Viiiirggggo man and Gemini woman (uknowwhatitis)

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by issageminibaby on Monday, April 22, 2019 and has 12 replies.
Alright YALL,

I’ve been dating my Virgo sun (Virgo moon) boyfriend for 6 months now. Sh*t started WAY rocky. I’ve tried to leave several times but no matter what, he sticks around! It’s like, it just never works out when I try to leave. My main reason for leaving was because I told him I felt like it wasn’t going anywhere, that we might as well just be friends because there was no emotional depth. I told him I needed someone more emotionally available, someone that’s going to BARE their soul to me. So in turn he tells me that he is emotional and he didn’t think that’s what I wanted, because I seem turned off by that sort of thing. So I still wanted a break for a week or two. Just to take time away from each other. And although he hated it, he agreed to it. Once we got back together, POOF! Like a totally different person. Much more affectionate and attentive. Finally starting to tell me when I’m being too distant from him, so I’ve been trying to make an effort to be more communicative and present. But here’s the dealio, he hasn’t told me he loves me yet. Which maybe that sounds crazy but like I think I might be falling for him and eh. He told me he loves being with me and that he’s glad we met, buuuut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he has stuck around, no matter how much I’ve just ignored him, blew him off, tried to leave. He also has a Leo venus in rx, I know Leo venus loves attention, but i rarely give it to him and he comes back for more all the time? I’m just not a clingy person. He gave me butter for not texting him all weekend and I told him “we were both visiting our home towns, doin our thang, so I don’t wanna be annoying” and he goes “PLEASE BE ANNOYING, YOU NEVER ARE” ANYWAY, thoughts anyone? We are both 7th house suns. Well he has sun, moon, mercury in the 7th. I’m a Gemini sun, Scorpio rising, cancer moon, venus in Aries and mars in Leo. He is a Virgo sun, Pisces rising, virgo moon, Leo venus rx, libra mars
Yeah, we’ve definitely had problems with talking about how we feel. And I might decide to move in the fall but I haven’t told him because it just came up. But we are nowhere NEAR the point of living together :-/
Posted by nanobot

I get why that could confuse you. I have been in 3 LTR and it never took 6mos+ to get the "I love you".

But since everything else seems to be going well and he does seem to care a lot, I would just chalk it up to people having different time lines for this kind of thing

You should be really compatible. Weird
The problem is you dont make sense. If ur not feeling him, ur not feeling him. Point Blank

Virgo sun
You did break things off with him/take a break which has to sting. I think you'll need to wait a bit longer to hear those words. Earth signs are all about stability.
That’s what I was thinking. And he is a textbook earth sign - slow as shit
Posted by LadyNeptune

You did break things off with him/take a break which has to sting. I think you'll need to wait a bit longer to hear those words. Earth signs are all about stability.

I think we are in a lot of ways we’re just damaged goods :-/
Posted by Sag898

You should be really compatible. Weird

My Jupiter is natally in rx so shouldn’t I be getting some good luck?! I am trying to be more attentive. He says that’s what he wants but I also feel like if he gets that he’s gonna hit the road, but that could just my manipulative bullshit coming into play.
Posted by LethalFantasia

We have so many of the same placements and are going through like such a similar situation. For Geminis Jupiter Retrograde is happening in our 5th house. And those of us with heavy Scorpio and Sagittarius influences feel it even harder. For me personally like anyone who I've like even showed the slightest interest in before this stupid Jupiter Retrograde turned out to be like not 100% emotionally available. So I guess it was a blessing for me. For you it seems to be showing you that this guy is genuinely into you and a sweetheart. Be more attentive! x

Gem Sun

Sag Moon

Venus Aries

Mars Leo

Scorpio Rising

You’re like my literal Gemini twin! I’m also 25 smile
Posted by LethalFantasia

We have so many of the same placements I just can't

Posted by Sag898

You should be really compatible. Weird
Since when a virgo is compatible with Gemini? the only similarity is the wit other than that nothing, we are so different, personnaly its one of the signs that i dislike, and every virgo i met is cold, indifferent and revengful, and they show emotion only when it serves them and u would never know how he truly feels about you because they think emotions and feelings are weakness, and the more detached u are the more they are confortable, because they dont know what to do when u open up about how u feel, i read somewhere that a woman is with a virgo man for 15 years and he never admits he loves her.
a Virgo before. And he was loving in his own way, he always did stuff for me and had my back. Was also jealous. And controlling but always told me he loved me. Even after I left him. They want to appear cold but they’re not. I feel with my current one, if I said it first I think he’d say it back at least, he’s definitely getting into the “sharing everything” with me phase and to ME that’s the beginning of it. Hopefully the jealousy and possessive doesn’t come with this one Sad
Posted by lilyofthevalley987

Posted by Sag898

You should be really compatible. Weird
Since when a virgo is compatible with Gemini? the only similarity is the wit other than that nothing, we are so different, personnaly its one of the signs that i dislike, and every virgo i met is cold, indifferent and revengful, and they show emotion only when it serves them and u would never know how he truly feels about you because they think emotions and feelings are weakness, and the more detached u are the more they are confortable, because they dont know what to do when u open up about how u feel, i read somewhere that a woman is with a virgo man for 15 years and he never admits he loves her.
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One of the most interesting and promising combinations, if the early stages of complete misunderstanding (that can last years) are survived. Once the communication becomes more clear, the honesty and the need to truly get in the depths of each other's personality is what creates an emotion that is hard to break.

One of the combinations where the potential for great love is high.