Question about Gemini man

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Zetarose on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 and has 18 replies.
How would a Gemini man act if jealous. Say he got hurt when he found out I had been talking to an Aries man while he was "falling in love with me" so he says... And I told him this- see I only ever rly had friendly feelings toward this gem. And so I told him.. And this was right after we hadn't spoke for a week. So he was happy we were talking again and he said glad the break is over and I was gonna message him later .. Well I had been building up feelings for him for quite some time.. After this Aries d bag and me split up. So that day I get home log onto Facebook and see all these posts of these dumb pics of hall nude women and the gem liking them!!! And right before that I gave him a racey pic of me!!! And hinted I wanted to move things forward. I really think it may have been a way of making me jealous. Since I just unloaded that bombshell about Aries dude... So what do you all know about gems..? Do they have a mean streak of jeoulousy
Posted by Kjk62
I'd say that u might talk to him next year. If that.

?? I'm not saying he isn't talking to me.!!
I asked if they do things to make people jealous. That's it.
What does it matter I am just asking this!!!! And I am no longer involved with Aquarius!!!! So it doesn't matter.
Yeah I would probably think you were telling me that (about the Aries) to play games and Geminis HATE being played with so, although immature, I would say he was either liking the pics to throw it in your face OR he is probably going to distance himself from you and that was step one for him.

It's one thing to be naturally jealous (that means we care) but when it feels like someone is doing or saying something to deliberately make us jealous or test our feelings, that's a big nope. Not saying that's the case here, just my two cents.
Posted by ashley1734
Yeah I would probably think you were telling me that (about the Aries) to play games and Geminis HATE being played with so, although immature, I would say he was either liking the pics to throw it in your face OR he is probably going to distance himself from you and that was step one for him.

It's one thing to be naturally jealous (that means we care) but when it feels like someone is doing or saying something to deliberately make us jealous or test our feelings, that's a big nope. Not saying that's the case here, just my two cents.

I hear ya and I truly wasn't saying it to make him jelly I really was only feeling him in a friendly type of way. Until after it didn't work w the Aries then I'm feeling lonely and kinda using him for a backup.. I know it's not right and he has every right to not ever talk to me again. He isn't ignoring me or anything I am giving him space tho.
Posted by galawastelands

I agree with Ashley (by the way you're gorgeous) but if i made it clear I had feelings for you and you threw another woman in my face, it immediately comes off as you're trying to make my jealous, which I don't take very well. I've left relationships on the spot for that type of thing, because it feels like manipulation.

Also I noticed you said that you hinted that you wanted to move forward because you liked him. Personally, for me, I like and appreciate forwardness. Hinting at things feels like beating around the bush. Even if I think i know what you're getting at, I might not do much because if you like me and want more like you said, you would would just open your mouth and say exactly that. I can't read minds and honestly my life tends to be to busy to read minds.

As well, him liking those pics, as much as you two might still be into each other, he's still single from my understanding. I can like someone but if i'm unsure about where it might go, I still very well will look at other things. Only when i know I like someone and it's being 100 percent returned do i LOCK on to that person and only that person. Just my thoughts though. It could be different for your Gem guy.

I wasn't playing games I just said I really only thought of him for a long time as just a friend and was telling him hey this has been why I've been acting this way...
Posted by galawastelands

(by the way you're gorgeous)

I noticed the OP didn't yell at you and tell you to leave when you addressed something that wasn't about her question.

Also, her features are too pointy. I'd be afraid she'd impale me if I got too close to her face or top of her head. Wondering if her whole body resembles sharp peaks.
No I just don't see what my previous relationships has to do with this question! It's that simple . So thanks for nothing
Posted by Zetarose
How would a Gemini man act if jealous. Say he got hurt when he found out I had been talking to an Aries man while he was "falling in love with me" so he says... And I told him this- see I only ever rly had friendly feelings toward this gem. And so I told him.. And this was right after we hadn't spoke for a week. So he was happy we were talking again and he said glad the break is over and I was gonna message him later .. Well I had been building up feelings for him for quite some time.. After this Aries d bag and me split up. So that day I get home log onto Facebook and see all these posts of these dumb pics of hall nude women and the gem liking them!!! And right before that I gave him a racey pic of me!!! And hinted I wanted to move things forward. I really think it may have been a way of making me jealous. Since I just unloaded that bombshell about Aries dude... So what do you all know about gems..? Do they have a mean streak of jeoulousy

So, you finally stopped your ridiculous chase after an Aqua man huh?

