How Do You Handle a Gemini Employee?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by AriesSweetness on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Female Gemini apllied for a sales position with my company. She's a very good communicator and has great sales abilities. The problem is she doesn't follow through on her paperwork, doesn't work well with the other employees, and can be negative. I know it sounds like she's a mess, but if I hire her, sales will shoot up, and that's all I can focus.
Anyone have experience with working with a Gemini, and what's it like? If you're a Gemini and working, what makes you satified with your job? Or what would be the ideal job for you?
A positive atmosphere. That is all really... When there's negativity, I try to stay upbeat... But, sometimes it will start to weigh me down.
What type of work do you prefer? How do you do with authority?
It really depends on how I'm feeling that day... I can be part of the team, or just be by myself. One day I'll like detailed work, other days something mindless. I'm ok with authority and can be "submissive" if need be. I, personally, wouldn't be in sales tho... Not unless I believe in what I'm selling.
Posted by misslissa
It really depends on how I'm feeling that day... I can be part of the team, or just be by myself. One day I'll like detailed work, other days something mindless. I'm ok with authority and can be "submissive" if need be. I, personally, wouldn't be in sales tho... Not unless I believe in what I'm selling.

Thanks for your input, misslissa!
Lmao! Hey Ian...
Posted by misslissa
It really depends on how I'm feeling that day... I can be part of the team, or just be by myself. One day I'll like detailed work, other days something mindless. I'm ok with authority and can be "submissive" if need be. I, personally, wouldn't be in sales tho... Not unless I believe in what I'm selling.

+1, yep sounds like me toosmile
Posted by Geminivixen
Posted by AriesSweetness
Female Gemini apllied for a sales position with my company. She's a very good communicator and has great sales abilities. The problem is she doesn't follow through on her paperwork, doesn't work well with the other employees, and can be negative. I know it sounds like she's a mess, but if I hire her, sales will shoot up, and that's all I can focus.
Anyone have experience with working with a Gemini, and what's it like? If you're a Gemini and working, what makes you satified with your job? Or what would be the ideal job for you?

I was TOP seller at my previous job (banking job) A lot of people at my job Disliked me then I had the few that LOVED me! The only reason why those didn't like me is because I talked A LOT! I wanted to chat with everybody and anybody and my boss HATED it because it would distract me from my work but he LOVED me at the same time because I was the reason why our sales targets were so HIGH. I got payed the MOST commission because of it. If you want us to be happy at our jobs make sure nobody is troubling us and give us our freedom to 'Talk' and be free spirited it is part of our nature. They say out of ALL zodiac signs Geminis are the most successful at targeting the MOST Sales! So be nice and be kind and if you have to put your foot down wth her then DO IT.. We respect that.. but don't over do it to the point where we are Bored and feel uncomfortable because we feel we are over working and not even allowed to blink.. to us if we are not allowed to speak to other co workers your basically telling us we cannot blink or breath and that is ANNOYING my boss even noticed how I worked and he worked with me every time he seen me speaking with a co worker he would give me a couple of minutes with them and then I would go back to work because I would know when to STOP! But if you give us that minute or two to speak our minds, and chat with our co workers we will be the best employer you could ever ask for.. but with a little bit of drama and chit chatter hehe Tongue HIRE HER! You won't regret it!
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+1 yeah, just need a bit of variety and some human contact a few times daily and I'm good.
Follow through is not a strong area for a lot of Gems, myself included. If you can get her an Ass't in the beginning or periodically for admin you would both be happy. Sell, sell, sell. It's not that she can't do it but her mind is on SALES and handling paperwork when your mind is onto the next target can be demotivating leading to avoidance/paralysis. It's usually on to the next for us....

I'm not a clock watcher so I'll work early/late or until my mind turns to rubble. But the reverse is that you can't be intolerant of the few minutes that I take here and there for whatever reason. Maybe I'll start pruning the dying plant...breaks up the monotony and allows ideas to flow keeping me motivated.
Posted by AriesSweetness
What type of work do you prefer? How do you do with authority?

Ideally, there would be several different types of things I would be responsible for doing, and I would be free to move between them at will. That way, when something got boring or repetitive, I could switch it up a bit.
I'm fine with authority, as long as I've AGREED to it. If you are giving me a paycheck in exchange for work, then I've agreed to accept the hierarchy in the workplace. However, I am NOT okay with an employee of my same stature trying to assert dominance or get ahead of me undeservedly.
Posted by Geminivixen
Posted by AriesSweetness
Female Gemini apllied for a sales position with my company. She's a very good communicator and has great sales abilities. The problem is she doesn't follow through on her paperwork, doesn't work well with the other employees, and can be negative. I know it sounds like she's a mess, but if I hire her, sales will shoot up, and that's all I can focus.
Anyone have experience with working with a Gemini, and what's it like? If you're a Gemini and working, what makes you satified with your job? Or what would be the ideal job for you?

I was TOP seller at my previous job (banking job) A lot of people at my job Disliked me then I had the few that LOVED me! The only reason why those didn't like me is because I talked A LOT! I wanted to chat with everybody and anybody and my boss HATED it because it would distract me from my work but he LOVED me at the same time because I was the reason why our sales targets were so HIGH. I got payed the MOST commission because of it. If you want us to be happy at our jobs make sure nobody is troubling us and give us our freedom to 'Talk' and be free spirited it is part of our nature. They say out of ALL zodiac signs Geminis are the most successful at targeting the MOST Sales! So be nice and be kind and if you have to put your foot down wth her then DO IT.. We respect that.. but don't over do it to the point where we are Bored and feel uncomfortable because we feel we are over working and not even allowed to blink.. to us if we are not allowed to speak to other co workers your basically telling us we cannot blink or breath and that is ANNOYING my boss even noticed how I worked and he worked with me every time he seen me speaking with a co worker he would give me a couple of minutes with them and then I would go back to work because I would know when to STOP! But if you give us that minute or two to speak our minds, and chat with our co workers we will be the best employer you could ever ask for.. but with a little bit of drama and chit chatter hehe Tongue HIRE HER! You won't regret it!
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Thanks for that, I think I understand a little more about her. She's a talker for sure. (I love hearing her stories hope we can get something done)smile
Posted by ianthepisces
gemini guy: fire them.
gemini woman: spank her.

Posted by Whimsy
Posted by AriesSweetness
What type of work do you prefer? How do you do with authority?

Ideally, there would be several different types of things I would be responsible for doing, and I would be free to move between them at will. That way, when something got boring or repetitive, I could switch it up a bit.
I'm fine with authority, as long as I've AGREED to it. If you are giving me a paycheck in exchange for work, then I've agreed to accept the hierarchy in the workplace. However, I am NOT okay with an employee of my same stature trying to assert dominance or get ahead of me undeservedly.
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Gotcha! Thanks!