is a tooth that is kinda falling out..but then a part of it..like middle of it stays...as if i have a tooth and then one over it like a box in a box..and one keeps falling of and i keep draging it over the top..? gem fox-an i then covering my secret ? others-i am then saving people that are suposed to die ?..but then again i somehow know that once i pull it back up..it's just a cover..and it's gonna come off again -is that like lying to myself ??? =) or am i just screwed up
I'm not sure if I believe that ^^^ moon_eyes...I've had re-occuring teeth falling out dreams for years and no one has died.
I have read that losing teeth signifies low self esteem and not having control over it.
I started researching this one today as I've been having dreams about my teeth falling out all week. Most common dream symbol translators say teeth falling out reveals an anxiety about a transition, or illness and growing old. Also it might reveal fear of failure and helplessness especially when undertaking a new professional or academic endeavor. Or it is a symptom of anxiety about your appearance; usually setting in mid twenties, particularly for women. They also allow for anxiety about wealth, thinking over problems, secrets, etc etc... really pretty much everything.
Many psychoanalysts, however, suggest that tooth losing dreams might be associated with a fear of or anxiety about the loss of a loved one or their illness. I was wondering if the times some posters have recounted in which tooth losing dreams preceding deaths in the family might have been when the family member was ill, old, injured etc; therefor the dreamer may have been anxious about it. This would back up psychoanalysts suggestions that the teeth represent loved ones and their decay and loss; fear for those loved ones. It is a little more easily swallowed than premonitions.
Personally I don't usually hold too much store by most psychoanalysis however since quite a number of my friends and family have died over the passed few years including a parent and a sibling, I do have severe anxiety about the loss of anymore loved ones (to the point where phone calls bring on panic attacks) and my dreams happened to be at a time when my brother was in intensive care and undergoing continued treatment for a very very severe illness, this seems remarkably to the point.
Interestingly in the first of these dreams it was my right canine that fell out first. Over the course of the week I've also lost all of my top right hand side.
However I am also a 23 year old female, with normal insecurities, who covers her mouth when self conscious. I am also a little anxious about beginning post graduate academic work and can't seem to make up my mind about anything... so all the other proposed anxieties fit the bill too.
Any thoughts?
i have a dream at times that my jaw is broke or lock :/
i would like to hear ideas about this one !
I was in the dentist office in the chair the dentist numbed my mouth i didn't feel any pain just a little pressure then he told me to hold out my hand he placed all of my top and bottom front teeth in my hand i got up and smiled in the mirror no teeth ! so i see my self around friends trying to hide the fact that i was toothless and i caught a glimps of myself in a mirror and one of my top front teeth had grown back (only one) . later in the dream one of my bottom front teeth had grown back . - i have good teeth strait white brush daily i can't find anything thats similar to my dream!
you may have gotten this - i didn't read all the posts. but i read somewhere that one intepretation is the fear of getting older, hence the idea of losing one's teeth, also something to do with vanity or fearing the loss of one's "good looks"
i am also a Cancer who had reoccuring dreams of losing teeth, this was some 15 years ago, and hasn't occured in some time. Mine would fall out easily, with no pain, extracted in front the mirror by myself ... weird. I never did experience any deaths of people close to me. I read at the time that it was a strong message to yourself to take care of your dential issues.
I used to dream of lock jaw at the same time .... and often awoke to a sore jaw.
I have since discovered that I am a chronic teeth grinder ... and was equiped with a brux guard a few years back. I lost 2 teeth to bone loss & peridontal diesease.
My case was caught reatively early, but had I listened to my dreams & saw the dentist I wouldn't have lost any teeth. I responded to treatments well and I won't lose anymore teeth if I keep up on regular cleanings and use of my brux guard.
The peridontis is aparently genetic, my mom lost her teeth at 21 and wears a full denture.
Listen to your dreams & See your dentist! Winking
Posted by purplehaze986
that's weird you should mention that.. this is a dream that has been in my family for generation. Ususally there is one person in my family that has the dream, the next day someone dies. It's realyl weird. The top teeth the person that is going to die tends to be a male, bottom teeth the person tends to be female. The closer your teeth are to the center of your mouth, the closer that person is too you.

thats sooo true,i had that happen to meSad and i always see black ravens before a sickness or death
Posted by SLiCK
i would like to hear ideas about this one !
I was in the dentist office in the chair the dentist numbed my mouth i didn't feel any pain just a little pressure then he told me to hold out my hand he placed all of my top and bottom front teeth in my hand i got up and smiled in the mirror no teeth ! so i see my self around friends trying to hide the fact that i was toothless and i caught a glimps of myself in a mirror and one of my top front teeth had grown back (only one) . later in the dream one of my bottom front teeth had grown back . - i have good teeth strait white brush daily i can't find anything thats similar to my dream!

wtf??wierd dream...btw i used to date an aries named dj slick.....lolzzz
Posted by cancer12
When ever I dream of losing teeth, or missing teeth - someone i know dies - weird eh?

Wow weird! I am glad I don't know you lol.
I never dreamed of losing my teeth. I had a dream a few times about falling, people seem to think if you fall you could die in your sleep.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I once landed in a falling dream, it hurt like fuck.
I woke up and I was sleeping face down lol

Ahahahaha!!! LOL.
I used to have that kind of dreams a few years before, now I think usually it`s because of anxiety.
I had that dream 2 nights ago but they were crumbling in my hand, rather than just falling out.
The dream I had last night was of a little boy (around 6 or 7 years old) who was stabbing me repeatability with a little hunting knife. He's just starting at me through his emo hair and smiling broadly. This dream has happened numerous times. He just appears in my dream. The dream wouldn't even be freaky or out of the ordinary but he just appears and stabs me. All I can do this think there he is again while he is stabbing me and I can't move. I just stand there usually I control my dreams but when he appears I can't. He's like the Freddy of my dreams...bastard.
I had a dream like the one in the vid below.

< width="560" height="315" ="http:
I had a dream like the one in the vid below.

< width="560" height="315" ="http:

That's pretty sweet. It would suck if it's you but sweet to look at.
I'm an Aqua, and I've had the loosing of teeth dreams... worst of it is I can feel it and it's not pleasant. I agree, it's normally paired with a coming death although my death dreams have evolved to seeing the people actually dead 3weeks to 3 months before passing.
It indicates that you feel you have lost control in some aspect of your life
Posted by Fire-Water
It indicates that you feel you have lost control in some aspect of your life

I seriously hate loosing control and can see that being a big indicator of it. It's not about loosing control of things around me that I honestly can't control... but loosing control of myself, which probably explains why I was never a good party person, I don't grasp the concept of man-made drugs, and I keep most emotions bottled up.
same thing here always death. Talked to my gran this weekend yep that is what loosing teeth means in dreams

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