Are Gemini Guys stalkers?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by siopaowiks on Thursday, September 10, 2015 and has 9 replies.
I am a leogirl and met this gemini guy in my travels to asia. We hit it off through intellectual conversations and next thing I know he came to me island hopping for a good 5days. I got to know his serious side during these days and ofcourse we had sex like loads of time that he even counted how many times it was. Which felt weird on my side. Anyways,I went back to work and he went on with his travels to Europe to watch festivals. He kept in constant with me through fb,messaged me every now and then and he even asked if we can skype. Months passed by and we were still in contact. And then it hit me,like what does this guy want? Does he like me? I then didn't use fb that much so I can hide from him but he still kept messaging me,telling me he is worried that he hasn't heard back from me blah blah. I ignored all his messages and then poof! He suddenly called me on skype!! I was like wtf is wrong with him? I didn't answer the call but I just chatted with him thru skype. And eversince that day,he kept messaging me,updating me again and again in skype! He told me that he'll be back in Asia and it would be nice to see me again. As a leo I have a very big pride but I'm not rude,I might see him but I don't know his intentions. I even asked if he also worried with his other friends and he said no,only those who matter did matter.

Can anyone help me how to deal with this? I kinda like the guy but I am getting annoyed on what he really wants from me. I am 30 and he is 28. Why does he still come back after I already disappeared from fb. Now I want to just ignore his messages on skype..but kinda feel bad for him like he doesn't have anyone to talk
Simply put: YES he likes you. He probably wants to have a relationship with you. If you like him, maybe YOU should be upfront and honest about your intentions, cuz at this point it sounds like you're leading him on alil... and you may not realize that.

Sounds like he really like the connection. And, it sounds like he's put you as a priority. Hence, why he's willing to drop everything, even friends.

Note: this is Common sense about humans and not just a "gem thing". And, he's not stalking if you're reciprocating....
Posted by MiZLeo
Haha. I can relate. I started talking to this gemini guy online about a year ago then we met one time and fooled around but not sex. I was never that into him but he was fun so whatever. He told me he was moving to another town like an hour away so I kind of dropped him....not mean....but you know, didn't initiate contact and then started to ignore him. I didnt see the point if it would be way to hard to see him ya lnow. But he would still contact me and stuff until I deleted my messenger app that I talked to him on(he didn't have my phone number, I only give that out to guys I really like for this reason) I'm a leo also, maybe géminis just get obsessed with us? I dunno my only other experience with gemini was my best friend growing up but I didn't date her lol.

Thanks for the reply @MizLeo, yeah I get you. Sonetimes we just question ourselves abd the guy like what do they want?! Well that's smart of you not giving your phone number haha me I had know idea he would do skypechat. Geez! Yeah,maybe they get obsessed...hmmmm
Posted by theDomino
Does he like me? Durr, I dunno, MOST people just have higher standards and don't treat sex as some casual-slut night.

That's true @theDomino but this Gemini guy is somewhat weird..
Posted by misslissa
Simply put: YES he likes you. He probably wants to have a relationship with you. If you like him, maybe YOU should be upfront and honest about your intentions, cuz at this point it sounds like you're leading him on alil... and you may not realize that.

Sounds like he really like the connection. And, it sounds like he's put you as a priority. Hence, why he's willing to drop everything, even friends.

Note: this is Common sense about humans and not just a "gem thing". And, he's not stalking if you're reciprocating....

How can you tell that he likes me? @misslissa I do like him and want a relationship with him but based from the Gemini forum,they always say that gems are scared of commitments Sad am I leading him on or its the other way around? Actualky that's true..he talks to me than his friends..which is weird especially we just met during my travels. We did connect by having intellectual conversations which really amuses me,but I also don't know his intentions which is bugging me. Haha true,he's not stalking coz I'm replying..thanks for making that clear. But now I want to disappear in skype and just have no communication with him unless he wants to be committed or tell his intentions to me..Sad
So tell him that.... Communication is the key.
I don't see why what he is doing is wrong. He made a friend, and youre thousands of miles apart… if he doesnt talk to you then how can he keep up the friendship? Just because someone wants to talk to you all the time doesnt mean they are romantically interested. It could also mean that they really value as an interesting and intellectual friend and human being.

Instead of making assumptions about him and his feelings and accusing him of stalking you (not everyone is as obsessed with facebook and it's signals or whatever… if my friend deleted her facebook or something of COURSE I would try skype) just ASK him directly if he likes you romantically. He will tell you.
Posted by misslissa
So tell him that.... Communication is the key.

I can't @misslissa I'm scared.
Posted by buyonegetone
I don't see why what he is doing is wrong. He made a friend, and youre thousands of miles apart… if he doesnt talk to you then how can he keep up the friendship? Just because someone wants to talk to you all the time doesnt mean they are romantically interested. It could also mean that they really value as an interesting and intellectual friend and human being.

Instead of making assumptions about him and his feelings and accusing him of stalking you (not everyone is as obsessed with facebook and it's signals or whatever… if my friend deleted her facebook or something of COURSE I would try skype) just ASK him directly if he likes you romantically. He will tell you.

You maybe right as well @buyonegetone but when we were together in asia he did say he likes me and while we were talking in skype he also said he likes me for me. I just don't know if it is like as romantically like or like as a friend. Might as well just go with the flow and see where the wind will take me and the gem guy. But basing from his actions,his already 28 and he doesn't know where he will be ten yrs from now Sad

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