How to tell if Gemini Guy likes you

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by little_sparrow on Friday, November 12, 2010 and has 105 replies.
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Okay. Now that I have seriously freaked myself out, how can you tell if a Gemini guy likes you?
He has never showered a day in his life. It must be love! Big Grin
lol....what does that have to deal with anything
Wise Old Owl:"If you are playing games or being dishonest then you will get nothing more then tricks from him."
Unfortunately being honest and NOT playing games does not entitle one to the same treatment back from the Gemini.
WOO: "So if your vibe is sincere you will get the good twin treatment if your vibe is evil you will get the evil twin treatment. It is at your own choosing, we do not pick or decide YOU DO. Which twin do you want, the good a treat or the bad a trick? This is why we are often called two faced or players."
If I am sincere and honest and absolutely not into games of any kind, why would I get the evil twin treatment?
A Gemini Girlfriend just caught me crying at my desk (I HATE being caught crying) and I had to admit it was becuase Gemboy doesn't love me. She gave me a massive hug and said "how could he NOT love you?" What does a Gemgirl see that a Gemboy can't?
Sooooo disappointed in myself for giving my heart to another selfish nasty hateful Gemini user.
You all say you want someone genuine with honesty/no games/space to be youself... so someone gives you all that and you butter all over them.
What do you REALLY want?
And yes, I know I should not have gotten involved with another Gemini, so don't tell me I should have known better.
I know that, but my stupid idiot heart thought maybe this one was a Real Man and not just a User.

He'll try to kiss you, pretend that your his girfriend even though you not .. And of course annoy the hell out of you (personal experience) . And sorry I am no fan of geminis both genders
Oh Wise, thankyou...
I doubt that even Jules Verne could imagine that I was playing games.
I am not that.I am into honesty, loyalty, great sex and unwavering support of my SO. Obviously distasteful to the Gemini male.
yes, I have tried to explain my side of the coin to him calmly, politely and pleasantly. No reply.
I hate that I have to get onto the internet to try to find out what goes on inside his head.
For someone born under the "communication sign" I find it odd that he can't just tell me whatzup. Why not be honest with me?
Doesn't really help me move forward if I don't know what I've done wrong, does it?
Believe me, I am the one who is hurt and overwhelmed. This is a person that is/was so dear to me I cannot tell you and I would never have done anything to hurt him. He seems quite comfortable hurting me though. Feels a bit unfair, but my feelings don't matter, do they?????
Sorry if any of this sounds like I am having a go at you - I am not - I am just so shattered and confused.

*HUGS* back you Owly Old thing.
Not meant as an outrage, more a confused/depressed thing. Feel like such an idiot for putting my heart out there.
Shoulda been the best thing ever. Maybe there's no such thing.
Does 1)caring about and being supportive of someone who ACTS like they care about me and then 2)being hurt and confused when they suddenly disappear into their fox hole with no explanation make me highly strung and emotional?
If so, so be it.. but I feel like I am entitled to an honest answer for behaviour like this - you say a Gem does not do this for no reason.
As I said, it would break my heart to hurt him so I think I would know if I had done something awful to him. It would gut me severely.
Maybe some chick buttered on him before so he thought he better get in and do it to me first??? Who would know?
Just have to try be a Gemini about out I guess.. feel nothing, move on and hurt the next person who doesn't deserve it.
Thanks for your patience everyone - I will really try to man up and not care now.
hope everyone else is having a rockin day.x

