This female gem and I started off in a bad place but we ended up cool I guess. At this current state its confusing though and I would like some clarification on what to do. She admitted that she hated me in the pass but I guess now she tolerates me. I would likely start every conversation to check on her and her kids and the answers are always short. She would only message me if she needs me to reach someone for her. We were social media friends at one point and every time I posted up a picture or comment about something new I would purchase or a trip that I attended she would comment in a slick way. (I know it would be for me as she would update her status right after I would post up something also her and I have done this before so I would know). I extended the offer out to her to attend a trip with me and I was willing to give her some spending money. I also purchased a book for her from her favorite author as she likes to read and I sent her to the spa for her birthday that just recently pass. At the spa she started to bad mouth me as I found out when I went back to the spa from some friends. She told them that we weren't friends and she also spoke about the past and how she hated me. Once I found that out I cut-off all ties with her. Then yesterday a mutual friend of ours stated how she was upset and started posting things on social media again about how people always leave her and how real friends would be there no matter what. I'm confused cause if we aren't friends why is it affecting her? I'm also trying to figure out if she still secretly hates me or is jealous me of me still? I'm just trying to understand Geminis.
Well you are correct because every story has 3 sides, mines, hers and the truth but in order for me to get the correct answer I have to be truthful about it. Our past was bad because her ex-bf/baby daddy left her for me and she wasn't over him when he did. So I suffered (harassment calls) for it as a result until I got tired and lashed back. All this happened about 8 years ago. I have spoken to her lately trying to make peace for the sake of kids because our kids fathers had recently relocated due to a job. I'm married and she has a bf so I'm trying to see what the whole issue still is. I'm just trying to be mature and still helpful as she's not employed so I would give her and her child the same that I would give myself and my child, yet there is still tension.
Please help me understand because I'm trying if you don't mind?
Signed Up:
May 27, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 584 · Topics: 12
What is her Venus placement?
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Wow @Op so she left her ex for you? you are smooth..
So what exactly do you want n?
Well the only thing I want is for us to be mature and civil for the sake of the kids. Meaning all the emotional rollercoaster should have already been over and done with especially since we had so much time and space in between to heal and move on. At the same time me being a Capricorn I honestly cant tolerate someone being two face to me. I would have respected her more if she told me she still had feeling about the situation and she couldn't do what I was asking. When I spoke to her at first I told her this and she agreed to the terms but its like I'm still receiving attitude for no apparent reason. I'm trying to figure out if she is this way normally or what and from what I read geminis don't normally hold onto grudge. At this point i'm just ready to walk away permanently without my son knowing his brother.