Name your favorite alcoholic beverage!

This topic was created in the Food & Drink forum by crabRiot on Monday, March 16, 2015 and has 22 replies.
Wine specifically...
Just drank some Manishewitz...That's my fave wine..I like to have some to unwind after work or a hard day.
it changes depending on variables.
Any brand of Sangria never met one I didn't like yet. Any brand of sweet reds or whites no favs.
eeesh, so hard to pick...
for wine, i've been a big fan of La Crema Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast for a while. I've had some good bordeaux though. La Crema is a good under $ 30 bottle. If you like Pinot Noir... i highly recommend.
winding down...dirty kettle martini with extra olives.
weekend relaxing... vodka bloody mary, modelo esp dark michelada, chavela, or mimosa if we're doing sunday brunch.
Bayou rum (finally found a source that ships to CA!!)
Wine by Stella Rosa: affordable, not too sweet, not too dry, not too acidic...perfecto!
Champagne: my favorite one to get drunk on! Talk about silly and giddy!! WEEE!
frufru drinks: fresh banana strawberry daiquiris, mojitos, belinis, etc.
I'm not a beer fan but there's one that Hangar 24 (local here) makes around christmas time, Pugachev's Cobra, and it's one hell of a kick, but in a good way. Can't drink a lot of it, but damn! Here's the description of it, and it's not an exaggeration: "Get ready for an assault on your senses with PUGACHEV??S COBRA, an intense Russian Imperial Stout. This rich, black beauty with a thick caramel head is bursting with aromas of chocolate, vanilla, oak, bourbon, licorice and dark fruits, while flavors of chocolate-covered plum, sweet malt, bourbon, and roasted coffee explode on your palate. This is no ordinary beer; three different dark roasted malts and rich maple syrup are combined in a truly unique brewing process to create complexity and depth. Once fermented, it??s then aged for eight months in freshly emptied bourbon barrels. "
Stella Rosa Rosso. Its a sweet red wine.
Im not a drinker, but I did try this recently and it was good. My mother fell in love. The bottle will cost no more than $ 15.
Moscow Mule for cocktail and Moscato for wine smile Riesling & Gewurztraminer are good too.
Tequila is my all time favourite. It is best drink and delicious too.
Dang...I could drink with most of y'all here. I prefer wine overall, but I like sweet whites or reds with huge floral tones. Too many to name. I like beer as a casual drink (Hefeweizen mostly or a standard Corona) or hard cider as a casual drink. When it goes down...silver tequila or rum.

Silver Tequila recipe - HUGE hit, invented by me and my Sag bestie when we had tequila and were short on mixers.
The Dirty Mexican
Silver Tequila, coke, red bull, and a splash of lime. Tastes like a gummy bear.

Rum with orange juice and pineapple juice. YUM!!!!!

My most recent love...spiced rum with coffee and vanilla creamer. die for.
Vodka. There's a good mango lemonade flavor that when mixed with orange juice is pretty good! I'm a sucker for all the fruity drinks. Except Baja Rosa. Oh god, I feel like throwing up just thinking about it. I can't do creamy alcohol. Bad mems. Also cannot stand wine.

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PAPI moscato is also nice guys, try it sometime.
Tequila sunrise however I plan on learning how to make drinks so I can direct bartenders how to properly serve me. Alcohol is so nasty and there are so many different ways you can turn down that nastiness. bartenders just don't try so I'm always left squinting as i drink Sad
Jose Quervo anything n I'm down.
Jag... Nothing weaker
Bollinger, Hendricks, patron

I can't drink cheap shit, the hangovers are retched and I'm not equipped to handle them as I get severely depressed
I've recently discovered zirbenschnapps.
Not very easy to obtain in the US, but very good.
Miller Lite, Butter Nipples, and Jello shots! Winking
French martini
Irish mule
For wine I like Malbec, merlot and prosecco
My fave beers are Stella, Blue moon 6 point sweet action and river horse