Which is better for Gemini man???

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by yung_wisegem on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 and has 22 replies.
Leo woman or Aquarius woman? Only from experience tho.
Had both Leo and Aquarius when I was in the univ. And I can tell you these are two opposite extremes. Leo was the first one I had, very caring & passionate if you are nice to them, will cooks for you, clean for you as long as you feed her emotionally but can't take a slight joke, we Geminis are notorious in sarcasm. We drift apart in communication. They are very egoistic as I hated it when she looked down on people under her. Ha and the Aquarius oh boy she was the best I ever had, a good travel buddy, chitchat about anything and everything, humanitarian, less maintenance, more as a friend than a lover, freak in bed & out. Distance kept us apart, glad she is happy with 2 kids now. So when you choose choose wisely yung_wisegem.
Aqua women are hot.
My mother is a Leo.

My father is a Gemini.

Marriage made in hell, of course they're now divorced.

They were miserable throughout the entire marriage.

The air sign most compatible with Leo in my opinion, is a Libra.

This was the 'true' love of my mother's life.

An Aqua will understand a Gemini much better!
You should evaluate there vibration by the directions they are taking and how productive... It is also about just not moving to fast and maybe be both friends to see if you really could see them as more...

Posted by piscesmoon2
You should evaluate there vibration by the directions they are taking and how productive... It is also about just not moving to fast and maybe be both friends to see if you really could see them as more...

Its crazy cus i usually like to start off as friends anyways. The aqua lady is so mysterious. Cant figure her out for nothing. The leo woman was easy to figure out and seduce. Im more comfortable with the leo more so than the aqua. The aqua makes me shy a lil and nervous. Knew her a lil longer and still not comfortable like i want to be. Its geting so bad with the aqua lady that im not even able to tell if shes even interested. Tbh i might just give up on the aqua cus she fuckin wit my head. Thing is i try to forget/avoid but i cant resist. I dont want the leo woman (cant stand leo ego)but it seems the leo is my only choice.
@yung_wisegem You got plenty of choices matey go out more. Trust me Aqua woman waiting for you to do the first move, if you are not then forget about her.
Posted by geminidude
@yung_wisegem You got plenty of choices matey go out more. Trust me Aqua woman waiting for you to do the first move, if you are not then forget about her.
I asked her "did she know i was feelin her" she said "yea". So then i asked her if she was feelin the same way so i can slow down instead of engaging with her( i already dont like seeming emotional/ clingy/ or vunerable. She says im cool af and she wants to be friends. the thing is i never wanted a relationship. I just want a friend i screw around wit and vibe with. Another thing i dont get is i deleted the aqua numba. Unfollowed her on snapchat. I avoid her hard af but she just wont leave me alone. Which in turn makes it harder for me to forget about her. I might just be rude to get rid of her.
I'm air dominant, does that count? I need a witty man and a strong mental connection and of course sexual connection Winking
Posted by yung_wisegem
Posted by piscesmoon2
You should evaluate there vibration by the directions they are taking and how productive... It is also about just not moving to fast and maybe be both friends to see if you really could see them as more...

Its crazy cus i usually like to start off as friends anyways. The aqua lady is so mysterious. Cant figure her out for nothing. The leo woman was easy to figure out and seduce. Im more comfortable with the leo more so than the aqua. The aqua makes me shy a lil and nervous. Knew her a lil longer and still not comfortable like i want to be. Its geting so bad with the aqua lady that im not even able to tell if shes even interested. Tbh i might just give up on the aqua cus she fuckin wit my head. Thing is i try to forget/avoid but i cant resist. I dont want the leo woman (cant stand leo ego)but it seems the leo is my only choice.
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so you plan on using the leo then... Damn
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by yung_wisegem
Posted by piscesmoon2
You should evaluate there vibration by the directions they are taking and how productive... It is also about just not moving to fast and maybe be both friends to see if you really could see them as more...

Its crazy cus i usually like to start off as friends anyways. The aqua lady is so mysterious. Cant figure her out for nothing. The leo woman was easy to figure out and seduce. Im more comfortable with the leo more so than the aqua. The aqua makes me shy a lil and nervous. Knew her a lil longer and still not comfortable like i want to be. Its geting so bad with the aqua lady that im not even able to tell if shes even interested. Tbh i might just give up on the aqua cus she fuckin wit my head. Thing is i try to forget/avoid but i cant resist. I dont want the leo woman (cant stand leo ego)but it seems the leo is my only choice.
so you plan on using the leo then... Damn
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Nah we're pretty much using each other. But i feel if i continue with the leo shes gonna get attached.
please go with the aqua...
Posted by MoonshineLeo
please go with the aqua...
Lol why? Leos are alright to me. Im guessing u dont like geminis tho
Ok, a lot of this, of course, is going to depend on other planet/house placements and aspects, not just sun signs. With that said, here is my own personal experience: Aquarius is a very strong match, very fun, relatively smooth, almost magical at times. However, I think it is mostly short-term. Leo, on the other hand, is a bit more challenging, perhaps even unbearable at times, but at the end of the day was the more important, growth-oriented relationship for me; definitely more long-term material in my book. Then again, I'm a Gem who (probably partly because of my Leo moon, etc.) to this date has actually had more long term success with fire signs than air signs, as far as serious, long-term potential goes.

All day long.
Posted by Montgomery

All day long.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
please go with the aqua...
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why are the single LEO ladies on this forum pushing aqua to the Gemini??

you know there are Gemini men with ALL 12 sun signs right???


in real life, the one Gemini guy I met at my husband's work is Gemini sun/Leo venus/Gemini mars and guess who he is with????

A LEO sun woman. she's a photographer.
it's like you leo ladies don't like Gemini men at all.

Pisces woman Big Grin
Posted by Se7en
Like Lisa said, we all have all twelve signs somewhere in our charts so it's an individual thing. For me, it's Leo. Never been with an Aquarius Woman. I'm not into them at all.

not into Gemini men at all, but I do know that there are Gemini men with ALL 12, it's just too bad not all 12 Gemini men with 12 different sun signs are here to share. lmao.
Posted by yung_wisegem
Posted by piscesmoon2
You should evaluate there vibration by the directions they are taking and how productive... It is also about just not moving to fast and maybe be both friends to see if you really could see them as more...

Its crazy cus i usually like to start off as friends anyways. The aqua lady is so mysterious. Cant figure her out for nothing. The leo woman was easy to figure out and seduce. Im more comfortable with the leo more so than the aqua. The aqua makes me shy a lil and nervous. Knew her a lil longer and still not comfortable like i want to be. Its geting so bad with the aqua lady that im not even able to tell if shes even interested. Tbh i might just give up on the aqua cus she fuckin wit my head. Thing is i try to forget/avoid but i cant resist. I dont want the leo woman (cant stand leo ego)but it seems the leo is my only choice.
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Not going to lie I have a few firer energies around and I get along with them who knows maybe something will develop with one of them if the Aqua does not pan out. I am kinda just coming off of a long period of working on my self... Finacially, spiritually, still doing physically but never really in bad shape at times I am better but cycles, and communication to help others and just generally being friends.


omg you both want aqua? what's wrong with you men. No wonder the Leo ladies told you to get lost.

I dont want the leo woman (cant stand leo ego)but it seems the leo is my only choice.

from quote above.

you are not nice men.
I'm a leo sun female and i would say go with an aqua.