edited for bad spelling, sorry, it's my weirdo accent...
Just have to try be a Gemini about IT I guess.. feel nothing, move on and hurt the next person who doesn't deserve it.
im dating a gemini
he is everything i want in a man and more. Who he wants to become and the man he already is. I can honestly say i see the transitions from "whatever" to great and it is exactly what wiseoldowl stated. it all depends on how he views you and whether or not he is consistent with you.
I know very little about the Gem guy, but I am an air sign through and through. We air signs are a tricky lot. We aren't really playing any games but it is hard for us begotten. It is hard to hold the wind. When someone latches on, we run through their fingers and vanish.
I suspect that us air signs need a mental connection more so than an emotional connection. We need our thinky time. Emotions kind of confuse the crap out of us, so we need to go experience life without you, so that we know how much we truly value life with you. I think the key is emotional detachment with a mental connection.
I am truly sorry you are hurting. I know I don't do well with other people's emotions. We really get overwhelmed by them. They confuse us. If you can spend a couple of days not thinking about it, it may give him enough room to realize he misses you.
Posted by WiseOldOwl

Until we have made it official with you it is fair game to speak and do as we please with others. We do not see it as we are in a relationship, although others often mistakenly perceive it as such. If he has not stated that you are his girlfriend then the two of you have no commitment and all things are fair. That means talking to others, flirting, dating, and so forth. You will only get faithfulness from him after you become an item until then all bets are off and all things fair game.

I have no problem with this. Although I like him, I feel like I don't know him well enough to give up all potential partners. I would really like to get to know him better.
It is weird. Sometimes we get along great. Other times not so much. I really wish there was more ease in the relationship. I suspect the fact that I am burning the candle at both ends and in the middle has something to do with it. I'm more irritable and argumentative than normal. I would like to get to know him better, on a more personal level, but am not sure how to do it.
Who knows? Maybe he likes the fact I am not always 100% into it. lol.
Anyhow, until there is more ease and comfort in the relationship, I am not prepared to foresake all others. Although I do really like him and hope that the ease and comfort comes.
Thanks Little Sparrow, but it's all my fault - should not have slept with the guy before we were married. Then I guess he might have felt we were in a "relationship" of some kind. Naughty Aries!
Very interested in Wise Old Owl's comments that although Gems are the communication sign but this does not extend to communicating feelings. Does this extend to all Air people or peculiar to Gems?
I love the feeling knowing that my friends can call on me for anything at anytime and I love making them feel special and important and cared about because friends ARE special and important and precious (to me anyway) and I have always thought it was a nice to let them know how special they are, not a bad thing. I am not sure if I should change that.
I guess if a guy is hurt because I care about him he wasn't the great guy I thought he was.(Incidentally it was HE who latched onto me - I was the Ice Queen, had had my heart broken before and was not going THERE again but he wore me down and look where I landed!!!)
I do hope your guy sorts it all out for himself (and for you!)
Personally I feel it shouldn't be a problem to forsake all others if it is love. I have no problem forsaking all others (and it obviously wasn't even love, was it?) This may be an Aries thing tho - the devotion/loyalty thing. I understand (I have seen) some Air signs have a more flexible attitude in this department.
I have to go with WiseOwl's initial post. You will know if he likes you, it will be hard for him to hide unless he is shy. A stimulating mental connection and deep conversations are key. There will be a softness to him and he may get lazy or off doing his own thing when things settle.
Alas, it is not love at least not yet. It is a good thing and I am hoping we can bridge that gap. It could be love but we are too far apart right now. I suspect we like each other and are attracted to each other but are both not especially skilled at emotional intimacy. I also think I am a lot more affectionate by nature. He is more cautious. If love is to happen here, it will be a slow unravel not a quick jerk.
CURIOSITY! gemini's are the most curious people on the face of the earth and when somebody is new that they are interested in, they want to learn as much about you as possible...everything ranging from what you did this weekend, who you were with, hobbies, favorite candy, literally ANYTHING they can get haha
a gemini that likes you will also find any excuse to talk/text/call/email you. i remember when i met my boyfriend he used to email me every night after class to ask what the homework assignment was because he "forgot" to write it down. on the days we didn't have class he would email me while at work to tell me jokes from the cap of the snapple he had at lunch. i love gemini guys so much, they're always so light hearted and easy going and silly smile
Posted by little_sparrow
Alas, it is not love at least not yet. It is a good thing and I am hoping we can bridge that gap. It could be love but we are too far apart right now. I suspect we like each other and are attracted to each other but are both not especially skilled at emotional intimacy. I also think I am a lot more affectionate by nature. He is more cautious. If love is to happen here, it will be a slow unravel not a quick jerk.

