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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
Do Gemini guys love falletry?I know they LOVE flirting and being flirted back..^^I have a new friend in chat who's a gemini and we always have great fun together conversing and singing songs..We chat for like 4-5 hours wehen we have time.I don't know why but I just tend to flatter him whenever the mood is I should be the one loving flattery as I am a leo^^which I do)
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
The young Gem male I know VERY well, he is 20 this May, he eats it up, and he is not mature enough to commit as much as he would like too, he is a natural player. HE will eat up flattery and flirting, and do what he pleases w/these young woman, and thinks its all fair play.........womanizer too, Bad BOY!
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
He is younger than me and I am curious about his behaviour,we have become really good friends in a short time and it's a fun friendship relationship really.I am interested because he's a Taurus Gemini cusp.He has started showing his emotional side to me lately.Yesterday he told me about his childhood and why his opinios about marriage has got spoiled because of his experience with his family..I wonder wheather geminis are emotional??Well he's not really emotional all the time but I would say he's really understanding compared to his lively and childish behaviour! Any opinios Gems??
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
I agree! He also seems decent and be both never cross the border.And I completely agree with
''I just have this niggling feeling that once these guys feel like they could have you if they wanted you, they'll be gone in a flash.''He's 21 and wants to be said 'you look elder than your age'but in reality he's a baby face with heary of a lively kid...^^
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
oppps I meant heart of a lively kid
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
He says he finds me really witty and brainy.When you say chase what exactly do you mean?Well I am not 100% available every time he logs in so He's waiting for me most of the times but when I reply he logs off suddenly and says sorry next time we are online..and asks me if I am angry? When I say"No way,why should I be?" he gets He's really funny.I don't know what he exactly wants...Being a gemini yourself,can you geminis tell me what's all this about??I have started liking this
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
When I message my gm friend,he does not answer and after a day or 2 he suddenly turns all nice to me and we have like 5 hours chat...What does it mean? It has started to annoy me and yeah..When people say 'like the chase' What do they mean exactly? Does it mean I should ignore him next time he sends a message?? Does he want me to get angry or something? I think he wants me to say,yeah I am angry coz you ignored I really don't know what to do anymore...plz gems any thoughts??
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
Rally gemgirl? Does it mean he does not want to talk to me anymore? I still am stuck in the situation..Should I ignore him next time? and stop talking to him completely?
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
Thanks a lot Gemgal and lana!!!!!!!!! You don't even know how much better I am feeling now I have made a decision based on experience and mostly your advices!! Ha..Thanks for helping me,really appriciate it!!