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Posted by stopbeingdelusionalThat's true and fair.Posted by rabidtalkergirl being more attractive does not equl guy being "ugly".
I read somewhere the happiest longer lasting relationships are when the girl is better looking than the guy so I will have to say yes to this. If I find a link to it I'll post it
it can be a 10 and an 8, for example.click to expand
Posted by SirB2
I think Cancers will always be needy and clingy when it comes to a Capricorn. No offense i like that but I swear even though i am a regularly moody person, when im around any Cancer I become extra moody and extra emotional so i want to be away from them instead. Then sometimes I like the soft feelings i get from Cancers. It's soooooooo 50-fifty when it comes to Cancer and Cap love match.
I can tell you this thread starter, keep doing what you're doing. If you want it to work then you're the key. Capricorns are stupid. I know, i am one. Confront him and tell him off as most Cancers would(when they get in that mode). Tell him how you feel and what's going on. Dont use detached logic like trying to find the answer(s)on DXP it's not your style or any Cancers style .
Oh, I also have aqua venus and im not like that at all. I like clingy women, i like to be around, i like to do things together. I answer texts all the time(well, tactically). lol..
Posted by ShadowcatHa! For me it's Virgo risings.Posted by FragranceYesPosted by ShadowcatAre you Virgo Rising?
I love Scorp risings so much.Because those who love Scorpio Risings have got to be Virgo or Cap Ascendant lol.
. Scorpio risings make up most of my good friends.
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Posted by SofiaV87Ariens with earth risings are agreeable people to be around. : )Posted by FragrancePosted by SofiaV87I know my peoplePosted by FragranceExactly what u said & it won't stop LOLPosted by SofiaV87Your anxiety is the cutest because in fact you're perfect in my eyes. I think most people perceive you as proper/neat/perfect, but you keep being hard on yourselves despite that.
Thank you ? Not easily impressed , yes anxiety (those damn details), can't stand small talk & showing incompetence is a no no.Shared what I know about Virgo AS without having read online descriptions... In fact, I learnt things about Virgos via the Ascendant.
What else... I like your style lol. Generally, you don't wear outfits that attract attention. Your clothes always smell nice.
All in all, I'm thankful I get to meet adorable, yet sensible people who share my nihilistic phases. Only with you I've had 5/6 hours of dark humour interaction, a whole day like that... heaven
Also, really kind people. And your voices have a pleasant intonation.
This is all so very true, although I do wear outfits here & there that can attract attention. Mostly the tight gym clothes. My Aries side comes out here & there with the "look at me outfit" lol i don't mind blending sometimes but other times I do like to feel like I'm standing out. I'm both. Friends have told me I have a "pleasant & calming voice/demeanor" I can have dark, quirky humor as wellclick to expand
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