ok so i didnt read all the comments until after i made my first comment haha. the emotional intimacy will unravel very slowly with a gemini. this is going to sound ridiculous but my gemini and i didn't start having anything "deep" in the emotional sense until about 9 months into the relationship. obviously we liked each other and were an official couple but we more like 2 little kids at the park making mudpies together haha. even now, highly emotional stuff and touchy/feely people make us uncomfortable because it just doesn't come naturally for either of us, so the depth of our relationship is very private.
how long have you known this guy?
Little Sparrow you deserve so much more than a quick jerk!
May no jerk ever dare cross your path as you travel through life.
ahhh ha! Thanks i love ewe.
We tend to get along best when we are playing in the mudpies. I'd rather sit around and tell each other silly stories but for some reason, every now and then, this dis-ease appears and it is like we are sitting on opposite ends of a canoe and poking each other with the oars. He'll talk about something I have no idea about or I will talk about something he has no idea about and we both kind of get annoyed? maybe? It is like we are trying to impress each other but are more annoying each other. Yet when we can relax and just have fun, it is much, much, much better. Does this make sense?
I suspect that he is following me, however I am following him, who happens to be following me so we are going around in a circle, getting nowhere.
I have only known him 4 weeks. We have had one date a week since.
I think he is feeling me out. I am feeling him out. See above.
I just want the fun and ease without the discomfort. And buddy is not a player at all. Honest to God his big move was the highschool, yawn-reach-around-in-the-movies. LOL. There is a lot of attack kissing. Mainly because I just can't take his slow, pokey worry about how to make a move. LOL.

Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Little Sparrow you deserve so much more than a quick jerk!
May no jerk ever dare cross your path as you travel through life.

I meant it more as a quick jerk of a rug where you fall really fast. I suspect it will be like i love ewe says. Many, many, many months before real emotional depth and connection is reached.
I hope things get better for you ReallyNice. Sending you a huge hug.
* i love gemini guys so much, they're always so light hearted and easy going and silly
This one not so much. He seems nervous and tense all the time. He is very fidgety. I suspect he has that side to him, but we aren't completely relaxed around each other yet. At times we are, other times we are in the canoe.

I am with you 100% oh Owl that is most Aged and Wise:
"I personally have not had sex or anything in a very long time and I see nothing wrong with waiting for a person that has quality."
I just want to know that I am waiting for the right guy. (Waiting for him to decide what his story is I mean... If I had waited for the walk down the aisle before the throw down I would be in a far worse mess than I am now!!!)
*thinking I am older than the owl and wishing I was as wise*

And you can't just ask them straight out (guys I mean) can you?? Well we should be able to ask and get an honest answer, but they haven't evolved quite that far yet.
"Are you the right guy?"
"Hell no ma'am - I am a jerk, but thanks for checking so I don't pretend I like you for 6 months and then leave you wondering what happened when I disappear suddenly with no explanation. You have a nice day now."
*tips hat*

put him on Valium Sparra..
* "Are you the right guy?"
"Hell no ma'am - I am a jerk, but thanks for checking so I don't pretend I like you for 6 months and then leave you wondering what happened when I disappear suddenly with no explanation. You have a nice day now."
*tips hat*
hee hee!
Honestly, your best bet is not to take any of it personally. My theory is you have to kiss a hell of a lot of frogs before you can find one without any warts, let a lone a prince. The thing is you may have been the right one but you are just the right one for TODAY, in this moment, especially when dealing with us airheads.
Sometimes, many times, it has nothing to do with you. It usually has more to do with who he is and where HE is in relations to his own life.
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
put him on Valium Sparra..

