Posted by MiZLeo
Haha. I can relate. I started talking to this gemini guy online about a year ago then we met one time and fooled around but not sex. I was never that into him but he was fun so whatever. He told me he was moving to another town like an hour away so I kind of dropped him....not mean....but you know, didn't initiate contact and then started to ignore him. I didnt see the point if it would be way to hard to see him ya lnow. But he would still contact me and stuff until I deleted my messenger app that I talked to him on(he didn't have my phone number, I only give that out to guys I really like for this reason) I'm a leo also, maybe géminis just get obsessed with us? I dunno my only other experience with gemini was my best friend growing up but I didn't date her lol.
Posted by theDomino
Does he like me? Durr, I dunno, MOST people just have higher standards and don't treat sex as some casual-slut night.
Posted by misslissa
Simply put: YES he likes you. He probably wants to have a relationship with you. If you like him, maybe YOU should be upfront and honest about your intentions, cuz at this point it sounds like you're leading him on alil... and you may not realize that.
Sounds like he really like the connection. And, it sounds like he's put you as a priority. Hence, why he's willing to drop everything, even friends.
Note: this is Common sense about humans and not just a "gem thing". And, he's not stalking if you're reciprocating....
Posted by misslissa
So tell him that.... Communication is the key.
Posted by buyonegetone
I don't see why what he is doing is wrong. He made a friend, and youre thousands of miles apart… if he doesnt talk to you then how can he keep up the friendship? Just because someone wants to talk to you all the time doesnt mean they are romantically interested. It could also mean that they really value as an interesting and intellectual friend and human being.
Instead of making assumptions about him and his feelings and accusing him of stalking you (not everyone is as obsessed with facebook and it's signals or whatever… if my friend deleted her facebook or something of COURSE I would try skype) just ASK him directly if he likes you romantically. He will tell you.
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