How Do You Handle a Gemini Employee?

Posted by misslissa
It really depends on how I'm feeling that day... I can be part of the team, or just be by myself. One day I'll like detailed work, other days something mindless. I'm ok with authority and can be "submissive" if need be. I, personally, wouldn't be in sales tho... Not unless I believe in what I'm selling.

+1, yep sounds like me toosmile

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I've read Leo women will have many lovers.
I don't think that's Leo exclusive though.
My cousin is a Leo, she had many boyfriends and interludes.
She even had one divorce under her belt before 25.
She finally settled down with and married a Cancer man and has an adorable Cancer baby girl.
She is also a very loyal and supportive person.
Yeah, we geminis like aries man a lot cuz we pretty much have a lot in common...but unfortunatly I havent yet a good experience with aries guys...they keep vanishing, ignoring you and then they appear from
I am definitly going to take it slooooow with him, and with any future men. If our relationship tempos are different, I'll need to be creative. I know I've said it before, but for me it's important that I keep my boundries in place.
Thank you for your reply...I thinkf that most of it has to do with what I'm going trough, it su cks but I guess I've got to get over it...never been like this before, so I got scared..
I've dated a few Aquas. IMO we're too similar in many ways, which doesn't create enough tension. It's comfortable but not challenging. It's like sitting on a couch eating doritos and watching's easy, it has its fun moments, but there isn't a lot of growth. In other words, we both stay to our comfort zones (our heads) and barely venture into that forbidden territory (our hearts). Too risky. Neither one will make that first move, without the other sticking its neck out first - stalemate-so what began with great potential and fanfare ends with a whimper. It's no surprise that Gems + Aqua are likely to divorce, if they even make it to the altar. On a bright note, when it's over there's no animosity, and it evolves into friendship.
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Posted by venusianbull
Ohhh so many perks. Where does one begin? Devil

Do tell ^o^