Question about Gemini man

Posted by galawastelands
I can't speak for the men, but as a female Gemini when I'm jealous, I usually back off. It's not something I want the other person I care about to see usually, so I go away for a while. Usually that gives me time to focus on other things, and usually brings something or someone new to the table. I'd have to have serious feelings for me to fight for the relationship, and when i feel wronged or unwanted, I barely make the first move again. Over time, I just stop caring about the person. Hope that helps some.

This. I am the same way but probably due to my leo moon haha. Winking

I really don't get jealous but if I think your screwing with my feelings or testing me, I would be very hurt and probably not talk to you until you gave me on serious apology and there would be one caveat and that is -Don't ever do it again -but this would only be if we were in a SERIOUS LTR. If Gem comes back around and you do it again (since some people never seem to learn) I can't blame him for never speaking to you again. We don't have time for games. There are plenty of fish in the sea to find the right one for us.