Ya thank gawd
I really don't. undeestand how you guys remember everyone... I haven't even been on in. Months is this all you guys do??!!!
Posted by Zetarose
What does it matter I am just asking this!!!! And I am no longer involved with Aquarius!!!! So it doesn't matter.

It matters, because you're a dumb bitch when it comes to logic. I feel sorry for your kid.
Posted by littlemegabytes
Posted by Zetarose
I really don't. undeestand how you guys remember everyone... I haven't even been on in. Months is this all you guys do??!!!

It's because you were so angry and had an affinity for your CAPS LOCK KEY and this: "!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!", also liked lashing out at others when they gave feedback that you weren't looking for. And yes, the only purpose I have in life is to peruse dxpnet threads and mentally catalog all users over the past couple of months based on subject of their posts, I personally like to file it away in my brain for later use months later until they post again, and then I can bring up small details about their lives. This is a hobby of mine that I very passionate about.
click to expand

So, I am not alone in my hobby after all. Big Grin
You all need go get a life...
Posted by galawastelands
I can't speak for the men, but as a female Gemini when I'm jealous, I usually back off. It's not something I want the other person I care about to see usually, so I go away for a while. Usually that gives me time to focus on other things, and usually brings something or someone new to the table. I'd have to have serious feelings for me to fight for the relationship, and when i feel wronged or unwanted, I barely make the first move again. Over time, I just stop caring about the person. Hope that helps some.

This. I am the same way but probably due to my leo moon haha. Winking

I really don't get jealous but if I think your screwing with my feelings or testing me, I would be very hurt and probably not talk to you until you gave me on serious apology and there would be one caveat and that is -Don't ever do it again -but this would only be if we were in a SERIOUS LTR. If Gem comes back around and you do it again (since some people never seem to learn) I can't blame him for never speaking to you again. We don't have time for games. There are plenty of fish in the sea to find the right one for us.
Posted by littlemegabytes
BUT since I am bored, and already logged into DXP, I shall answer your post as a gemini sun, mercury, venus, and jupiter and also having experience with male Gemini's. The way you've written the story is odd and brimming with grammatical errors, but from what I gather:

Gem guy likes you.
You like Aries guy.
You tell Gem that you want to be just friends.
Then you have feelings for Gem.
You and Aries break up.
You decide that you want to be with the Gem.
You send Gem nude pic.
You see photos that Gemini likes on Facebook of women.
You assume he is mean and trying to make you jealous.

I think that you and the people in this thread are putting too much stock in this whole "Facebook liking" thing, you are taking it way too seriously. A guy sees a pic of a half naked girl, so he likes it. I really doubt that he had malintent in doing that, he was probably just being a dumb horny guy.

From what I have seen of you and your posts and in terms of what I know about astrological matching and what I see on DXP, I don't think that a Gemini is a good match for you. You have a very explosive temper, lash out at people, are very critical, and that behaivor is kind of like setting yourself up to be disappointed and fucked with by not just a gemini guy, any man in general. You can't just jump to conclusions like that. How are going to react whenever there is a serious issue in the relationship to be dealt with and not something idiotic like a facebook "like" ? You are upset about him liking a photo, calling him mean and jealous, and act like he owes you something because you send him a nude photo? If you want to be taken seriously by a guy, PLEASE don't start off by sending nudes and "hinting" that you want to move things forward. This could not be a worse idea. Gemini wants a woman (who they take seriously, in terms of a RELATIONSHIP) who is upfront, bold, confident, and who will play no "hinting" games. You told him that you wanted to be friends. Dudes are dumb, they are not mind readers.