You mean I should stop poking him with my oar? LOL!
meet you down at the pond after work Little Sparrow??
Wanna go club some Gemini men over the head and drag 'em home? LOL!
I'll even lend you my oar. smile
Oarsome idea, however violence is never the answer Sparrow.
If they don't want to be with me I wouldn't want to force them.
I know we Aries have a bad rap, but we really aren't interested in anything that hurts anyone.
Oh I know. I have dated a few Aries in my time. Very good people. smile
Sorry WiseOldOwl - the conversation with the guy in the hat/jerk thing was just a hypothetical scenario.
I was trying to shed a bit of humor on the subject of people being REALLY honest when they meet.
I mean if a gentleman walks up to a young lady at a house of refreshment this evening and says, "hey I think you would make a good one night stand" he will probably end up with a cocktail down his front or Little Sparrow's oar crashing down on his head.
I honestly respect, adore, trust my xGemguy 100% but that does not mean he feels the same about me. I love him (but I am not to say that out loud here am I?) but this does not mean he loves me. So it's not real love is it?
As you said it takes 2 to tango - I just look like an idiot tangoing about by myself.
And as Television rightly points out - if he liked me he would make an effort.
Yes I did tell xGem what I wanted in a relationship when we met and no - there was no erupting.
He is (or rather I thought he was) my sweetheart. I didn't lose my butter at him. I still adore him. Just sad he doesn't feel the same.
Don't worry about it sweet owl. He obviously doesn't!
Also can I thank all the Gems who have tried to patiently explain confusing Gemini stuff to me. I know in my case it obviously won't make any difference, but it might help some confused befuddled fire sign out there that is wondering what goes on in your heads!
with massive hairy woolly Aries hugs xxxxxRNAP
sorry Wise- just re- reading your post again (and again).
No - I am not blaming Gemguy. I feel bad that by trying to prise information out of him about how he felt about me I may have pushed him away. My bad. But maybe he was going that way anyway...who knows? He wouldn't tell me.
YES I should have waited til he married me, then I would know (I think!) he was serious. My bad. Live and learn, huh?
And maybe he just plain doesn't care about me. How's that for looking facts in the face?
I won't make the same mistake again. And I doubt that Gemguy is scarred for life, he probably didn't even notice.
xxx Owl, I don't think you have a mean bone in your body!
I might sound mean sometimes too, but am really just a big marshmallow. The horns are just for show (unless you hurt a friend of Aries.)
It is strange to me when he doesn't respond. I understand " I hate you " or "i Love you" or "let me think about this and get back to you in a week or so" but to me nothing means "Treetrunk off. I hate you." And I sure understand that!
He might be trying to tell me something softly in Gem language and I am yelling "HUH?" "WHAT?"
But I don't know would I know?

Maybe there is nothing to understand and that is his point. Maybe to him I am nothing.
****I might just be unloveable too, but no one has been unkind enough to say that!!
Ah, the Aries Ice. When we morph from ram to mammoth. Yes, I do fear that!!!
I haven't been on the receiving end but have had occasion to employ it and can attest to its efficacy!
(bearing in mind they must have done something pretty darstardly to deserve it)
and I am like, "Jog through your memory bank and have a think about it."
Except I don't say that, figuring if they are cunning enough to have performed whatever evil deed it was they can sort it out for themselves.

