move on after he dumped u

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Antero on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 and has 23 replies.
i am gemini and he is aquarius. he dumped me and said i am to good for him and its wrong with him. ussually i am so easy yo move on. but i dont know why not this time. why he keep texting me when i didnt text him and he keep answer my text. i dont understand. what do u do gemini to move on?
I'm not an Aquarius or a Gemini but I'd suggest to just be his friend for now. They value friendship!

I've dealt with an Aqua and if I could go back and do it all over again I'd do it all differently!

If you're thinking of moving on, don't make it obviously or try to make them jealous cos that will just push them away!
as a gemini with a venus in taurus its really hard to let go and it takes time to get used to the absence of the person from my life,but i try and keep myself busy,read ,go out ,meet new people,i listen to music un til i accept the fact that they are not coming back,the process is hard to go through but it will pass,stay strong
i have venus is taurus @lilyofthevalley987. and he has Venus in capricorn. i know its hard for med to accept but it will be easier if he dont keep texting and reply my text so easy for me to move on so i know he will never comeback but his behavior showing that he still want to be in relationship and keep calling me sweet heart . i know i cant be friend with my ex boyfriend. its never happen in my life . @Isabeau90 he is so weird . keep calling me sweet heart and text me when i didnt text and answer my text. it makes me confuse . even he said its not easy to let me go. and he still want to go out with me. .
Posted by Antero
i have venus is taurus @lilyofthevalley987. and he has Venus in capricorn. i know its hard for med to accept but it will be easier if he dont keep texting and reply my text so easy for me to move on so i know he will never comeback but his behavior showing that he still want to be in relationship and keep calling me sweet heart . i know i cant be friend with my ex boyfriend. its never happen in my life . @Isabeau90 he is so weird . keep calling me sweet heart and text me when i didnt text and answer my text. it makes me confuse . even he said its not easy to let me go. and he still want to go out with me. .
He sounds a bit overwhelmed and probably doesn't know what he wants.

He sounds like he is a bit scared of committing to you.. but enjoys your company.
@Isabeau90.. yeah perhaps u were right.. he is scared. we have a commited realationship. ans he try to get information about me after we broke up to my best friend and said that he really loves me.
Posted by Antero
i have venus is taurus @lilyofthevalley987. and he has Venus in capricorn. i know its hard for med to accept but it will be easier if he dont keep texting and reply my text so easy for me to move on so i know he will never comeback but his behavior showing that he still want to be in relationship and keep calling me sweet heart . i know i cant be friend with my ex boyfriend. its never happen in my life . @Isabeau90 he is so weird . keep calling me sweet heart and text me when i didnt text and answer my text. it makes me confuse . even he said its not easy to let me go. and he still want to go out with me. .
sounds like he is not ready to commit but doesnt want to lose you either,wich explains the fact that its hard to forget him,but why do u keep on texting him,and be exactly like he wants you to be?
@lilyofthevalley987.. i try to convinced him to change his decision and we take a break instead. and he said we will see what is going to happen and i said dies it means u will give another chance?.. he doesn't say yes or no but keep saying we will see what is going to happen. i told him sorry.. i dony undersrand and cant read beetween the line. and we talk more about it more later he said. my heart said this is not what he wants. he told best friend that he is afraid i will leave him. and he said we are going to meet in many times in many many years. and my best friend arrange a date for us and he wants it.. when i stop text him he text me.
Posted by Antero
@lilyofthevalley987.. i try to convinced him to change his decision and we take a break instead. and he said we will see what is going to happen and i said dies it means u will give another chance?.. he doesn't say yes or no but keep saying we will see what is going to happen. i told him sorry.. i dony undersrand and cant read beetween the line. and we talk more about it more later he said. my heart said this is not what he wants. he told best friend that he is afraid i will leave him. and he said we are going to meet in many times in many many years. and my best friend arrange a date for us and he wants it.. when i stop text him he text me.

You need to leave him alone and stop pushing him for answers. I know that sounds harsh but it will quickly turn sour if you keep pushing him. Give him time to think!

Just let him know you're thinking of him every few days by asking how he is and that you hope he is having a good day etc...

He might come to you.... and ask the questions he needs to or he might take his time trying to evaluate the situation.

After a while you can let him know that you'd still like a relationship with him.