That's ok, the lovely Taurus cusper is just mooning me. Nice visual:-)
* Gem's always halfway in or halfway out
Not unlike Libra who is always trying to decide if we are halfway in or halfway out. lol
****I might just be unloveable too, but no one has been unkind enough to say that!!
Pishhha! Stop feeding yourself a bunch of crap thoughts! There is someone for everyone! Finding that person is a bit of a task but it doesn't mean it isn't true. You have to believe in you!
I remember this story a friend told me. Basically, she was having one of those in-pajamas-eating-ice-cream-cause-she-was-destined-to-be-eaten-by-cats days.So she was watching tv and she saw one of those shows about someone being cut out of their house and lifted out by crane because they were so obese they hadn't left the couch in years, and their skin had grafted into the couch. That person was married. She was like, "How is that woman, who is connected to a couch married and I'm not!"
But as I told her, I saw it as a positive sign. It means there is someone for everyone. If a Lady who is attached to a couch can find love, so can we!
I also find watching Wife Swap helpful. It reminds me that there is someone for everyone. I've just been dating the other girl's guy.
It takes me a while to notice that someone has stopped talking to me. I usually have zero clue what it is about. (Please see previous discussion on my Sag rising. hee hee!)
So we have date number 5 coming up. I'm looking forward to it. Fingers crossed for me guys.
Liking a boy is hard work.
He asked me out for the middle of next week too. Shouldn't we wait to see how this date goes? ack. I hate this stage of dating. I feel the whole thing is so close yet so far. Like a glass house that can shatter at any moment.
Maybe something about the dynamic is making me to angsty?
or maybe I just really like him. That is almost as bad. Sad
LittleSparrow, I think it is safe to say I am pretty sure the Gemini Guy likes you !!!!
I think it is safe to say that after this weekend, I like him.
I took i love ewe's advice. I went with a light heart and told silly stories. We had the best time!
It is getting more comfortable. I'm really happy. smile
nice work Little Sparrow!!
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
edited for bad spelling, sorry, it's my weirdo accent...
Just have to try be a Gemini about IT I guess.. feel nothing, move on and hurt the next person who doesn't deserve it.

Yea ,and the very second you let go ..he will be back!! Just PROMISE me,no matter how upset,pissed,sad you feel,try your best not to unleash the fury on him,not yet at least! Wait until your face to face ,so he can't ignore the subject,when he calls,and he will,if you continue on with your life trying to keep busy just try to be cheerful,because you will be happy after hearing from him,but deep down you feel like he owes you an apology ,for ignoring you for so long!! He most likey will come up with a logical analysis of the reason he didn't contact you,once things start getting serious they pull away,and if you can hold your composhere through this time he will be impressed I think, my experience is I don't show to deep of emotions ,I let him do that first,it drives me a little nuts ,because I have so much love to give him!! But he won't let me sometimes!!! The closer you guys become the less he distance himself,
And I know your situation is just like mine was ,after surviving a deployment you can go through anything,my gem was so happy that I stayed loyal for so long ,and I could tell in his actions ,he felt bad for not contacting me the whole time!! I think that's why he's been so sweet lately,almost a totally different person after those 6 months!! ,but I know if I would have wrote him anything mean or vengeful I wouldn't be seeing him again,they don't like being emotionally " attacked" they go into defense mode,the reason Im saying this is because I know in you head you wanna go off on him for this silent treatment,but remember sweetie,he is in combat!! So there is an honest reason why he may have not been able to contact you?? He could be in a black hawk in a fricken desert storm right now ! He could be hiding in some holes in the desert,so many things and so many possible things it could be,so just try and keep the faith,and know everything will work out for the best,and it will all happen in divine timing
Thanks for your positive vibes!!
Don't worry - Gemboy or Gemtaurmini or Cusp Lad (sounds like a super hero!!)(well he is to me!)is the best, and I send no pissed, horrible or vengeful thoughts or words to him!!

He is a lovely lovely person, but it would be nice if he could let me know that I am not being a total idiot waiting for him. Silly devoted Aries - hanging in there when there was nothing really to hold on to in the first place. We do that, it's an olympic event for us.
This is not me being unreasonable. It is me saying "hey - you are my friend and I am more than happy to support you and stand by you while you are away, but I am getting older and need to know if you think I am the "ONE" or not."
Then I can resume my search for the "ONE" whilst still being your friend and supporting you etc. Buddy status would remain unchanged.
Bear in mind that previously I knocked back what would have been a serious guy (lovely Taurus) because Bad Gemini had said, "hey let's team up etc etc and how special I was etc etc."
So of course I told Taurus boy, sorry - BadGem was here first. And he proceeded to be a very nasty wicked Gemini indeed. If I was a player or smart or streetwise or any of the other things I am not, I would have kept both lines in the water but I didn't. Many buttery things ensued. I have wasted enough space here telling you about him. Horrid lying little creature.
Back to CuspLad..
As an Aries, not telling me whatzup means NO - not interested. I am trying to understand the Gemini way of communication to confirm.
I am trying REALLY HARD to negotiate the Gemini minefield of what Gemtaur neatly described the other day as 'mixed signals, miscommunication and general confusion'.
No mixed signals on Planet Aries, I can tell you!!!
No one can tell me but him and I am trying to learn to speak GeminiTaurus to save him learning to speak Aries - which would be a whole lot simpler, but I am not looking for a miracle like that, just a fair go.
He reappeared on the radar after I sent him a little congratulatory message for something he had achieved. Friendly type stuff and I feel like such a fraud for dancing around the truth. So weird for me. I don't like skirting around the subject.
Hey - I am only an Aries and I am doing my best!!
With apologies for mega post
Being a Gemini dude, you know I didn't read all of that shit. But, as a Gemini man that's loved 3 Aries women, I can tell you that your ass will know if we want you! Aries woman go Cave woman with Gemini's! Go hittin me in da head with their clubs and shit, dragging back to their caves and all. Fuck! smile
Oh Gem Mind - we don't want to hurt you!
Yeah, I figgered my ass would know. Was just kinda really hoping my ass was wrong - it's been wrong before.
At least I gave it 100% . You guys can't ask for more than that.
But here's hoping that Little Sparrow is having a more successful dip into the Gemini pond with her oar!
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Oh Gem Mind - we don't want to hurt you!
Yeah, I figgered my ass would know. Was just kinda really hoping my ass was wrong - it's been wrong before.
At least I gave it 100% . You guys can't ask for more than that.

Uh, Oh.....An Aries woman saying she gave it......100% ? Now you know you know better than that. Winking However, Gem men and Aries woman....can be conflicted. Gems know shit that Aries don't know. Being an Aries woman, you tend to be fighters when you really don't have to be. Alas, Gemini men are attracted REAL woman. Not ones that read 'womanhood' from a fuckin script!! HaHaHaHaHa....Which is where conflict comes into play. You guys tend to be oblivious to a bunch of shit, which pisses us off!!! Grrrrrr!!!!! But, sex, has got to be the best of any pairing anywhere. I mean, 3 warriors all in one bed, Air and Fire??? Yowza!! HaHaHaHaHa!! Enjoy!
Well, our last date was really, really good. There was a moment when I really felt the fear that I could fall for this guy. There are really weird moments where we really connect. And then, because we are both air signs, we go our separate ways again. I feel like we are both starting to relax a little.
There is one thing that is worrying me but I know it has nothing to do with him, it is just trauma from an old relationship that is being triggered. Stuff I thought I was over no less.
I'm really looking forward to seeing him in a few days. I remain cautiously optimistic.
I'm really sorry your situation isn't working out the way you wanted it to RealNice. Having a broken-heart is the most cliche yet lonely feelings in the world. Trust me. I have had a few. Sending you a huge hug and a nice cup of tea.
well lay it on me brother - the butter that I am oblivious too.
I am here trying to learn.
Don't diss me when I am trying to figger it all out.

Quite obviously the sex is not a problem. It is world championship level. Or so he said.
It seems that great sex and friendship is not enough...
Little Sparrow - have no fear.
I know it's easier to say than do but don't let horrible memories of what some pinhead loser did to you in the past mar what could be something sensational. (Does mar have 2 rr's or just the one?)

Pretend you are me (the good bits of me anyway) and GO FOR IT.
Go optimistic...the hell with cautious.... oops sorry, we are on the Gem board.
Put down your oar and embrace that frog! That's an order.