Be his friend though, give him time and keep being you!

yeah.. I will do that. @Isabeau90...
"You're too good for me" is an old, overly used line by guys when they want to exit by playing the gentleman or when they want to exit gracefully, by not hurting you so that their reputation won't be damaged. Men of all signs play this act. Honestly, I don't think any man would leave a woman who's too good. If he feels she's too good or that he's not good enough, he'll only work harder to impress her and try to grab the big prize. If he says something like this, it's probably that he was never really that interested or he is kind of confused, on the fence, maybe. I've been fooled by that line, too, and I guess several women would've heard that.

If you really want to leave, you can - just block him everywhere and distract yourself, spoil yourself with your fav activities like movies, music, gym, partying, binging, Netflix, shopping, reading new books, whatever that you find interesting enough to keep you occupied. It works. I'm speaking from experience, again.

But if you don't really want to forget him and move on, that is if you're still hoping he may come back or if you're still thinking of could be, what if, maybe, etc., then as you know, this is a cycle. He'll only start using you more often and more easily, irrespective of signs, because you'll lose respect in his eyes.

For your own good, avoid all contact at least for a week or so.
i am agree with u @InLoveWithLife. i am sure he is confuse with his feeling he keep looking for information about me through my best friend. and my best friend arrange a date to meet him and he want it.
i dont know what to say @InLoveWithLife @Isabeau90 @lilyofthevalley987.. he text me last night and asked about my kids. why he still cares?.. i said to him.. i dont know how long he needs time to change his decision as we know we love each other. and I know he don't want it. so i said to him it's up to him. I did everything to.make things work I give up and wish you luck. it was last night. this morning I don't text him. and now he text me and send a picture that he has a lots of work . and said give me a few days to think . huft
Posted by Antero
i dont know what to say @InLoveWithLife @Isabeau90 @lilyofthevalley987.. he text me last night and asked about my kids. why he still cares?.. i said to him.. i dont know how long he needs time to change his decision as we know we love each other. and I know he don't want it. so i said to him it's up to him. I did everything to.make things work I give up and wish you luck. it was last night. this morning I don't text him. and now he text me and send a picture that he has a lots of work . and said give me a few days to think . huft
I'd just let him have the few days he has asked for and see if he messages you then ?
yeah.. that's I am gonna du.
Posted by Antero
yeah.. that's I am gonna du.
I do have to say that if he is asking your friend for information about you... he hasn't lost interest in you.
he tells everything how he feels to my best friend but why he cant say that to me. so weird @Isabeau90
Posted by Antero
he tells everything how he feels to my best friend but why he cant say that to me. so weird @Isabeau90
At this stage its not clear whether he is keeping in touch just for to be his backup plan until he finds something better or if he is genuinly interested in you

because a guy who wont define the relationship but is stringing you along is shady

wait and see.give it some time but dont get your hopes high and dont push him either.

if nothing works have a conversation with him to clear things out and if he refuses move on.
2 Days i didnt text him @lilyofthevalley987 he text my best friend and asked if i really love him ?.. as he is afraid i will leave him for another man. my friend told him. u were lucky to have her she not like any other women. but once she decide to move on.. she never turn back and u will regret.. thats what happen to all her ex. they coming back and cry like a baby. she wont take her ex. and he asked my best friend what to do. Oh my God... he is 53 years old and working as psykolog . its crazy and yes i done have so much hope. maybe u were right.. he will just use me if i take him back. i hope not of course.
Well i hope not .but if it does happen let me tell that u seem like a strong woman and as a gemini female with a venus in taurus time heals everything just wait and of luck to you
"Is he really interested and wants time or is he using me as a backup" can be a very difficult question to answer. The problem is both these kinds act similarly and honestly we girls have to just take a risk and decide for ourselves going by our gut or we have to wait till the climax to figure it out.

And when we're emotionally dependent on them, the decision can be really difficult to make. It is tiring. The best solution I think is to set a time limit for him to gather his senses and let him be - just be yourself and don't tell him about the time limit. If even after a significant period, he's not giving you what you'd want, go by your decision without giving him any concern! Cheers!

well.. @InLoveWithLife @Lilyofthevalley987 @Isabeau90.. he text me a few minutes ago after I ignore him for 3 days. he asked if I am still alive. and he said he will try again with our relationship. and he told me he is afraid will.makes me disappointed as he will travel alot with his work. I told him to be more open and talk what makes him afraid so I can understand. i'm glad he come back and we are fine again. I know it won't be easy for me to have this relationship . thank you girls to give me some advice. I really appreciate it.
thsnks for ur input @HeniniGirl052388 . u were right and yes its confusing when he is the one who wants to break up n kept texting. this is the first time we broke upp for 5 days and he cone back again. i just need to be more control with my emotion this time.